Stretch marks! What the F?

How come some people are way bigger then others and have zero stretch marks mean while i gain 20 pounds and im covered. is there anything that really takes them away? i know exercise will minimize them but get rid of them completely? i always wonder about people like julian michaels and how she use to be a big girl but now has a solid bod but of course no nasty stretch marks to go with it. i mean did she gain that weight with no marks or did they just vanish as she lost? wat the F?


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    They are genetic, nothing makes them go away and a few lucky people don't get them.
    Most (like mine) become more translucent and fade as you get thinner.
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    Ditto. Genetics. Either you're lucky or you're not. But they don't go away.
  • Emberlure
    Emberlure Posts: 33 Member
    *sigh* yeah, genetic. 3 babies, each carried in a different position have made my mid section a road map. They will never go away, but at least I can make the jiggles go away.
  • darbym7
    darbym7 Posts: 61
    I have stretch marks all over my sides and my boobs. I know that theres no way to get rid of them completely, the more weight you lose the more they shrink. over time they will become less noticeable. I know drinking a ton of water helps, as it improves skin elasticity. as far as making them completely go away, you can try creams, etc, but i dont know if theyll work :(
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    They fade over time..... Some people tan to reduce appearance. You can use cocoa butter to help fade them and I think there might be a medical procedure to help reduce the appearance....I don't think they ever go away :( Sorry.
  • olita420
    well thats a bummer, genetics suck lol, lotions and exercise it is then...i agree with emberlure..even if we can't get rid of the marks we can at least get rid of the jiggle!