Starting Over

Hi All~ My name is Ashley. I lost 90 pounds 10 years ago using a very popular point system. Kept it off for 2 years and then had four children in 5 years. Well unfortunately I have gained all but 20 back. So now I figured I would use this. I know several people who have had great success. I am looking forward to regaining my old self back and getting rid of this excess weight off


  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    WOW... do I KNOW that story!!! I lost 63# and got pregnant and held onto most of the baby weight for the last almost 9 years! Good luck to you!!! We can do this!!!
  • AloyMomNwife
    AloyMomNwife Posts: 146 Member
    After I had my second baby, almost 2 years ago, I lost all the baby weight and some extra in about 6 months and in the next six I put it ALL back. I ended up weighing what I did the day I went to the hospital for childbirth. I can't carry that much weight in my body without the pleasure of baby kicks inside of me so, here I am, getting rid of the lbs for good!! Good luck!!
  • lovessweets
    Best of luck with it all. Everyone here is so great and very helpful.
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    Welcome! You have done it before so I am sure you will reach your goals this time.

    Good luck!
  • Rohnic
    Rohnic Posts: 82
    Welcome Ashley
    Good Luck with your goals!
    add me if you like
  • smoonlitmaiden
    Hi my name is Lynsey. I have been inactive for over 6 years now and have been at my worst. I have had criticism from my man and from others, but I feel like there is no way to do anything anymore. I feel unmotivated sometimes and I just want to be back to a healthy range for my size. I weight 196 and am 5'4''. I am ashamed but have owned up to it to make a change. I need help though and motivation from someone to help keep it up.