Anyone else get the shakes?



  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    A few years ago, I met with a nutritionist who taught me how to balance my meals better so that I don't get so shaky during the day. I definitely get that way if I eat too little or not at all. I sometimes drink a glucerna shake to offset a really light meal or I'll drink OJ or have hard candy to help bring it back up. Talk to your doctor, they may have better suggestions.

    If OJ or a hard candy is working for you, that's great. Those don't work for me at all. They raise my blood sugar too quickly which results in an insulin spike, which then results in another hypoglycemic episode. I find that a little bit of protein works a lot better for me. It doesn't raise my blood sugar as quickly so it might take a few more minutes for the symptoms to go away, but it doesn't result in repeated episodes. YMMV.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    A few years ago, I met with a nutritionist who taught me how to balance my meals better so that I don't get so shaky during the day. I definitely get that way if I eat too little or not at all. I sometimes drink a glucerna shake to offset a really light meal or I'll drink OJ or have hard candy to help bring it back up. Talk to your doctor, they may have better suggestions.

    If OJ or a hard candy is working for you, that's great. Those don't work for me at all. They raise my blood sugar too quickly which results in an insulin spike, which then results in another hypoglycemic episode. I find that a little bit of protein works a lot better for me. It doesn't raise my blood sugar as quickly so it might take a few more minutes for the symptoms to go away, but it doesn't result in repeated episodes. YMMV.

    No offense, but you sound straight up diabetic, not hypoglycemic. In my particular case,I never, no matter how much sugar I eat, have high enough blood sugar to release that much insulin and crash my blood sugar. For me, I can have my blood sugar crash within 15 minutes of eating if the fat content is too high (but again, never an issue with high blood sugar).
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    If me and my mom don't eat for a few hours we get shakey and feel nauseated. When I started eating more often this stopped. I have a small breakfast, lunch, a snack, dinner, then a snack later. I always keep something with me in case I'm out so I don't stop for fast food. I also am less likely to over eat this way
    Try eating snacks between your meals. I like to carry around a luna bar, or some sunflower seeds or something.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    I get this if I eat alot of processed sugar. Since I have removed processed sugar from my diet I don't have this problem.
  • judkinsjenny
    I am hypoglycemic. it sucks. i eat small frequent meals. tey to keep cars low and i use fruit to get my sugar up with peanut butter or nutella to help keep it up there. your not full of crap! that stupid. i get sweaty, shaky and grumpy. eat more often. and make sure you have natural sugar w some protein to make it last.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    A few years ago, I met with a nutritionist who taught me how to balance my meals better so that I don't get so shaky during the day. I definitely get that way if I eat too little or not at all. I sometimes drink a glucerna shake to offset a really light meal or I'll drink OJ or have hard candy to help bring it back up. Talk to your doctor, they may have better suggestions.

    If OJ or a hard candy is working for you, that's great. Those don't work for me at all. They raise my blood sugar too quickly which results in an insulin spike, which then results in another hypoglycemic episode. I find that a little bit of protein works a lot better for me. It doesn't raise my blood sugar as quickly so it might take a few more minutes for the symptoms to go away, but it doesn't result in repeated episodes. YMMV.

    No offense, but you sound straight up diabetic, not hypoglycemic. In my particular case,I never, no matter how much sugar I eat, have high enough blood sugar to release that much insulin and crash my blood sugar. For me, I can have my blood sugar crash within 15 minutes of eating if the fat content is too high (but again, never an issue with high blood sugar).

    No offense taken. It's odd how fat does that to you as fat has the least effect on blood sugar levels and insulin production. I've never heard of that. Did a brief web search to find out about that and didn't see anything, but didn't look too hard either so I could have very well missed something.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    YES!!!!! I used to have this problem A LOT! Now that I think on it now that I eat more protein I don't have this issue. I do snack though and typically try and stay around 100-150 calories for each snack and then 300 for my meals to keep me around 1200 per day. I also try and make sure I eat protein before a hard workout. I always get a better workout in and then don't feel like I'm going to fall over. I suggest you see your Dr. and have a full blood workup done to make sure you are not anemic or anything else that might cause this to happen. Tell him/her what happens and under what circumstances. He/She should be able to help you out.

    Good Luck!
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Yep, I can relate... I go hypo and have completely passed out at the gym a few times (I go full out at the gym) are some tips

    * Test your sugar (you can get meters for free and a thing of strips will last you a while if just testing once a day), dont hit the gym if your under 90.
    * Keep a can or box of OJ in your bag...this will get you back up before you hit the floor
    *Glucose tabs are a good bag add as well but not as fast as OJ
    *Eat a slow carb an hour before the workout... It will give you fuel to give it 100% (brown rice, oats are good)
    *AVOID pre-workout sups with sugar... MANY of them are loaded with it. USPLabs makes quality products that have worked well for me (T2 diabetic with hypo issues)

    Oh if you get near or have passed out at the gym, get a medic alert bracelet and let your gym know.. those clowns were firing up the defibrillator when I came out of it and told them i just needed sugar..