Unsolicited body 'Assessment' from others



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I would have put pink in his hair dye.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    tIt would depend. This guy does sound gay (he is right?) And all of my gay guy friends have done stuff like that. bonding or something. He really probably thought he was complimenting you. On the other hand I have like a 6 foot personal space boundary so he would have had to been chasing me around in circles to get that close :)

    That is what I am thinking ^^ Its still not right though...o_o
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    I have the kind of friends who never have their own damn food, and they always ask for mine. No, I've already logged this food, I have a huge workout planned, I want all my food, and you can't have any.

    So one of my fat mooch friends said, "Oh, like you're so anorexic." B***H PLEASE. LOOK AT YOURSELF. Then she tried to backpedal, like "I didn't say you're fat..." B***h please.
    Then after I lost a little more weight, she commented on that too.

    People like that are so annoying.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Its a model thing. I modeled for 5 years before I had my son, and body issues are something we become totally desensitized to. Weight and size aren't so much as emotional thing as a money thing. (Yes there are some girls that end up with EDs, but in my opinion, they probably would have gotten them anyway and modeling was the wrong line of work... but that's beside the point.) For example, I was at a photo shoot with a french photographer, we're doing a particular shot with me standing, my leg up on a camera box or something, and the very tight skirt I'm wearing rips right up the seam, leaving a few threads hanging loose. He immediately puts the camera down, bends over, rips the threads out with his teeth, stands up, grabs the camera and goes back to shooting. Completely non-sexual, if he hadn't used his teeth I would say clinical. He was focused on the shot, and really didn't give personal boundaries a second thought. Its just kind of the business, We're in such physical, but at the same time, professional situations so much that its gone beyond second nature to us.

    Especially in men's modeling, its not even being textbook good looking that counts (though that helps), its more about being visually unique and/or brandable, so that when someone looks at you, they're thinking "he looks like a Ralph Lauren Model" or whatever. Not he looks like a model, but he looks like a particular brand. So telling you that you could/should model, is really a compliment in his mind, and he has no idea why you'd be offended.
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    I would have requested that he buy me dinner before feeling me up.

    Dinner? Just kidding :)

    I had a friends mom that I never met before sit down next to me and start the conversation with. You are fatty aren't you. Then proceeded to tell me why and what i should do. No I am an easy going person but my head was going WTF are you and would the cops let me go if I told them why I beat the life out of you. But I was polite and then when she was done I said thanks and moved to the other side of a party. OH there was not drinking or alcohol at this party this is just how she is.
  • Right now I am currently living in Italy for over two years. I have found that the Italian culture is quite a bit different. Straight men walking down the street holding hands or having their arms around one another as if they were gay. I've had numerous Italians pinch my daughters cheeks and run their hands through their hair. Stating that they are beautiful. I'm happy that other people find my children adorable and and first I was kind of annoyed by the older generation constantly touching them. It's not sexual or anything like that; however their culture is much, much different. Touch to the Italians is a sign of affection used to admire things. Touch to Americans is most of the time sexual.

    I'm not saying what he did was right considering that he was in America, yet you do have to look at other cultural backgrounds and understand that most likely he meant no harm. I've told my children about the STRANGER DANGER thing and apparently they've been taught that in school. I told them if it doesn't seem right to start yelling but since we live here and I see how the Italians act it really simple just to say "basta". If it comes from a little kid, they are usually like wow.....really....I was just trying to admire you. I wouldn't put too much thought into it and if it does bother you....maybe hit him with "basta" Depending on your tone...it will really throw him off considering it has numerous meanings. It means stop by saying in nicely....but can also be used pretty vulgar by using it in a different tone.

    Hope all works out.