HELP! I am not losing weight :(



  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    If you're not losing weight, it won't be because you're gaining muscle weight. It takes a long time and a LOT of HARD work to build a noticeable amount of muscle. Plus if you're in a calorie deficit, you won't gain muscle mass either.
    My guess would be that you're not eating enough calories. Eat 1200 calories minimum and that includes eating back your exerise calories.
    Your muscles could also be holding water while they try and repair from the lifting. I think that's a common scenario to consider as well.

    Stick with it and it will work out. You'll lose weight. It may take a little bit but this is no race. If it was, the slowest would win.
  • truthbtold33
    ok. Here's the deal. If you are working out THAT MUCH then YOU HAVE TO EAT!! Your body thinks that you are starving it, and wants to hold onto that weight. When you set your goals on myfitness as far as lbs per week, it automatically creates a caloric deficit of 500 - 1000 calories. If you just stuck to THAT ALONE you would lose 1 - 2 lbs a week respectively. But if you are not hitting your calories, and then creating MORE of a deficit, you put your body into starvation mode, where it will automatically lower your metabolism as an act of self preservation. Working out is great, but the volume is too much. Not only are you creating too large a deficit, but long, endurance style workouts also cause your body to produce cortisol, which is a stress hormone that will not only lower metabolism, but actually has a cannibal effect (it eats your muscles)
    My advice?
    Shorten your workouts. instead of doing long cardio sessions, shorten them up by doing intervals (HIIT - google it:)
    Hit your calories. There are many creative ways to get healthy calories. 1 serving of almonds (15-20 nuts) is 170 cals! Try adding peanut butter to a protein shake.
    and lastly...
    CHEAT DAY! one day a week, pig out. eat some pasta and have dessert with a glass of wine. If your body is only used to have X amount of calories EVERY DAY. It will slowly adapt to make the most out of the calories without burning weight. Cheating one day a week throws your body off and basically restarts the clock on that adaptation process.
    You don't have to work harder, just smarter :) Good luck!
  • csue1970
    csue1970 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, I will let you look at my food diary, but I have to figure out how I will have to do it tonight, lunch hour is almost over. I'll check back in later, thanks everyone!!!
  • csue1970
    csue1970 Posts: 17 Member
    My food diary should be public now. I have about 75 lbs. to go to reach my goal. I've lost 54 lbs so far.

    Gotta go for now, please don't forget me. Your suggestions are so appreciated!
  • Princessa1982
    l also dont seem to be shifting weight more putting it on, on the scales and i have thrown out all the junk food and im on the 30 day shred work out as well as an hour jog about 4 times a week however i was wondering if the foods i still eat are affecting this such as bread, pasta and jacket potatoes? could anyone help?:smile:

    Bread & pastas are not the enemy... The white low fiber ones are! If you choose whole grains and pay attention to serving sizes, they are great tools in keeping your body running smoothly! I would switch to sweet potato as they are apparently better for you!

    A little tidbit that I learned at my last Biggest Loser meeting is that for every gram of fiber you eat, you lose 7cal when you pass it! Neat eh!
  • beckystahnke
    beckystahnke Posts: 41 Member
    A little tidbit that I learned at my last Biggest Loser meeting is that for every gram of fiber you eat, you lose 7cal when you pass it! Neat eh!

    Interesting... how does that work? Lol. I would actually really like to know!
  • Princessa1982
    A little tidbit that I learned at my last Biggest Loser meeting is that for every gram of fiber you eat, you lose 7cal when you pass it! Neat eh!

    Interesting... how does that work? Lol. I would actually really like to know!

    I copied this from my online manual that is locked with a passcode I do not think I am allowed to give out, but here is the section on Fiber!

    Want to eat more and weigh less? Think "density" when you're choosing foods.
    In nutrition lingo, foods that are low in "energy density" have lots of water and fiber, but little
    fat and fewer calories. How do they stack up nutritionally? Just fine - According to a new
    study. For example, a piece of apple pie has about 400 calories; for the same calories, you
    can crunch on five healthful apples -- and since one or two will fill you up, you'll skinny
    When you eat more foods that are dense in everything but fat and calories -- think juicy
    melons, pears, cucumbers, broccoli, and berries -- it not only helps keep you slim but also
    revs up the nutritional quality of your diet.
    When researchers compared people on low, medium, and high energy-density diets, they
    discovered that women who favored foods low in energy density averaged 250 fewer
    calories a day compared to those in the other groups; men averaged 425 fewer calories. Yet
    the nutritional quality of their meals didn't suffer. In fact, they had higher intakes of vitamins
    A, C, and B6; folate; iron; calcium; and potassium.

