weight loss questions

Okay I'm kinda new to the whole counting calories thing and tracking exercising. Ive lost weight before but now I'm tryin to do it properly I guess. Alright so I'm 20 years old, i'm about 5'3 and I weigh about 187. Ive been pretty much following just what is on here, so i eat about 1400-1500 sometimes a little tad more. Every day I usually run/walk I alternate cause I can only run for 5 mins straight so I usually go 5 min run 5 min walk etc. I usually do this for 20-30 mins and I work in a gym so I have a trampoline so I jump on that sometimes etc. So my exercise calories or whatever that's called usually adds about 200-300.

1) Do I have to eat the extra exercise calories and what if I dont?
2) How much should I be exercising?
3) Does my calories sound right? Or should I be eating more depending on my age and height etc.
4) I'm looking to lose 1-2 pounds a week, so am I doing this right?
5) What are some good low carb and low fat recipes or snacks or food
6) Whats the best cardio? Running? Go to the gym? Walking? etc.
7) How much strength training should I be doing in order to tone?
8) Would it be beneficial to do the 3o day shred?

I'm sure I have more questions but I cant think right now lol


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    1. yes
    2. as much as you want. 3-4 times a week is a good start point
    3. sounds right
    4. yes
    5. look at skinnytaste.com best recipes ever!
    6. best cardio is the one you enjoy doing. runnning burns the most for me
    7. lift HEAVY at least 2 times a week
    8. Many people have success with the 30 day shred
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    I personally would not eat all the extra exercise calories they give you on here since everyones caloric maintenance levels (the amount of calories you can eat without gaining/losing weight) is different I would always be on the safe side and maybe only eat 100 of your extra 2-300 calories. As for your questions;
    1. If you don't eat them all you will lose more weight at a more rapid pace.
    2. That all depends on you don't overtrain your body but 20-30 minutes a day is a good place to start. Add on time as you go through your diet.
    3. The calories sound efficient I would say stick to 1200-1300 but not more than that really.
    4. Realistically you don't want to be losing more than 1.5lbs a week and typically you'd only be losing that much if you're at a great caloric deficit. So you way want to consider reducing your intake by an extra 50 or so calories a day.
    5. Carbs don't add weight only eating over your calorie limit will make you gain weight. Therefore don't take out carbs unless their loaded in calories. Oatmeal is great for mornings fills you up and only has 150 cals for 1/2 cup. Low fat I like to look for things I enjoy eating that are fat free. (Fat free cheese, skim milk, hell even fat free ice cream but be careful with that one!, fat free hot dogs, chicken is excellent, egg whites)
    6. Cardio is essentially cardio if you want to tone up your legs more do more "sprint" type cardio doesn't mean you have to set the treadmill to 10mph I mean a sprint as it applies to your own sprint pace.
    7. 3-5 days a week is pretty solid for strength training.
    8. Don't know what that is.
  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    1) Do I have to eat the extra exercise calories and what if I dont?
    It's your choice to eat them or not. I eat mine because I like to eat a lot of food. I wouldn't exercise if I didn't want to eat more.
    2) How much should I be exercising?
    You seem to be exercising fine. Do whatever you are comfortable with as long as you don't get hurt.
    3) Does my calories sound right? Or should I be eating more depending on my age and height etc.
    Your calories seem correct if you want to have a 1000 calories deficit every day.
    4) I'm looking to lose 1-2 pounds a week, so am I doing this right?
    You are doing it completely right.
    5) What are some good low carb and low fat recipes or snacks or food
    Pass, or you can look at my diary for ideas.
    6) Whats the best cardio? Running? Go to the gym? Walking? etc.
    Running is a very good cardio. It burns atleast 10 calories a minute.
    7) How much strength training should I be doing in order to tone?
    20-30 mins 3 times a week.
    8) Would it be beneficial to do the 3o day shred?
    30 day shred is very good. You can do it. It takes 25 mins to do and will burn about 228 calories per session for you.
    I have answered based on your age, height and weight in pounds.
  • nsanati
    nsanati Posts: 40 Member
    Hey Lady ~ Welcome to MFP! One thing you definitely have on your side is your youth! The younger you are, the faster you are able to drop weight! Anyway, to lose 1-2 lbs per week, you may need to decrease your daily calories by like 1-200. And if you do not "use up" the calories you earn by exercising, then you will only lose weight FASTER!!! As far as cardio goes, I use an elliptical at home (& recently had a TV installed in front of it!), but I also like recumbant biking & Pilates. Just find something you like doing, or a couple of things and alternate betwwen them. Having friends who are also trying to lose weight helps too ...

