Body part that screams "Fitness"?



  • jesscorinne
    Dude - Back, shoulders, forearms

    Dudette - Tummy, calves and arms

    Just add abs on dude and I agree! :)
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Dude - Back, shoulders, forearms

    Dudette - Tummy, calves and arms

    Just add abs on dude and I agree! :)

    So much for picking "ONE" body part. :laugh:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Depends on your definition of fitness really. That said...

    Fat usually goes to a guy's midsection, so I'd say the core. I wouldn't go by arms on a guy, too many guys go to the gym and just do variations of the curl, lol.

    For ladies...if they look like they are a healthy weight, then I'd say the arms. Lots of skinny ladies that only lift their purse on a regular basis. If they look like they are at a healthy weight, and they have arm definition, very good chance that they are fit overall.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    A healthy glow to the skin. Some folks are thin, but have no life in their skin.
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    defined back
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    but defined cut shoulders, cut arms and a defined back... ugh my weakness.:tongue:

    also their chest, calves... etc etc
  • JustEllieK
    JustEllieK Posts: 423 Member
    Usually the stomach......not that i stare at people's waist. Unless its a hot dude without a shirt.....what? Im human!
  • maryloo2011
    Definitely the shoulders and arms. Thighs if the person is wearing shorts.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I would have to sale on a male or a female it is the stomach for sure!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I check quads. If no leg is showing, it's arms.

    ETA: I find it interesting how many people say legs on women. that's the last place for a woman to lose generally. So she may be 18% bf, and have no leg definition. For women it's arms. For mens it's legs (for me)

    Not for me. My legs are always the first place I lose weight and the last place I put it on. I always have muscular toned legs, even when I was at my biggest. My arms on the other hand still look flabby now, and I have 20% BF and a BMI of 21.