What is your weird little motivation?



  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I want to, just once in my life, walk into a room and own it! I am going to be finishing my PhD in another year or so and I want to have the advantage of being hot when I am looking for a job.
  • hippotx72
    to do ONE unassisted pull-up. . .
    reduce arthritis pain. . .
    get off of my blood pressure med's
    jog with my dog. . .I know she will love that

    If the superficial reasons help you, that's great.
    As for me, every time I have lost weight for reasons of appearance, I always put it back on.
    I guess since looks fade eventually, any motivation related to them fades for me, too.

    Whatever it is that drives you, may it bring you much success!
  • curvygrl13
    i want to be able to wear a bikini without my back rolls/belly rolls hanging out xD oh and to be able to wear cute belly shirts with denim jeans and not having a muffin top
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Guys have weird motivations too............................you see people on MFP posting pictures of their abs.......................one day, I will have confidence enough/ reduced weight in this area to post a picture of my actual mid-section....................You couldn't pay me enough right now!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I just want to feel beautiful everyday, all day long....My esteem is coming back everyday I feel my body/health is making a great difference. So that my weird but true motivation...oh and live on a beach and I want to wear a bikini! I havent since I was 18 lol...Im 21 going on 22 now lol... :)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I definitely want to visit my home town and wow all the people I used to hang out with. I don't keep a facebook or keep in touch with them otherwise so it really will be a surprise. ;)
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    Right now:

    To look good at my high school reunion (10 years) that's coming up sometime in the next year.
    I was poplar-ish and skinny my first year or so.

    There was a guy who I almost hooked up with a couple of years ago, but was too "ashamed" because I was big.
    I want to run into him at the reunion at be all hot and what not.
  • mathen2
    mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
    To have a flat stomach and smaller thighs like I did 3 years ago before I started working!
  • yessiseguy
    I am addicted to clothes, trends and looking good. I love fashion and figure one has to look good to look good in it! It is weird but I also love how my husband loves how i look and never want to lose that attention. oh well :)
  • triski73
    triski73 Posts: 50 Member
    I love how all the reason are all across the board based on what life stage we are at. I would love to go back to Minnesota to see some of my old friends and an ex from college. I would also love to be able to wear a bikini and get my bellybutton repierced. I want to be able to find bras and normal stores and not pay an arm and a leg for one. I want to go shopping for clothes and not leave frustrated after not being able to find anything. I want to feel better and look better for sure. And I want to weigh less than my husband! :D
  • CADreaming09
    CADreaming09 Posts: 311 Member
    I feel the same way about my exes! I hope their girlfriends look worse than me too. Its weird, I know. LOL.
  • CADreaming09
    CADreaming09 Posts: 311 Member
    I sometimes think about how nice to would be for some of my exs to see me looking better that I have in a long time. Even though a couple of them don't even live in the same city as me now. lol

    I feel the same way! I hope their girlfriends look worse than me too. Its weird, I know. LOL.
  • 57rainbows
    57rainbows Posts: 101 Member
    I have a closet full of clothes that I can't wear, and since I've been poor at my higher weight a lot of my current clothes are not cute or fun or unique like those are. I want to wear my plaid pencil skirt that turns heads, and my lavender suit, and everything else.

    My husband is getting deployed, so I really want him to come back to a rockin' awesome body! He's only seen me at my heavier weight, which is not obese but it's not where I want to be.

    I also want to feel great in a bikini and in lingerie for our big vacation.
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    Look SMOKIN in some Sexy Lingerie! Also to look HOT for my 10 year reunion this summer! Not to mention that Sexy little bikini I have my eye on...