Oh no..double calories for a day!

LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
Yes, you read it right! I've today eaten TWICE the amount of calories that I should have. Since it was Australia Day, we were going to my parents' house for dinner and I knew I'd probably creep over a bit..and I've just put everything I ate into my counter for the day..and twice what I should have eaten! :(

Logically, I know one bad day will not ruin my entire efforts, but I feel so wretched and horrid knowing I've eaten all that.

Big workout at the gym in the morning :(

Lisa xx


  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Yes, you read it right! I've today eaten TWICE the amount of calories that I should have. Since it was Australia Day, we were going to my parents' house for dinner and I knew I'd probably creep over a bit..and I've just put everything I ate into my counter for the day..and twice what I should have eaten! :(

    Logically, I know one bad day will not ruin my entire efforts, but I feel so wretched and horrid knowing I've eaten all that.

    Big workout at the gym in the morning :(

    Lisa xx
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Yes, you read it right! I've today eaten TWICE the amount of calories that I should have. Since it was Australia Day, we were going to my parents' house for dinner and I knew I'd probably creep over a bit..and I've just put everything I ate into my counter for the day..and twice what I should have eaten! :(

    Logically, I know one bad day will not ruin my entire efforts, but I feel so wretched and horrid knowing I've eaten all that.

    Big workout at the gym in the morning :(

    Lisa xx

    Don't worry about it! The best part about MFP (well, other than that it's FREE!) is that we CAN have a "cheat", or even a "cheat day" every now and then, now that we know how to deal with it through watching our numbers the rest of the time, and getting in some exercise! :smile:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    Way to go for being honest with yourself! :flowerforyou: Chalk it up to experience and move on. :smile:
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Way to go for being honest with yourself! :flowerforyou: Chalk it up to experience and move on. :smile:

    DITTO :drinker: well done for being honest with yourself, your body WILL thank you for it.
    We all get days like this, just put it behind you, and move on :flowerforyou:
  • I feel for ya! I did this on Friday AND Saturday and I feel like a GIANT, FAT elephant!!! Then again, it's my time of month. Ick! I got back on track yesterday and today, however. I feel very yucky about myself, but it's behind me now! :drinker:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • thury
    thury Posts: 138 Member
    I know how you feel, I had one of those last week. Ive gone three weeks without going over. Then last week we had a potluck, I did really good avoiding all of the bad stuff I only ate the stuff I brough but then munched on some mixed nuts. Had a few handfuls which I estimated later to be about 800 calories worth which put me about 700 over. So you just remember to watch what your doing and get right back on track.
  • :sad: I ate over twice my calories today already and all I ate was a sub and a bowl of cereal. (I also drank some milk and 7-up!) This is my first day being a member and I was wondering if anyone had any good food/snack/ beverage choices that they can reccomend to me! If so I would really appreciate it! I have 2 kids and I'm having a lot of trouble shedding this extra 65 pounds of baby weight over the past year!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    :sad: I ate over twice my calories today already and all I ate was a sub and a bowl of cereal. (I also drank some milk and 7-up!) This is my first day being a member and I was wondering if anyone had any good food/snack/ beverage choices that they can reccomend to me! If so I would really appreciate it! I have 2 kids and I'm having a lot of trouble shedding this extra 65 pounds of baby weight over the past year!

    How many calories are allotted? What kind of cereal? What kind of sub?

    To go over 1200 calories with a cereal and a sub, it's fairly obvious that there were either very large portions involved or the sub was not well controlled in terms of toppings. Even with some milk and 7Up, going over 1200 calories in two meals is fairly excessive. :smile:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    On second thought, think of it as a shock to your metabolism. It needs one every once in a while to keep it from going into starvation mode. I purposefully gave myself a "shock" day today -- not twice my calories, but several hundred more than my weight loss level, and I enjoyed eating every bit of it. :bigsmile:
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Hehe, I like the idea of it being 'okay' to go over occassionally. The first few days of sticking to my calorie allowance was fine, but it's like my body has just realised in the last few days that I'm actually continiuing with the less calories, and it's protesting!

    I've only gone over by 6 calories today! I bought a whole pepperoni pizza, but only ate 3 pieces. I would normally eat the whole thing, 8 slices, so that's a big achievement for me. But I'm so so hungry, and am counting down the hours until breakfast tomorrow morning. I can see lots of cups of tea this evening...

    Lisa xx
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I think it is so important to take these ups and downs... ie twice the calories or resisting the pizza... and catalogue them into the overall experience. We didn't gain the weight overnight, so it makes sense that it will take time for our bodies to adjust.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. I think if you asked anyone who has counted their calories for any length of time and they would tell you that caloriesx2 happens. The key is to move on (as you have done).
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    :sad: I ate over twice my calories today already and all I ate was a sub and a bowl of cereal. (I also drank some milk and 7-up!) This is my first day being a member and I was wondering if anyone had any good food/snack/ beverage choices that they can reccomend to me! If so I would really appreciate it! I have 2 kids and I'm having a lot of trouble shedding this extra 65 pounds of baby weight over the past year!

    I completely cut out any kind of soda from my diet, except for the occasional zero calorie drink. I carry around a water bottle that I make some iced tea in, but instead of sugar I use no-calorie substitute. One thing that is pretty good about using this site is that you can still eat some of the things you want-within reason-you just have to make sure that you even things out by being healthy the majority of the time. Low calorie substitutes for some of your favorite recipes helps, too. My favorite snack, one that I "treat" myself to, is air popped popcorn. I just make sure I exercise to compensate for anything that I have extra. good luck!
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