Stay-at-home moms 1/26-2/1

Happy Monday, Mommies!

I'm crazy busy today & haven't had a chance to catch up with anything. I'll probably be able to check in later today. We're getting stitches out, grocery shopping, monthly trip to Sam's Club & the meat market, plus DH has the day off. :indifferent: It should be fun dragging four children everywhere.

I kid....partially. LOL

Have a happy, healthy, successful Monday, ladies! :flowerforyou:


  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Happy Monday, Mommies!

    I'm crazy busy today & haven't had a chance to catch up with anything. I'll probably be able to check in later today. We're getting stitches out, grocery shopping, monthly trip to Sam's Club & the meat market, plus DH has the day off. :indifferent: It should be fun dragging four children everywhere.

    I kid....partially. LOL

    Have a happy, healthy, successful Monday, ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning!

    Sounds like a busy day, Sara! Good luck! Sometime when you get a chance tell me what you think of Sam's Club. I am thinking we need a membership to such a store (especially as the boys get older and eat, eat, and eat!).

    I have the fine task of finding a bathing suit today...ugh! We are taking the kiddos to an indoor water park/ resort this weekend...must be able to get into the water.

    Have a great day and week all!!!
  • CrystalOKeefe
    3Babybeans!! You have a crazy day ahead of you, wishing you the most fun event free day!

    I just dont understand WHY WHY WHY Ive been working out, using my new treadmill and watching what I eat.... The scale just bounces in the same 2 pound area????? WHat am I doing wrong??? Any one have any advice what should I do?:explode:

    Today is the anniversary of a child hood friend of mine passing away. He was 15 years old when it happened. A kid jumped him from behind and hit him in the back of the head. Put him in the hospital. It put a blood clot on the stem of his brain, he passed 9 days later. This was tragic to all of us in school. We all had a hard time dealing with this. The funeral was amazing there were so many people the church was full people were standing out side. Then starting that year there was memorial rodeos for him. He was a great kid and he will continue to be missed. Today makes it 13 years, wow doesnt seem that long at all. I hope he is having the time of his life in heaven.

    Rest In Peace
    Daniel Ray Rowland
    10/27/1980 - 1/26/1996

    Ok sorry about the sad but need to say it somewhere!! Thank You all for reading.

    Today I am starting my day off with Coffee and light strawberry yogurt..... Lets see how the rest of my days plays Out !!
    Later Ladies
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good Morning!

    Not sure how my week will go. We are in the process of cleaning and organizing the house to be put up for sale. Pray to God that someone will want to buy and we don't take a major loss:noway: !! So I will be so busy with this, so not sure how well I will keep track of my food and not sure if I will get to exercise much. Plus after being sick last week I have lost any desire to workout, I am hoping I can get it back somehow. At least I was active all weekend doing stuff around the house.

    Oh and just something to vent about:grumble: ....I lost my paint sample from when I painted my bathroom and I need to do some touching up. So I took a chip out of the wall where the door knob already made a hole and I thought the paint was close enough. So I painted the place that needed touching up and guess what....not a match...ugh!!!! So now I have to paint it again. So now I have to paint the hole minus the kitchen. So 3 bedrooms, bathroom, living room, and hallway!!!! Not sure when we have time to do it with the kids here. Sorry to just ramble on and on...just need to vent.

    Hope everyone has a successful week!!!:flowerforyou:
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    new week so far brilliant start.

    Got up at 6am did 30 day shred level 1 (modified push ups and using 5 kg weights for most)
    got some vacumming done kids up dressed washed fed and off to school at 8.30
    walked the dogs for 50 mins brisk pace
    did some more chores till 10 am then jumped stright into the elliptical
    30 mins on elliptical probably managing to keep my heart rate in the zone for at least half 167 is 80% for me averaged 138 - 166 for the whole 30 mins so I will be working on this.

    Little one is off her food today she didnt want breakfast she had a banana mid morning has refused her lunch she has just helped herself to an apple so I know she has something in her belly hopefully she will eat tonight. I think it could be because she is sitting down a lot and not all that active with her leg being in a cast.

