Eventually Ill be a bride-to-be...



  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one in this boat!

    My Mr. Wonderful is named Andrew-- We actually met online, of all places (people always get the 'oh, wow' look on their face like we're circus performers, haha) and knew on the first date that this was the real deal. That was 4 months ago-- yes, quick, but he is unlike anyone I've ever dated and I can't imagine wanting anyone else. I am in love with my best friend. :)

    Girls who are engaged---

    How did he propose?!
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Do it for yourself, not for anyone else. YOU are worth it, whether you're a bride-to-be or not! The prospect of being the center of attention at a wedding may provide a little extra motivation, but the ultimate goal is being the healthiest person you can be. It's not just for the wedding, it's for the rest of your life.

    Good advice! But I don't think anyone is doing it for someone else. If they're like me, they're doing it so they can enjoy that one special day in that one special dress with every eye on her and know that she looks amazing. And so that the wedding photos can be truly cherished.

    'I'm not sure about other people, but no matter how good a photo is of me, if I am overweight, I dislike it.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Forgive me for going overboard if I am, but while we're on the subject, is this not hilarious?

    Our face paint from a fall festival this past Saturday.

    hehe! by deeanneuhh, on Flickr
  • ammbbbeeeerrrrr
    i'm kind of in the same boat. i overheard my boyfriend and his cousin ( my close bff) talking and he said he planned on proposing when he got hired on at his "real job" and he did and he's kind of been talking about getting married a little bit.

    i'm always nervous anytime we go anywhere that he might pop the question.. hahah

    another reason to lose all these pounds! thanks for the motivation. i never really looked at it like that.
  • irisherin82
    irisherin82 Posts: 66 Member
    My honey and I met via the internet as well :) we were matched on eHarmony :)

    We were supposed to go sky diving for his 30th birthday, but he decided that he wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride instead... I kinda had an idea that he had plans in mind for proposing! We went on a private hot air balloon ride over Temecula wine country.... it was beautiful! Well the basket we were in (because it was private), didnt really allow for him to propose, so the ride came and went with no proposal (which I wasnt depressed by, because I figure if he didnt do it, the hot air balloon ride was a ploy to distract me) hehehe. After the hot air balloon ride we went to one of the near by wineries to check it out, his friends had gotten married there and he really liked the location. While we were walking around the property he stopped me and put his arms around me and asked me if I'd be his wife :) Because I had already dismissed it happening that day, it definitely surprised me :)
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    My honey and I met via the internet as well :) we were matched on eHarmony :)

    We were supposed to go sky diving for his 30th birthday, but he decided that he wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride instead... I kinda had an idea that he had plans in mind for proposing! We went on a private hot air balloon ride over Temecula wine country.... it was beautiful! Well the basket we were in (because it was private), didnt really allow for him to propose, so the ride came and went with no proposal (which I wasnt depressed by, because I figure if he didnt do it, the hot air balloon ride was a ploy to distract me) hehehe. After the hot air balloon ride we went to one of the near by wineries to check it out, his friends had gotten married there and he really liked the location. While we were walking around the property he stopped me and put his arms around me and asked me if I'd be his wife :) Because I had already dismissed it happening that day, it definitely surprised me :)

    Awwww, I love it! I am grinning like a fool, haha.

    Andrew and I met on okcupid-- Yay for fellow online daters with a happy ending. :)
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    Adam and I met at a bar one night. No really. I was at a friend's house--planning on just staying the night there then going back to campus in the morning. Her friend Andrew called us up to go out to the bar so we said fine. I was in crummy sweats and a t-shirt. Andrew introduced Adam and I and we talked all night. He asked for my number and we went our separate ways. He asked me to come over and watch movies the next day--been together ever since. Shortly after we got together, I was in London interning for two months--I moved in once I got back :) He's my best friend and my everything <3
  • Lylora
    Lylora Posts: 21
    "Do it for yourself, not for anyone else. YOU are worth it, whether you're a bride-to-be or not! The prospect of being the center of attention at a wedding may provide a little extra motivation, but the ultimate goal is being the healthiest person you can be. It's not just for the wedding, it's for the rest of your life."

    My bf proposed in the Palais Garnier in paris, it was very romantic. My wedding is next August and my mother has just signed me up for a personal trainer. I'm 25 pounds over where I want to be for my wedding, and I'm struggling with two contradictory feelings. On the one hand, I hate how our culture fetishizes brides and weddings...as I've been planning (hint: A Practical Wedding website is amazing) I've come to really resent the traditionalism, sexism, and overall loonyness of what I call the wedding industrial complex. If I want to lose weight, I'll do it for me--or to look hot for my fiance--but not just because everyone expects me to shrink for the dress, or whatever. Actually, I already have the dress, so if I lose weight I'll have to alter it down. (Not saying that's bad!) On the other hand, here's an absolutely perfect motivation for losing weight. I really struggle with motivation (I lose 10 lbs, then decide I'm doing great and put it all back on again) so the fear/shame of appearing in front of everyone larger than I want to be might just do the trick. I'm just so resentful of it as a motivation, and that makes me a bit skeptical that it will work. So...brides to be, have you had any success with making getting fit for the big day work for you, not everyone else's expectations? If so, what worked? Thanks for bringing this up, Auntdeedee, great topic, and timely for a lot of us!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    doubt seriously i will ever be a bride, but not going to let the stop me from getting in shape :ohwell:
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    "Do it for yourself, not for anyone else. YOU are worth it, whether you're a bride-to-be or not! The prospect of being the center of attention at a wedding may provide a little extra motivation, but the ultimate goal is being the healthiest person you can be. It's not just for the wedding, it's for the rest of your life."

