Ground Beef



  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Totally not going to read it (because I hate to find out gross info), but already gave it up a few years ago! I'm all about turkey meat! :-)

    And if you "don't care what's in it".... then don't comment.... She's just spreading the knowledge.

    Unfortunately, if it's produced in the same manner, the turkey isn't much better :/

    Without having my own farm to grow and raise whatever I'm consuming, I never REALLY know about my food.

    I try to make the best choices, but sometimes life and finances get in the way. That's when I eat the unknown and hope for the best!

    Good thing i don't live in the states so it's not cooked in the same way as the ground meat mentioned-... That being said- it being cooked the same way- I wouldn't know because I don't want to get freaked out about the food I eat.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I have not read the article, but even in America you can get better quality meat if you know where to find it.

    local, free-range, small production ranchers is the way to go

    Until about 2006, we had a wonderful ranch with 40 head of cattle. It was all natural, all grass fed long before it was trendy. The ground beef was excellent. It's pretty easy to avoid eating crap. I think you should probably clarify in your OP that this article is more about factory farming and fast food chains.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I have not read the article, but even in America you can get better quality meat if you know where to find it.

    local, free-range, small production ranchers is the way to go

    Until about 2006, we had a wonderful ranch with 40 head of cattle. It was all natural, all grass fed long before it was trendy. The ground beef was excellent. It's pretty easy to avoid eating crap. I think you should probably clarify in your OP that this article is more about factory farming and fast food chains.
    Right on.

    Yeah, cheap meat is kind of gross. It comes from animals who are fed diets that aren't optimal for them (to fatten them up quickly), so they get sick and have to be treated with drugs. They are housed in cramped facilities where disease spreads quickly and meat is easily contaminated when the animals are slaughtered and the meat is processed.

    Seeing advertisements for $1/lb ground beef at the local Safeway makes me puke in my mouth a little. There's a reason it is that cheap, and that reason ain't pretty.

    But it doesn't have to be like that. You can find sources of 100% grass fed beef that comes from cows that, you know, do what they are supposed to do, and stand around and eat grass all day. This meat has a much more beneficial fatty acid profile (more omega-3 to balance the omega-6). And it isn't processed with ammonia or riddled with pathogens.

    You can go to to find a source.

    But, yeah, it is more expensive.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    You can go to to find a source.

    But, yeah, it is more expensive.

    And I even kind of like that it's more expensive, since I have an economic incentive to eat meat in moderation :)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Buy good quality beef from a local source or a trusted producer... problem solved!
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    yuck! i hate ground beef and all other meats!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    But it doesn't have to be like that. You can find sources of 100% grass fed beef that comes from cows that, you know, do what they are supposed to do, and stand around and eat grass all day. This meat has a much more beneficial fatty acid profile (more omega-3 to balance the omega-6). And it isn't processed with ammonia or riddled with pathogens.

    You can go to to find a source.

    But, yeah, it is more expensive.

    This is exactly how we get all our meat - a local farm that pastures animals, doesn't feed GMOs, and doesn't use (non health related) antibiotics. I know where it's sourced and processed, and I can visit the farm anytime I want. The hambugers we make in our house aren't made up of the meat of hundreds of cows from hundreds of farms - remember that older NYT article?

    So articles about ammonia in burgers just remind me why I don't eat Big Macs.