My interesting way of preventing binge eating/ over eating..

One of my biggest reasons for starting this MFP thing was because I noticed that I was starting to binge and overeat WAY TOO MUCH. Pretty much every day after I put my kids down for their nap I would go nuts with the snacking. I'd alternate between pretzels, and then some cereal, and then some nuts, and then some chocolate, and so on and so on. I'd eat some of my kids' dinner and then eat when my husband came home too- and then I'd eat after dinner. It is amazing to me that I didn't put on more weight than I did! I was easily eating at least 3,000 calories a day.

I wanted to make sure that I would be able to stick with MFP this time around. When I tried it in the past I restricted foods, didn't eat back exercise calories, and tried not to snack and stuff. I knew that for this to work I would have to actually enjoy it and work with myself instead of against myself.

So one of the things I've been doing is I've been taking all of the foods that I love to binge on and I make it part of my plan to eat them. Many days I'll get a bowl and fill it up with measured portions of nuts, chex cereal, chocolate chips and pretzels and eat it during my kids nap. Instead of binging, I'm eating a 450 calorie "snack". When I'm done, I feel very satisfied. It gives me the energy to get through the second half of my day with a 2 yr old and a 7 month old. I've found that it has prevented me from feeling like binging later on in the day or at night. And it feels good to know that when I'm done, I'm really done- logging those foods has helped me regain control over how much I eat. I like that I can have all of my favorite foods in my house and not have to worry about losing control and binging on them.

Anyway, I just thought it was an interesting way to work with my binge eating habits rather than just trying to give it up cold turkey. And it seems to be working- I've been doing this for 8 weeks and I've lost 6.5 pounds. I'm setting myself up for success by slowing changing my habits. My plan is to keep this up for a while and then reevaluate.

Has anyone else found a way to "work with" and tweak their old habits rather than just getting rid of all temptation in their house?


  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    sounds great! This is a lifestyle so we need to find ways that we can live w/ so we arent riding the diet rollercoaster for the rest of our lives!
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    Duct tape. It has numerous uses, either directly across the food receptacle (mouth) or wrapped around the food dispenser (fridge). They both help the caloric intake immensely. Given the fashion forward sense of America today I recommend any of the "fashion" designs.

  • jenfactor
    jenfactor Posts: 124
    that's a great tip. I'd be interested in hearing everyone else's too!
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    Smart. I believe that total deprivation leads to failure. EAT that chocolate cake... but just a bite or two...
  • mexy04
    mexy04 Posts: 96
    This is so challenging for me. I think because we all crave different things. When I sit down to eat I have to eat it all lol its just so compulsive I don't know how to stop it. Some days I'm good others its just unbearable. I am like you changing habits slowly and making progress but at the same time I will go two steps forward and three back. Its just very frustrating but like you I am measuring things more and stay way more conscious of what is going in rather than ignoring the reality of it and just hoping I don't do the same the next day. Well wish me luck. Things are getting better.
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    your snack sounds really good!!
  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    I think that's a great idea!! Its all about changes, and you can only change so much in a little bit. It sounds like you have a great plan that really works for you! I try to log everything I am going to eat the morning of so I know exactly what I am going to eat, how many calories I have, and how many I have left for extra snacks or treats. :)

    Although, I just got my wisdom teeth pulled, and it was a GREAT way to stop drinking pop and caffeine! :)
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    That's a great suggestion! Thanks for sharing!
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    Portion control is everything! I too, count out the chips/crackers instead of opening the bag and mindlessly munching away! It's a small step in the right direction for me. Best wishes on your weight loss journey. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need more support and encouragement!
  • melianne125
    melianne125 Posts: 90 Member
    That's a great way to get your "treat." :)
  • I love condiments. I have found that cutting them out completely just doesn't work for me, but using just 1/2 a tablespoon of mayo or ranch etc. gives me the flavor and helps keep the craving at bay!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I could kiss you.

    Well done being sensible and a problem solver. I was worried you were going to say you sprayed it all with Windex so you wouldn't eat it.
  • I think the issue some people (myself included) have with eating a bite or two is not being able to stop. If I don't have that chocolate cake in front of me, I won't think about it. If I don't have that 1 bite, I won't know how good it is. It's easier not to start than it is to stop once you've started.

    Just my personal opinion..
  • Just so you know, now i want a homemade chex mix thing. *sigh* haha
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    I love this idea!! I personally do not have the self-control to be able to NOT eat the foods that I love, so I still buy things that I enjoy eating, I just portion them out into baggies! That way, don't have the option to nibble here or there, if I'm going to eat it, I have to eat the whole "package". Also, I control binge eating by NOT bringing things that I'm likely to binge eat into the house! I find this a lot easier when I'm away at school, since it's my own apartment, and all of us buy our own groceries. However it's a little harder to tell my parents what to buy and what not to buy, lol. :)
  • Great ideas! Once I started tracking everything I eat on MFP, it really opened my eyes to what I was eating and just HOW MUCH I was eating, and how many calories I was consuming every day, without exercising. Talk about a slap in the face! I had read over and over again in magazines, online and heard it on TV: if you write down, or track what you eat, you'll lose weight. And doing the crazy fad diet isn't going to work. Have your cake, eat it and then make sure you exercise. It's so much esier than we think. And planning ahead, like you are, is keeping yourself in check as well. :wink:
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    I've got a similar situation. I was eating way to many toddler foods at night time. Once I start eating them, I wil not stop. But I like to have a snack after dinner. My solution... CARROTS. INstead of the cereal/crackers. I get a carrot. It is sweet. crunchy and healthy.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I found the same thing! I just honestly logged what I was actually eating (which I totally thought was not that much) and was like, uh ooooh... I was especially surprised because I always have egg and toast for breakfast and I thought I was being so overindulgent and I would need to cut that out because that was CERTAINLY what was making me fat... when that ended up being like 300 calories. NOT a huge deal. And the stuff that I would eat and drink in the late evening? The "light snacks" I was eating (more like 500-600 calories worth of crap)? THAT was what I needed to work on! So I am super-thankful to MFP for helping me see where my problems really were.

    I have found that I LOVE air-popped popcorn with seasonings on it. No butter, but sometimes I will use a little olive oil cooking spray to get the spice to adhere. And then I use cumin and cayenne and it tastes really good to me, and it is like 100 calories for 6 cups popped. Totally fills me up, and it feels like junk food but isn't (popcorn is technically a whole grain).
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I believe that if you crave it you should eat it. Just dont go overboard. If this idea works for you then keep doing it. i still eat chocolate and cake and drink wine I just do it in moderation now instead of eating half the pan of muffins I split one with my daughter and I buy the dark chocolate and only eat a square rather than the whole bar.
  • SAC0O3
    SAC0O3 Posts: 95
    Thats a good tip! I will have to try it out!
    I snack away when my little guy naps too... And when he is awake. I used to blame it on the breastfeeding but there is no reason to eat 3000 calories (which was my average)! I always binged on healthy stuff: oatmeal, apples, peanuts, toast, etc but by the end it all adds up really quickly. (Good thing I don't crave chocolate that much otherwise that would be a problem!)