    My bf proposed in the Palais Garnier in paris, it was very romantic. My wedding is next August and my mother has just signed me up for a personal trainer. I'm 25 pounds over where I want to be for my wedding, and I'm struggling with two contradictory feelings. On the one hand, I hate how our culture fetishizes brides and weddings...as I've been planning (hint: A Practical Wedding website is amazing) I've come to really resent the traditionalism, sexism, and overall loonyness of what I call the wedding industrial complex. If I want to lose weight, I'll do it for me--or to look hot for my fiance--but not just because everyone expects me to shrink for the dress, or whatever. Actually, I already have the dress, so if I lose weight I'll have to alter it down. (Not saying that's bad!) On the other hand, here's an absolutely perfect motivation for losing weight. I really struggle with motivation (I lose 10 lbs, then decide I'm doing great and put it all back on again) so the fear/shame of appearing in front of everyone larger than I want to be might just do the trick. I'm just so resentful of it as a motivation, and that makes me a bit skeptical that it will work. So...brides to be, have you had any success with making getting fit for the big day work for you, not everyone else's expectations? If so, what worked? Thanks for bringing this up, Auntdeedee, great topic, and timely for a lot of us!

    Oh hell, I'm not at all concerned with what other people think I should look like.
    My thinking is-- I've waited 25+ years for this day, with this man, and I am going to be insecure and camera-shy all day just because I don't feel as beautiful as he tells me I am every day.
  • ManicMelody
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one in this boat!

    My Mr. Wonderful is named Andrew-- We actually met online, of all places (people always get the 'oh, wow' look on their face like we're circus performers, haha) and knew on the first date that this was the real deal. That was 4 months ago-- yes, quick, but he is unlike anyone I've ever dated and I can't imagine wanting anyone else. I am in love with my best friend. :)

    Girls who are engaged---

    We met online as well! When I was 16! We will be celebrating 5 years together in February. He actually snuck out of his house to meet me when I was turning 17 and he was 18. Snuck out of his house isn't really accurate. He pulled a giant heist and hopped a plane to Oklahoma. We've been inseparable ever since. He proposed in a park that drops off into the Gulf in St. Petersburg Florida on March 20, 2010. It was absolutely perfect. =] Our wedding date is set for October 15th, 2013. On my grandma's birthday since she can't be there. We are eloping to the Florida Keys and having a big reception at home, where I will wear my dress and all.
    How did he propose?!
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    I got engaged to my amazing fiancee July 1st and our wedding is June 23, 2012! I already have my dress and it is strapless so I want to lose weight and tone these flabby arms!! We met on facebook last august and made it official in september. I knew he was the real deal when I got sick on the first date but he still drove the hour to see me and watch movies and make me dinner before driving back. The next day when I was better he came back to take me on a real date! we were together 10 months before he proposed but started looking at rings probably around our 6th month or before. He proposed at our favorit restaurant (P.F. Chang's) and when I opened my fortune cookie it was a picture of us and it said "Lauren Elizabeth ****ie, will you marry me?" and when I looked up he was on his knee with the ring. He had hired a photographer and someone to video tape it, everyone in the restaurant cheered and clapped :D I lost 30 lbs from feb to april but slacked off in april after my graduation and gained bout 9 lbs back, I am bout 3 lbs away from where I was before I slacked off and I have only been doing it again for bout 3 weeks. I just want to feel sexy in my lingerie on my wedding night b/c my dress already makes me feel beautiful! :D I can't wait to be Mrs. Peters :D

    Girls, just be patient (I know it's annoying to hear) because all good things come to those who wait :D I waited and got more than I could have ever asked for!
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I got engaged to my amazing fiancee July 1st and our wedding is June 23, 2012! I already have my dress and it is strapless so I want to lose weight and tone these flabby arms!! We met on facebook last august and made it official in september. I knew he was the real deal when I got sick on the first date but he still drove the hour to see me and watch movies and make me dinner before driving back. The next day when I was better he came back to take me on a real date! we were together 10 months before he proposed but started looking at rings probably around our 6th month or before. He proposed at our favorit restaurant (P.F. Chang's) and when I opened my fortune cookie it was a picture of us and it said "Lauren Elizabeth ****ie, will you marry me?" and when I looked up he was on his knee with the ring. He had hired a photographer and someone to video tape it, everyone in the restaurant cheered and clapped :D I lost 30 lbs from feb to april but slacked off in april after my graduation and gained bout 9 lbs back, I am bout 3 lbs away from where I was before I slacked off and I have only been doing it again for bout 3 weeks. I just want to feel sexy in my lingerie on my wedding night b/c my dress already makes me feel beautiful! :D I can't wait to be Mrs. Peters :D

    Girls, just be patient (I know it's annoying to hear) because all good things come to those who wait :D I waited and got more than I could have ever asked for!

    How sweet! This made me tear up. Congratulations :)
  • idcatiej22
    idcatiej22 Posts: 49 Member
    i'm in the same boat! we actually talked it over this past weekend, and we both know that's where we want to be...but we want to get our lives together first (full time jobs, apartments, etc). that's kind of the whole reason i started this! i wanna be in the best shape possible for my man so we can both look amazing for all of those photo ops :)