Harsh, honest truth! (New friends search)

Good Morning Everyone!

I have had fitness pal for a little while, but have not used it as I should, therefore benefiting absolutely nothing! I have put on weight yet again and am absolutely finished with this constant struggle with myself! I need honest accountability, sometimes harsh if necessary. The "you're doing great!" is wonderful, but I need to hear the gritty truth. I don't want to be negative, that's not what I mean, but to hear butterflies and sugar plum all day is not going to get me from 195 to 150. If this is you, I'd love to be friends!!



  • TXBlonde81
    TXBlonde81 Posts: 78 Member
    Oh we have similar goals and weight. I'm 180 trying to get back to 145ish. I'm more than happy to help you along. :smile:
  • MJH2011
    Add me! I will add you
  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm 195lbs looking to get to 150lbs! I'm working on being more accountable also. Every time I try to lose weight I gain weight. I used to be 150lbs trying to lose weight, so how I got to 195 I have no clue haha.
  • elizabunny
    Sounds great, I look forward to it!
  • taglientep
    taglientep Posts: 338 Member
    Time to get our *kitten* in the guy and get in it! Add me and keep me motivated as well
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I am a mom of 6...tough love is what I do...add me, I can use some myself! Add me and we can motivate each other
  • cbelt82
    cbelt82 Posts: 62
    Add me! I need the same thing! I am 130 trying to to get to 120. I've not been able to break the 130 mark in YEARS so its been tough
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Hey girl! Motivation is HARD to get... that's why I love my friends! Feel free to add me.
    Have you worked out yet today? No? Do it!!
  • liaalyn
    liaalyn Posts: 112 Member
    Request sent! Lets bring on the motivation!
  • karensfit4life
    karensfit4life Posts: 27 Member
    Sending an invite.... We have similar goals and I would love to give/get the encouragement only someone in similar situation can offer :-)
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Sent a request! How tall are you? Our starting and ending weights are almost identical! :smile:
  • ryuthestorm
    add me im a young bodybuilder seeking for friend here too
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I have had fitness pal for a little while, but have not used it as I should, therefore benefiting absolutely nothing! I have put on weight yet again and am absolutely finished with this constant struggle with myself! I need honest accountability, sometimes harsh if necessary. The "you're doing great!" is wonderful, but I need to hear the gritty truth. I don't want to be negative, that's not what I mean, but to hear butterflies and sugar plum all day is not going to get me from 195 to 150. If this is you, I'd love to be friends!!

    This. Encouragement is fine, but the "patting on the back" for every little thing can get monotonous. TOUGH LOVE baby! I tell it like it is and many times I don't respond to many NSV's because some are just pretty lame.
  • colelea40
    colelea40 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! I kept excusing my weight gain to age and "that's just the way it is"....I am celebrating my 40th Birthday in January and my goal is to not only loose weight but to be in the best shape of my life. I've been at it for about 2 months and have lost 10 pounds, and am feeling great about it! I only recently got on fitnesspal compliments of a running friend so I'm new to this kind of accountability.

    I started out at 148 and through some intense workouts and moderate food "watching" I'm down to 138. Now I have a home to log my food, check my calories and help me understand how some of my bad food habits affect my health and my weight! My goal is to be at 128 by January 2nd.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Add me! I would like to utilize this website as well and people telling me I look fine the way I am and such is what I want.
    I want friends I can lose weight with, not gain!
  • Fit4Me1976
    I am right there with you...i have been on again, off again and every time i am off, I add more pouds...we need to stop this cycle. Add me as a friend and I would love to support you and vice versa.
  • elizabunny
    Sent a request! How tall are you? Our starting and ending weights are almost identical! :smile:

    I'm 5'8!
  • candylw
    candylw Posts: 37
    feel free to add me... and i like that too...be honest cause if not it gets no one anywhere!
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    If you want honesty, you got it. Feel free to add me :-)