    My 3 yr old has had her nose glued to the front window they made fat balls for the birds in pre school and she cant understand why the birds arent coming to eat her treat.

    I have just put the bread machine on with a nice healthy nutty loaf just for me I will slice then freeze so I can have healthy toast for breccy.

    Anyone ever made an egg white omelete and are they nice?

    The puppy didnt do to well yesterday at the show we didnt get placed in minor puppy but came 5th in puppy dog (there was only 5 dog in it) he got over excited being in the ring with girly dogs and it really stressed me out trying to get him to calm down with everybody watching. There is allways next time.

    Thats me for today have a good day all!!!!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hi everyone! i'm trying to put off working out as long as possible today. yesterday i did my 30 day shred(day10), then did tae bo for 40 min! whew...a little sore today, but i burned 600 cals(then went to the mall and had a 400 calorie coffee drink) oh well, i earned it. have a good day moms :happy:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member

    Oh I'm in a good mood today...maybe it was the choco monkey oatmeal I had for breakfast :tongue: I'm not a fan of oatmeal but if it's sweet enough I'll eat it and believe me that oatmeal was sweet enough.
    I also had some great accomplishments over the weekend. Lets start Saturday when I had to go buy new pants!! YEA!! 14s. They are a little snug around the waist but they fit really well everywhere else and since I'm still losing I know they will fit soon. Sunday I didn't workout so I had to be really careful with my calories, and I stayed under by 200 cals WAHOO :drinker: Also this is the first weekend in I don't know how long that I actually stayed within my cals for the whole weekend.

    Hubby has the day off so we are going to Costco as soon as Dre goes to school. This morning I need to get my workout in.

    Sara-good luck shopping with all those kids. Last time all four of us went to the store I thought I was gonna kill hubby....the kids were great, he drove me crazy!! I wont do that again.

    Kelly-good luck finding a suit. I will have that daunting task in the next couple months cuz once I hit my goal, mine wont fit anymore.

    Crystal-That is great that you hold on to the memory of your friend. (((Hugs))) As for your 2 lb bouncing, I don't know what to tell you. Make sure you are drinking water. If you are counting your cals you should be losing. Make sure your profile is as accurate as possible. Good luck, sometimes we just get stuck.

    MrsBuzz-glad you are feeling better. Good luck with getting your home ready to sell. I'm sure with all the painting you will burn some cals :happy:

    tazzy-sorry the dog show didn't go as well as you hoped. glad your little one is feeling better. Good job getting your workout in.

    Musicmom-I'm moving up to level 2 on the shred today. And yes I agree you earned your coffee!!

    Well I need to get busy. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hey ladies,
    I haven't had time to post or read posts. Last week was crazy and this week looks to be more of the same. I logged my calories last week (except over the weekend) and I lost 2 pounds and I fit into all my jeans! They are all the same size but three pair are tighter than the fourth. I thought I had been wearing the fourth, but found out I was wearing one of the tighter pairs! But the cookies I made for company have been horrible for me. I sent them to work with DH and I am going to try to go on a no sweet fast. I need to decide how long and when to start. I am unofficially starting today,but if I screw up I'm not going to beat myself up. Part of the fast is for our adoption plans. Maybe I will actually pray instead of eating sweets. That's kind of the plan.
    If you haven't checked out our adoption site it's
    I will try to check back later this week!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member

    Oh I'm in a good mood today...maybe it was the choco monkey oatmeal I had for breakfast :tongue: I'm not a fan of oatmeal but if it's sweet enough I'll eat it and believe me that oatmeal was sweet enough.
    I also had some great accomplishments over the weekend. Lets start Saturday when I had to go buy new pants!! YEA!! 14s. They are a little snug around the waist but they fit really well everywhere else and since I'm still losing I know they will fit soon. Sunday I didn't workout so I had to be really careful with my calories, and I stayed under by 200 cals WAHOO :drinker: Also this is the first weekend in I don't know how long that I actually stayed within my cals for the whole weekend.

