Need new ideas for new goals

I lost 17 lbs. I am at 140. I wanted to get leaner, but my husband keeps insisting I am fine where I am. So I am kind of at a crossroads. My abs are flat and slightly defined. I have 'sidelines' (As my friend and I call them) but no 'playing field'. The shorts the Navy requires me to wear are loose again...I've had to start using the drawstring and I still feel like they are going to fall off my bum when I run. My clothes all fit well; I think I am between a size 6 or 8.

I guess I don't know what to focus on next. I was going to lose 5 more lbs, but that is what is always in my head....5lbs more and it will be better. I want to break that cycle but I need to find something else to do. I thought of muscle building, but the husband is freaked out when I am well defined with muscles. I want to do yoga and bust out some of those crazy flexible moves, but there are no classes nearby. I guess I need ideas from you beautiful peoples to help break me out of this vicious cycle.

Note: I am required by the Navy to workout every day during the week during working hours for an hour. This is when I do all of my working out, except on weekends.


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Any way you can have your body fat % measured? Maybe you could work on that number instead of focussing on the scale.

    Oh, and there's nothing wrong with strength training. Tell your husband you're not going to turn into the Hulk, you're going to get stronger and leaner. It's really hard for women to 'bulk' up anyway.
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    First: CONGRATS :flowerforyou:

    Since your BMI is 22... I can only ask what is your body fat % ?

    that might help knowing if it's time to stop, stillat the moment i think you can either lose 5 lbs more or just stay where you are! :bigsmile:
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    First: Congrats on your success so far!

    Maybe it's time to pick up a competitive activity. Have you thought about joining a club volleyball team? Running a marathon? A Triathlon?

    If you want to set goals for yourself, maybe your goal can be to complete a p90x for the entire 90 days or something.

    I have things that I want to accomplish and they seem sooooo far out there right now.
    - Do more than 3 pull-ups/Chin-ups without cheating. (I am using a guide I found at to get me there)
    - Six Pack by January. (not realistic but I have 'sidelines' now!)
    - 16% body fat (my bathroom scale tells me 24% currently. I haven't been below 20% in 10 years).
    - Compete in a badminton tournament (Because I miss competitive sports)
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    I watched your hoop video. WOW! that is AMAZING. I am wondering if that is as good of a workout as it appears. What a fun way to exercise. You are fascinating to watch. Congratulations.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    1. I can't run outside because of a blood clot I had last year. It takes weeks for my leg to recover. I only run on a treadmill once a week, if that.
    2. I don't know what my body fat percentage is. How can I figure it out? And those pancakes are making me hungry.
    3. I did some strength before and my husband was freaked, even though I thought I looked normal.
    I should have noted that I am currently limited to what I can do because of my blood clot last year. Once I get out of the Navy I will be free to do more.

    -Hooping is a great way to work out, but it takes a lot of practice. :) 150 lb woman burns about 210 cals. :)

    I may just have to go back to doing muscle building. I really enjoyed it (more than cardio, ha!)