    To add muscle (& increase your metabolism even more, thus burning more fat) strength training with weights is a great idea, but you don't need much: like 12 reps of each exercise with light weights, three sets, alternating different muscle groups. I like resistance bands too for muscle toning ... I do the weight lifting after cardio since my metabolism is already rev'd up ... I don't know how much you should be exercising (as much as you can?) but I do know that when I was in really good shape in college, I worked out for a solid hour, so if I can get there again, I'll be super happy! The 3 day shred sounds like a great challenge, but depending on how strong you feel right now, you may want to wait until you're ready & can really kick butt! Good Luck & Feel Free to Add Me as a Friend!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Okay I'm kinda new to the whole counting calories thing and tracking exercising. Ive lost weight before but now I'm tryin to do it properly I guess. Alright so I'm 20 years old, i'm about 5'3 and I weigh about 187. Ive been pretty much following just what is on here, so i eat about 1400-1500 sometimes a little tad more. Every day I usually run/walk I alternate cause I can only run for 5 mins straight so I usually go 5 min run 5 min walk etc. I usually do this for 20-30 mins and I work in a gym so I have a trampoline so I jump on that sometimes etc. So my exercise calories or whatever that's called usually adds about 200-300.

    1) Do I have to eat the extra exercise calories and what if I dont?
    2) How much should I be exercising?
    3) Does my calories sound right? Or should I be eating more depending on my age and height etc.
    4) I'm looking to lose 1-2 pounds a week, so am I doing this right?
    5) What are some good low carb and low fat recipes or snacks or food
    6) Whats the best cardio? Running? Go to the gym? Walking? etc.
    7) How much strength training should I be doing in order to tone?
    8) Would it be beneficial to do the 3o day shred?

    I'm sure I have more questions but I cant think right now lol

    1. With the amount of exercise you are doing, and your size, and the fact that you are eating 1400-1500 calories a day, right now the answer is no--you do not need to eat back any exercise calories. If you substantially increase your workout routine, then it might help to eat a little extra after workouts--so that you have enough fuel to keep up with your routine. Every 6-8 weeks, you might want to take a "break" and eat at maintenance calories for a week.

    2. I recommend 5-6 days per week, combining cardio and strength training. 3-4 days of medium-long cardio and two days of shorter cardio (higher intensity intervals or steady state); on those days you do your resistance training.

    3. Calories sound fine for now. In you case, I would recommend 100g of protein (or 1.5 g protein per kg of body weight, whichever is higher), 20%-25% of calories from fat and the rest complex carbohydrates. There is no need for you to go "low carb" at this time.

    4. I recommend you get a good fundamental program going (see previous recommendations) and let the rate of weight loss take care of itself.

    6. What you do is not as important as HOW you do it. Have a purpose for every workout (even if the "goal" that day is to take it easy), have an overall plan, and work hard when you can. Monitor your intensity (either by perceived exertion or a heart rate monitor) and have a focus.

    7. I recommend a basic program of big-muscle lifts, done twice per week. Whether you start with free weights or machines depends on you current level of proficiency or what instruction you have available. By big muscles I mean legs, chest, back, shoulders. For now, don't waste time on peripheral exercises--biceps, triceps, abs, etc. You can start with lighter intensities (e.g. 12-15 reps) as you adapt to a new routine, but then gradually move to heavier weights (6-10 reps). Things like squats, deadlifts, lunges, pulldowns, rows, shoulder presses, chest presses are best, but, again, you can start with machines and progress to more difficult movements as you gain more skill.

    8. IMO, the only benefit from 30 DS is to michael's bank account. I think it is a mediocre program that I would not recommend to anyone.