    In other words, eating low on the density scale isn't just good for your waist, it's good for
    your health; the extra fiber and nutrients fight disease as well as pounds.
    Fiber is often called the “miracle nutrient. Fiber and fiber-rich foods actually help regulate
    blood sugar, control hunger, and increase the feeling of fullness - all of which are essential
    to losing weight and keeping it off.
    8 reasons fiber is a miracle nutrient:
    1) It can help you lose weight.
    2) It allows you to maintain your weight loss.
    3) It reduces your chances of having a heart attack.
    4) It controls your blood sugar, therefore warding off Diabetes.
    5) It prevents cancer.
    6) It helps with regular bowel movements.
    7) It helps you develop a strong immunity to illness and diseases.

    One of the most impressive benefits of increasing your fiber intake is that is actually negates
    calories you’ve eaten for the day. Taking in more than 35 grams of fiber per day can help
    you take a 1700 calorie day and make it a 1400 calorie day, making weight loss a reality.
    The Fiber Flush = 7 x grams of fiber = Total calories excreted in a bowel movement - the
    calories of the days total = your Net Calories. The "Fiber Flush" is 7 calories deducted for
    every gram of fiber consumed.
    Calculating the Fiber Flush
    7 X ____Fiber grams = ____ Fiber Flush which is the total calories excreted in a BM
    Total Calories = _____ (minus) the ____ Fiber Flush amount = _____ which is my Net Calories

    How does it work?
    Fiber absorbs calories and carries them out of the body as waste, so they aren’t able to be
    stored as fat. In this way, fiber act as a natural fat blocker, much like the popular fat blocker
    pills available for weight loss.
    If it’s that easy we should all boost our fiber intake today and take in 35 or more grams of fat
    per day, right? Wrong! Adding fiber to your diet needs to be done gradually. Though fiber is
    a natural and healthy nutrient, it can also mess up your digestive system if you are not used
    to it and overload on it too quickly. Your body needs time to adjust to the increase in fiber
    and drink WATER!
  • csue1970
    csue1970 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm netting, after exercise calories are figured, around 1000 calories on a GOOD day.
  • csue1970
    csue1970 Posts: 17 Member
    I haven't measured my waist in a couple of months. I will do that as soon as I can find my tape measure (I'll keep you posted). I am making progress. My clothes are fitting better and some are even getting a little big. I just feel like if I slow down the exercise and increase calories, that I will gain :(
  • aprilbriann
    You need to eat way more!!!! Your body needs the energy!
  • csue1970
    csue1970 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow! Good information :) Thanks so much for sharing!!
  • csue1970
    csue1970 Posts: 17 Member
    I measured my waist and since I began this weight loss journey, I've lost 7.5 inches in my waist alone. Now I'm not sure how much of that was within the last month, since I started using MFP and working out at the gym. But I'm taking everyone's advice and I'm going to track that on here from now on :)

    Feeling a little better now. Thanks to all of you who know more about this than me!
  • batgirlmama
    batgirlmama Posts: 99 Member
    eat some more - get some good yogurt and top it with some fruit. You really should! You are doing awesome, but this weight journey certainly doesn't have to be torture.
  • batgirlmama
    batgirlmama Posts: 99 Member
    I just glanced through your food diary and most days you have 300-500 calories remaining. You really need to eat these! Your body will go into starvation mode with this.
  • niamhbob
    niamhbob Posts: 3 Member
    I was in the same boat but figured out while i was on target for calories i was getting them from some of the wrong foods! Track your sodium intake and make sure you are eating lots of fruits and veg, have some at every meal if possible.I learned that 200 calories for a slice of pizza and 200 from a healthy wrap are two very different things
    Eat lean meats and fish and try to limit processed foods. I changed and have started losing. Its slow but it is happpening. I excercise 3-4 times a week. I also just bought the 30 day shred and I am hoping this will make a difference.

    Are you sure goal calorie intake is correct? It sounds like you should be eating more. You will get there. Its slow and frustrating but losing it slowly and healthily will pay off (or so i keep telling myself)!
  • csue1970
    csue1970 Posts: 17 Member
    My goal calorie intake was generated for me. I guess it's correct (??) What I am thinking MAY be part of the problem is the MFP exercise database. When I work out at the gym, I look on the cardio machines at the calories burned and it's nowhere near what the database says I'm burning (???)

    Could that also be part of the problem?
  • Princessa1982
    My goal calorie intake was generated for me. I guess it's correct (??) What I am thinking MAY be part of the problem is the MFP exercise database. When I work out at the gym, I look on the cardio machines at the calories burned and it's nowhere near what the database says I'm burning (???)

    Could that also be part of the problem?

    I use a heart rate monitor for this exact purpose. Before I got one I always logged the lower amount just to be on the safe side! Some people do a happy medium, for example, if your machine says 300 cal, but on here it says 400, then maybe put 350...

    But investing in a heart rate monitor was one of the best things I ever did, it is much more accurate of a reading!!!