    Hubby has the day off so we are going to Costco as soon as Dre goes to school. This morning I need to get my workout in.

    Sara-good luck shopping with all those kids. Last time all four of us went to the store I thought I was gonna kill hubby....the kids were great, he drove me crazy!! I wont do that again.

    Kelly-good luck finding a suit. I will have that daunting task in the next couple months cuz once I hit my goal, mine wont fit anymore.

    Crystal-That is great that you hold on to the memory of your friend. (((Hugs))) As for your 2 lb bouncing, I don't know what to tell you. Make sure you are drinking water. If you are counting your cals you should be losing. Make sure your profile is as accurate as possible. Good luck, sometimes we just get stuck.

    MrsBuzz-glad you are feeling better. Good luck with getting your home ready to sell. I'm sure with all the painting you will burn some cals :happy:

    tazzy-sorry the dog show didn't go as well as you hoped. glad your little one is feeling better. Good job getting your workout in.

    Musicmom-I'm moving up to level 2 on the shred today. And yes I agree you earned your coffee!!

    Well I need to get busy. Hope everyone has a great day!

    good luck today with level 2. i tried it a couple of days was a lot of plank position. it was a little hard for me, so i went back to level 1 for now. maybe i'll try again next week :smile: that oatmeal sounds yummy! i've been eating a lot of weight control oatmeal. i like it a lot better than i used to. i guess you have to aquire a taste for it. congrats on the 14's:smile:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member

    Oh I'm in a good mood today...maybe it was the choco monkey oatmeal I had for breakfast :tongue: I'm not a fan of oatmeal but if it's sweet enough I'll eat it and believe me that oatmeal was sweet enough.

    What is the recipe for the oatmeal. I need some new ways to eat it. Thanks:flowerforyou:

    Also congrats on the new pants size!!:bigsmile:
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    new week so far brilliant start.

    My 3 yr old has had her nose glued to the front window they made fat balls for the birds in pre school and she cant understand why the birds arent coming to eat her treat.

    I have just put the bread machine on with a nice healthy nutty loaf just for me I will slice then freeze so I can have healthy toast for breccy.

    Anyone ever made an egg white omelete and are they nice?

    Thats me for today have a good day all!!!!

    what exactly are fat balls?

    I would LOVE the recipe for your nutty bread. I love baking and I am always looking for new recipies.

    if you go to the recipe section and find salsa omlette there is a recipe there with egg whites. i made it and I LOVE IT. i actually also add some cheese sometimes.

    all the info is in the data base under mommachag salsa omlette
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Thank you musicmom and mrsbuzz!!! Hubby says the pants look so much better on my butt then the baggy ones I was wearing :laugh: men!!!

    Musicmom-plank stuff only sucks cuz my shoulders are so weak. I think it will get better. Like this workout more than Lvl I'm gonna stick to it for at least 10 days. I don't like the weight control oatmeal, it's not sweet enough for me :blushing:

    Mrsbuzz...the recipe is at If you search Choco Monkey Oatmeal...a couple links come up, just look thru those to find the recipe. They also have some great pancake recipes that use oats (we tried the chocolate chip ones over the good!!!) I'm a hungry girl addict right now, but family keeps lovin everything I make so I'm gonna keep makin stuff :smile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hello mamas!!

    Musicmom-- definitely with you on the level 2 of Shred-- I couldn't do it when I used to do the Shred. Also, the walking pushups-- what's up with that? Hurt my wrists too much at the time. I'm much stronger now, so who knows-- maybe I can do it? But, the jumping jacks give me fits. 9 babies, kegels-- gettin' the picture? No can do. I'm sending mine to Mrs. Beans (one of these days when I get to the blinkin' post office-- I'm gonna try for tomorrow, Sara!!!)

