Exercise split up throughout the day?

Is it okay to do 15minutes here and 15 minutes there of exercise throughout the day or is it less effective than doing a workout all at once? I am a stay at home mom, and sometimes only have time to do a few minutes of work out at a time but I try and do at least 30 mins of cardio throughout the day and some extra minutes of arm and abs workouts when I can throughout the day. When everything adds up it is about 50 minutes of exercise, just split up throughout the day. Is this okay?


  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I had the same question. I hope someone knows!!!
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I've always thought 15 minutes here and there is better than none at all. My body still thanks me just the same as if I did 30 minutes all at once!
  • MrsCupCakeBoyle
    MrsCupCakeBoyle Posts: 259 Member
    I hope so because this week with it being school holidays that's all i can really do.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I think split up is fine as long as doing at least 15 minutes- that's long enough to get the heart rate up good :) long as your burning calories it's good.. From what I've reasearched small workouts are fine :) It's total day minutes that is important
  • dhurford
    It's not bad to do exercise throughout the day, however you definitely get a better workout if you did it for a straight 50 mins. The reason has to do with your heart rate and metabolism. If you workout for a longer period then your heart rate is up longer, resulting in your metabolism working longer. You will burn more calories by doing a longer workout, eg a 30 mins cardio then doing 50 mins split up in 15 mins blocks.

    Hope this helps!!
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    I always break mine up. It has been working for me. :smile:
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    It's not bad to do exercise throughout the day, however you definitely get a better workout if you did it for a straight 50 mins. The reason has to do with your heart rate and metabolism. If you workout for a longer period then your heart rate is up longer, resulting in your metabolism working longer. You will burn more calories by doing a longer workout, eg a 30 mins cardio then doing 50 mins split up in 15 mins blocks.

    Hope this helps!!

  • kellywaller1
    I heard its better to split it up!
  • shuck589
    ya its cool , i do 15 min of push ups first thing out of bed in the am then ride my bike 2 miles then about 1 pm more push ups then ride 2 more miles then home . then 15 min more of push ups then cook and eat . .. its good to work out and get the muscles tight in your belly and then eat . you wont eat as much .
  • dannylives
    My personal trainer book (NASM) says its perfectly fine to split it up 10 or 15 minutes here, 10 or 15 minutes there. It says its basically the same thing if you did it 50 minutes in a row.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I do 30 yoga in morning and 30 at night and throw in a variety in the middle of the day...working for me
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    It's not a problem to split it up infant that may bear some advantages. However 2x15 minute sessions will not equal a single 30 minute session. Remember that for the first few minutes of your workout your body is warming up and your heart rate is slowly increasing. If you do two separate stints, you have to go through that process twice. Now if you don't count your warm-up time then 2x15 will equal one 30.