When do you stop seeing the 'fat you' in the mirror?

DH and I were talking about this, he's lost 65 lbs but he still see's the 300 # man when he looks in the mirror. When I was folding laundry I was still in denial that I wear that size. We are both in awe of losing over 120 # combined, but we don't see ourselves in a new, healthier way.

Does it just take time to realize that you aren't as big as you were X long ago? That you can wear that, fit into that size, etc.?


  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    I still see me as the bigger me. Not sure when you start to realize you have changed, your body has changed. SO weird. I went shopping other day and out of habit I grabbed the size 16 pants and size large top. Tried it on and couldn't understand (for a second) why they were so big on me....I am still shocked that I can wear size 10 and size medium (and for one top, I actually picked up size small)....I am not sure when you actually get used to how your body has changed....so weird isn't it.

    I also have not been taking too many pictures of the new me...I saw some pictures that my friend took of me last week and it was a shock to see how different I looked. I think it just takes time for our brain to catch up to our body...lol!!!!

    You are doing great. Keep it up :-)
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I have the opposite problem. I still see the youthful, 20 year old, 120 lb body in the mirror when I look. That's a bad thing too because who I see in the mirror is NOT who is walking around in a size 22 pants!
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Im dealing with this too. Im in a size 12...and still see a size 18 in the mirror...and everyone tells me how good i look..how much weight i lost..and even tho the scale tells me..i just cant wrap everything around it..ya know? Im down 30lbs...45 to go to UG....When Im 140..will i still see a 215 lb person???
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am fit and healthy now but there are a lot of days I still look in the mirror and see the old 122-pounds heavier woman I used to be.

    I am trying to remind myself every day that I am a child of God and God doesn't make junk, so I am beautiful and special regardless of my size.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    A friend of mine from high school posted a photo of us from a retirement party we threw for our former high school band director - OMG, I looked like s***.... current to today, a facebook buddy of mine asked why I didnt have any pictures of myself on my profile (blocked the other one from other's view).... she was determined to get me to post one and Im really glad she did... she knows I LOATHE photos..

    I took a photo of me from the chest-to-head.... I dont have a full body length mirror yet as Im not comfortable yet to see myself....

    But, I compared the new photo to the one photo from the retirement party... OMG OMG OMG OMG...... WOW!!!!! I DO LOOK DIFFERENT!?!??!?!?!?!

    For a while, mentally I still saw the same old fat-me. But, when I compared the photos together... I was like, DAMN I changed!!!! Then all of a sudden, Im getting a phonecall from my facebook buddy saying "WOW YOU LOOK GREAT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!??!?!".... I never felt so good..

    If it takes the one thing I hate - taking a photo of myself, and comparing it to a new photo to retrain the brain ... then so be it!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I didn't really see it until I looked at pictures of myself at my heaviest. There was a huge difference in my face, and rest of my body. Dropping down a size helped, but dropping two sizes really helped. I put on my old XL shorts and am amazed to see how they're hanging on me.

    It takes time to see it, but you will eventually.
  • elemstuck
    I couldn't agree more on this. I am currently down 55lbs from where I started and I still just see the small gut that I still have. I saw a picture from a week ago while out tailgating and was surprised by the skinny looking guy in the picture.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    When I lost 63# (the first time around...) I actually said "Excuse me please" to my REFLECTION in a glass door cuz I thought someone else was standing there!!! My mom and husband laughed so hard that they still talk about it today. Geez.
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    It is very hard to grasp. I have only lost 24 lbs but people compliment me alot, but I still doubt. I keep thinking they are just trying to be nice. I havent been able to get a new wardrobe, so I am reminded every day by my loose clothes. Be proud. Maybe take new photos and hang somewhere to help.
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    you gotta look in the mirror and smile....then you see someone smiling back. :)
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    It is very hard to grasp. I have only lost 24 lbs but people compliment me alot, but I still doubt. I keep thinking they are just trying to be nice. I havent been able to get a new wardrobe, so I am reminded every day by my loose clothes. Be proud. Maybe take new photos and hang somewhere to help.

    Don't say ONLY 24 pounds! That's awesome!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    For a while, I was seeing the new me and LOVING it. Rockin' the size 10 jeans, enjoying my flat tummy, defined arms, etc. Now - I dunno, the shine has worn off and I'm not seeing the same things anymore. :noway: Not sure how to get that self-appreciation back.
  • cal1973
    cal1973 Posts: 306 Member
    I have the opposite problem. I still see the youthful, 20 year old, 120 lb body in the mirror when I look. That's a bad thing too because who I see in the mirror is NOT who is walking around in a size 22 pants!

    Can i use your mirror?
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    It is very hard to grasp. I have only lost 24 lbs but people compliment me alot, but I still doubt. I keep thinking they are just trying to be nice. I havent been able to get a new wardrobe, so I am reminded every day by my loose clothes. Be proud. Maybe take new photos and hang somewhere to help.

    Don't say ONLY 24 pounds! That's awesome!

    Thanks for the reminder! I am glad to have lost 24 lbs.:happy:
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I still have days like this too. I know it's ridiculous for me to look in the mirror and still think I'm fat. It's all in the mind.
  • jooles0
    jooles0 Posts: 47
    I am 236lbs lighter than I was 4 years ago! I still see a size 34 woman in the mirror sometimes!!!!
    I still think about going into plus size shops. I can't get my head around being a size 8/10 at all.
    I went for a massage today and felt fat but I think that's because I am very aware of the extra skin I have.
    Still waiting for my brain to catch up with my body but am reminded of how far I have come when I see people I haven't
    seen for a few years and they don't recognise me :)
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    I still see the old me. Even though I KNOW I lost weight so there's no way I'm still that bigger version of me, but...I still see it. It's ridiculous too, because now when I buy a top in a medium, I somehow think that my medium top is still bigger than everyone else who's buying the same medium top. It's hard to explain and I'm well aware that it's messed up. :ohwell:
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    I see the 'new' me in the mirror, its when I am not getting that reassurance from the mirror that I still think of myself as the 'old' me.

    The funny thing is that when I was at my heaviest, I did not think of myself that way, I was the svelt size 10 in a size 18 body! Talk about weird psychology - I am sure a therapist could make a fortune off me!!
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    I still see the fat me.
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    Jooles0: Way to go!! That is awesome & congrats on your loss! :happy: