What is hard for you on 30 day Shred?

I know I am not the only one who is doing this exercise and I am sure there are other threads about this, but this is for my own good.

I am curious what are the hardest things for you to do in the 30 minute shred and have you noticed improvement as you continued?

For me it is hard to do the Push-ups! I have never been able to do a push-up and I know they have the simplified version on it, but it is still extremely hard for me so I have to do it even more simplified and I feel so stupid for having to simplify it even more. Then when it comes to doing the jumping jacks, back kicks, jump rope - I am feeling so much pain in my thighs that it makes me not want to continue and I find myself taking those five second breaks for each one of them because I cannot go fully through. The last thing that I really have issues with is the bike crunches. I cannot hold my legs up like that for the allotted amount of time. I tend to do some then normal crunches and then try for more bikes.

Please tell me this gets easier and is there anything that is hard for you, or was hard for you?


  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Everything gets easier the more you do it!!! I can now do pushups the whole time (on my knees still). It is the pushups and the compound movements that are difficult, but I today will be my 6th day. Level 2 is horrid....just so you are prepared, but push yourself, do the low impact at first and take your time moving from level to level. Stick with it....move on when you feel like you can fly through the 25 minutes and want more.
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    I've only been doing the 30 DS for two days so far....but I find the hardest part for me is the push ups and the jumping jacks....I have heard that it gets easier as you go....right now our bodies are not used to all that...I guess the best thing to do is to just keep at it and push your body to do it....I'm hoping it does get easier because this is something I really want to stick with because I've heard that it really works!!:smile:
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I feel that it does get easier :P I'm actually going to move on to a new video because even increasing my weights, it's too easy! One thing I have trouble doing is anything in lunge position, especially if I have to squat. I think it's because I tore my calf muscle though, and those kinds of positions make it hurt. I also can't hold my balance for things in lunge position !
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    For me it was and still is the push-ups - hahaha wait until you get to the traveling push-ups - but when I do modified I tighten the core more and go low -for extra.....the other thing that is crazy is the V-squats and the side lunges w/ shoulder raises....ok I just realized something my upper body - arms are weak because all of this is upper body that is so hard for me....tomorrow is my day 10 of lvl 3 and I'm going to do it again but beginning with L2 & L3 only for 15 days each for this very reason stuff is still hard for me....Good Luck Ladies and don't stop you will see results!
  • michellevt725
    michellevt725 Posts: 190 Member
    I have to do the modified push ups. I have to stop during the jumping jacks/jump rope combo b/c it kills my shins and I had to stop during the bicycle crunches. I felt like I couldn't breath while I was doing them. Today was my day 1. I tried doing 30ds before but by day 3 my knees were killing me and I couldn't do it anymore. I'm planning on doing the video every other day this time to give my knees a break.
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 104 Member
    It only gets easier if you stick with it and push yourself a little harder each time. Everybody is different, so what's easy for you may be a killer for someone else. :)
    The first time I really tried for 30 days straight, I was so incredibly sore the first few days that I thought I would die. Then the soreness went away!

    By the end of level one, I wasn't a super stud, but could really tell a difference in my endurance.

    Level two was super hard for me. Lots of planks and those stupid V arm raises, I could never get all the way through.
    The good news? By the time I was about three two days into level 2, I could start to see some serious definition on my shoulders!

    When I hit day 6 of level 2, I caught a stomach bug and lost all my momentum.
    I'm starting over again on November 1.
    Search for 30 day shred challenge and find an active group to join! Its more fun when you can talk about it with other people who are going through the same thing.
  • casbar911
    casbar911 Posts: 61 Member
    msmayor- you should look into the no more trouble zones and fat blast metabolism ones... they are longer and the the NMTZ really takes all the strength moves from all 3 levels and puts them into 1 workout!! its killer but awesome!!!