    Nothin' new, good that is-- economy must be affecting my company, too. They have next to nothing to send out for me to transcribe. We're dead without that income-- next payday is looking very, very lean. Nothing positive to say about it, either-- all I want to do is fret and/or bit*h about it-- so I'm sitting here rather looking at the screen, hemming and hawing, deciding whether I should be Mary Sunshine and say, "this too shall pass," or Mrs. Job, (the Bible guy's wife) who just wants to say, "aw, heck, curse God and die already-- "

    Guess for now, Mrs. Sunshine shall win-- :grumble: I know it's tough all over. Very scary times. Don't know how we're going to make it, but have to trust that He'll get us through it-- :grumble: The waiting sure gets old, though-- sigh.

    Must go-- no typing to do anymore, and my other paperwork is now done-- exercise, here I come, I guess.

    Later, ladies.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Hey Mommies!!!
    I have a busy week also..I didnt get to read all the post so far today..I'm kinda busy my life is crazy overdrive moe right now..We have a big snow storm that should start tonight and will be getting at least 3-9 inches of snow and ice. So I am trying to get all the laundry done and meals made up if we lose electritcy least I will have something cooked..I'm also putting water in bottles incase the pipes frezze..I'm in S.Indiana and they said this is one of the worst storms we have in forever I guess..I will be without internet service for a few days after tonight..So I will be back on when I can..:angry:
    I got denied Indiana Medicaid and still getting every door shut in my face to get my health issues taken care of..So I'm going nutts over that.
    We are having some crazy issues going on in my family life but oh well what can you do just go with the flow..I hope everyone is doing ok and havin a better week then I am n its only
    Hope to be back soon ladies..
  • CrystalOKeefe

    Anyone ever made an egg white omelete and are they nice?

    Tazzy, Omelets are great !! I also like egg beaters omletes! They have so many less calories and much more heart healthy.

    Day is going pretty good! Cooking yummy cabbage soup !!!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hey Drevansmom-can you leave the bananas out of the oatmeal and have it still taste good? I am not found of mixing fruit in to my oatmeal or with chocolate. Thanks

    Do you recommend any other recipes?
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hey Drevansmom-can you leave the bananas out of the oatmeal and have it still taste good? I am not found of mixing fruit in to my oatmeal or with chocolate. Thanks

    Do you recommend any other recipes?

    I'm sure it will taste fine without the banana...I didn't think you could really taste it whatever you wanna do.
    I recommend any recipe that sounds good to you. We haven't had one yet that we didn't like. I think if you just try things that sound good and are in your "comfort zone" then you will probably like it. I had the oatmeal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and a soup recipe from HG as well as some HG cupcakes and my cals didn't even total 1000. Because I'm breastfeeding, I had to eat more even though I wasn't hungry. If I wasn't I would have let the day end with a 1000 calorie deficit.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I just wanted to throw in a quick note---

    I got my taxes filed!!!!! WAHOO!!!!! I love getting them done before the end of Jan.
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Fat balls are balls of solid fat with grains and berries seeds all sorts mushed into them I think my Charley (my 3yo daughter wore half of the mix) you leave them out for the birds and they love em.

    Gonna have a go at making an omelet for lunch I think better wait til hubby home or he will moan that he didnt get one. He works shifts 4am til 12 pm he only started this job in sept it is still taking some adjusting to. He also gets every 3rd week off which is frustrating he gets under my feet we still have no routine in them weeks hopefully next week will be different he is going to do the school run that way I can workout plan being 6 am shred 7 - 8.30 breccy and kids dressed etc 8.30 - 9 eliptical 9.30 to 10.30 walk the dogs then collect Charley from pre school 11.25. Then well deserved chill out time with my girls in the afternoon.

    Tomorrow is my rest day so I will only be walking the dogs and I go and help take my sons class to the swimming pool in the afternoon (he has prescription goggles this way I get to make sure that they dont get lost as they were expensive).

    the bread came from a pre mixed bag of flour and nutty grains etc it works our cheaper than buying it ready made. I love my bread machine my kids get fresh bread everyday no additives or preservatives and the house always smells good and homely.

    Have a great tuesday everybody.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    I just wanted to throw in a quick note---

    I got my taxes filed!!!!! WAHOO!!!!! I love getting them done before the end of Jan.

    I also have ours done too!! It is a nice feeling isn't it?