Pregnancy Test Question for ladies obviously lol



  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Good luck, let us know!

    How exciting! :)
  • Good luck, let us know!

    How exciting! :)

    I will definitely give an update in the morning! Thanks for all your responses ladies!! Crossing my fingers :happy:
  • a test usually shows up positive at 4 weeks along. some of us have lower HCG (like me, a test does not come up positive until 6-8 weeks! sucks. a faint line means you just barely have enough HCG in yer pee to show up as a barely there line. so congrats!!! ;)
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    I have a question!!! My husband and I are trying to get pregnant. I'm about 9 days late getting my period and have been off the pill since the begining of July. I got the First Response test where one line is no two is yes, and the first line showed up immediately. In about a minute, I could barely see a second line. It's much much lighter than the first line but you can see a definite line. What does this mean???

    When we were trying for our second, I got pregnant right away and could tell I was feeling sick right away, so I tested 3 days after I was due. And just like with my daughter (where I tested 2 weeks in) the second line was very very faint...I mean almost needing a magnifying glass. My OB said there are just some women who don't test well with this but there was no doubt.

    As usual, please go to your doctor and have an official office test done - you'll be better off and can get started with vitamins, etc, in case you haven't yet.

  • Ayla20103005
    Ayla20103005 Posts: 104 Member
    sounds like you are pregnant, congrats :D
    Pic? LOL I used to love looking at POAS pics.
    I too was an addict, I needed to be sure haha
  • xox_shree_xox
    xox_shree_xox Posts: 39 Member
    To me, it sounds like your pregnant! Congratulations!!

    Be sure to let us know the outcome of tomorrow's test and also, make an appointment with the dr!

  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I had the same issue! I would suggest either making a Dr's appt or buying one of the digital prego test (yes, they are mor exepensieve), but it state specifically "pregnant" or "not pregnant." Congratulations!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I had a false positive once, where one line was faint. I assumed that meant that I was pregnant (wouldn't have been happy news for me at the time), but the doctor told me "nope". So false positives do happen sometimes.

    Apparently, they are very rare though, so I agree with the others, retake test tomorrow, and call your doctor ASAP!
  • So I took another test this morning, and it did the same thing. So all 3 tests in the box look identical. Hoping this isn't just a manufacturers error. Made an appointment and going in this morning at 11. I'm so nervous I feel like I'm gonna throw up lol. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I think I'm failing miserably!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    If there's 2 lines, even if the first one is lighter than the other, you're pregnant. Congrats :)
  • shorty458
    shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
    A line is a line. I've taken the same test, and I had no line at all. Someone I knew also took the test and had a faint line like yours, and they were indeed pregnant!

    Congrats! :)
  • A line is not a line I found out at the doctor's today. Their test came back negative. I won't be buying First Response pregnancy tests again that's for sure. I'm pretty bummed :frown:
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    I'm really sorry to hear that :frown:

    Don't give up and don't stress. Good luck to you!
  • batgirlmama
    batgirlmama Posts: 99 Member
    uggghh... I am so sorry. That stinks. get the digital though - it was so much better and didn't leave me guessing. really sorry.:frown:
  • Being2befit
    Being2befit Posts: 127 Member
    :? ooh no yeah it took me 3 tests they were all faint lines but im pretty much prego..
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    A line is not a line I found out at the doctor's today. Their test came back negative. I won't be buying First Response pregnancy tests again that's for sure. I'm pretty bummed :frown:

    Sorry to hear this! My false-positive came from a First Response too.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I'm so sorry. :(
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    A line is not a line I found out at the doctor's today. Their test came back negative. I won't be buying First Response pregnancy tests again that's for sure. I'm pretty bummed :frown:

    That stinks. :-( I'm sorry, I know it's frustrating when you're trying.

    I'm actually a big fan of the Dollar Tree pregnancy tests. They are only $1 so you don't feel bad taking one like every day from the day you're late. And they are just as accurate (actually more accurate in some cases) as the more expensive brands. The Dollar Tree also carries $1 ovulation tests which can be helpful in trying.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    When I first got pregnant with my second child, I just knew I was pregnant by the symptoms I was having. I took a test at home, but it was negative. Still not sure, I went to the doctor. They did a blood test and it was negative. A few weeks later, I had them redo the blood test and sure enough, it was positive. Give it some more time and see if you start having symptoms. I'm not saying get your hopes high, but some women don't produce as much hormone early on.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    ^That's true, some ladies just don't get a postive until later. If you still don't get your period, wait like a week and test again. You could have ovulated later than usual (which would delay a positive test b/c the hormones wouldn't be as high as you'd expect from your LMP) or you could just be one of those women that just don't get postive tests early on. It could really go either way. Wait a week or two and test again if your period hasn't showed up.