    * I am currently doing her 30 slim down plan which rotates all 3 dvds!! on day 9 and can totally see results!!! *
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My shoulders and upper back are kind of weak so I'm right there with all of you who have trouble with the push-ups, planks, v squats, etc. It does get easier as you keep doing them but man are they tough in the beginning!
  • valucarelli
    valucarelli Posts: 15 Member
    The push ups are def. hard! But, as others have said, if you stick with it, it gets easier. When you get to level 3 there's alot of HIIT (high intesity interval training) which is pretty high impact. I have a hard time with all that jumping around and tend to stick to the low impact versions of the moves she does. But level 3 is brutal! I never did finish it.

    I was also sore for the first 4-5 days through level 1. I wanted to quit, but after reading some online reviews, everything I read said to push through the pain and keep going if you want to improve your endurance and see a difference in your body. It was hard, but I was glad I pushed through it! The first time I did 30DS was back in February when I couldn't get outside to exercise. Now that winter is rolling around again, I am going to do it again. I hope to make it through level 3 this time!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am glad I am not the only one who has weak spots in this! :heart:
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I almost wonder if I shouldn't have sold my copy..so many people like this DVD. I tried it once and couldn't stand Jilian's style. I then immediately put it on Craigslist. :laugh: Perhaps I'll give it another go!
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    msmayor- you should look into the no more trouble zones and fat blast metabolism ones... they are longer and the the NMTZ really takes all the strength moves from all 3 levels and puts them into 1 workout!! its killer but awesome!!!

    * I am currently doing her 30 slim down plan which rotates all 3 dvds!! on day 9 and can totally see results!!! *
    I'm going to check Amazon for the other 2 dvd's thanks!!!!
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 68 Member
    When I did the Shred I had a hard time with push ups. I don't think I will ever be able to do "Real" push ups. Also going from Jumping Jacks to Jump Rope was hard for me. And I hate lunges...But I stuck it out and did the whole 30 days and used her other dvds as well. It's worth it!!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I almost wonder if I shouldn't have sold my copy..so many people like this DVD. I tried it once and couldn't stand Jilian's style. I then immediately put it on Craigslist. :laugh: Perhaps I'll give it another go!

    It is only $9.....
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I almost wonder if I shouldn't have sold my copy..so many people like this DVD. I tried it once and couldn't stand Jilian's style. I then immediately put it on Craigslist. :laugh: Perhaps I'll give it another go!

    It is only $9.....

    I got it when it first released, it was a little more expensive. I just don't care to spend money on things I won't use. :smile:
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member

    I hate the chair squat with the V fly, and the side lunges w anterior raises - gah!

    I can do them, but they hurt...they hurt real bad lol
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member

    I hate the chair squat with the V fly, and the side lunges w anterior raises - gah!

    I can do them, but they hurt...they hurt real bad lol
    Me too - I think I need more upper body strength.....
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    When I did the Shred I had a hard time with push ups. I don't think I will ever be able to do "Real" push ups. Also going from Jumping Jacks to Jump Rope was hard for me. And I hate lunges...But I stuck it out and did the whole 30 days and used her other dvds as well. It's worth it!!

    With these it makes me feel bad for my downstairs neighbor. But I hope it is not to bad for them to hear me jumping around. I have not gotten any complaints yet. The only one I did was when I stepped on my cat's paw. she wanted to work out with me I guess :D
    I got it when it first released, it was a little more expensive. I just don't care to spend money on things I won't use.

    Come visit and you can work out with me on mine. At target is where I found it the cheapest. Best Buy was a few cents more. I didn't see what it was at Barnes and Noble or Walmart, but at Target it was like 9.98 or 9.89 or something like that. Dyslexia likes to kick my *kitten* when it comes to figuring it out :laugh:
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Sounds like a plan! :tongue: I saw it at Wally today for that price, but I'm looking through her other DVDs to see if I'd like another one better.
  • Doingitin2013
    Doingitin2013 Posts: 56 Member
    I just started doing the 30 Day Shred last Saturday and I swear Sunday morning I could hardly walk because my butt and thighs hurt so bad!!! I ABSOLUTELY hate push ups and have never been able to do them! I started with Level 1 and I do it every other day and I do it twice (40 mins) instead of just the 20 mins and after a while my legs and arms start to feel like jello! Lol... But, I will continue to try pushing through it and I know eventually it will get easier.