bit of a grumble

So a couple of weeks back my walking buddy dropped off the face of the earth with no word. Then on Sunday she sent a text asking if we could walk. Yep sure. We walked Monday night and last night (Tuesday) she had asked about walking tonight. I agreed to that, and the only thing in doubt was when, 4 or 6pm.

As a result, of the proposed walk, I have a hot lunch, which had been earmarked for tea when I got it out of the freezer yesterday.

Because of the possum man this morning, the hot lunch, and the expectation of the walk this evening, I dont walk at 10 am,

I also don't go for a walk after lunch this afternoon, because of the proposed walk, which might have been at 4pm.

Now my walking buddy is at home, and she doesn't want to walk this evening.

Ok, I can still go, but my whole day was planned around a late evening walk, so I'm a bit peeved.

The next walk with her is now scheduled for 5:45am tomorrow. O.o

So frustrating.


  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Sorry you had a frustrating day m'dear. . Tomorrow will be much better.:smile:
  • Josedavid
    Josedavid Posts: 695 Member
    Hi, maybe your buddy ran out of motivation or is just experiencing any kind of problem at home, at the office, who knows...

    You are right in the sense that if anything is appointed and you plan your day around that it should happen but let her the chance to catch up in the next walking session.

    Try to motivate your buddy if you feel like and come back to track!

    Best Regards / José D.
  • jlucei7
    People tend to do exercise with a buddy to keep each other accountable and motivated. Next time you walk with her let her know how it messes up your plans when she doesn't want to walk with you. Obviously she is the type that needs a bit more motivation, and a good kick in the butt to get going. Don't let her get you down. If she continues to let you down then she isn't good for your goals. You could try to text her before you go for a walk "Hey going for a walk in 30 minutes, wanna tag along?" and see if she will accept. Don't live you life centered around someone else.
  • Joannie1987
    Joannie1987 Posts: 28 Member
    My friends know how organised I am so they know how much it frustrates me if they drop out on plans!

    I feel your frustration - put your frustration into your walk! I love taking out a bit of frustration! Body Combat is brilliant for it!

    Then its worked out as a positive ha burning a extra few cals! :0P
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    Why couldn't you still walk? If you want to walk in future it may be better to assume you are doing it alone and if your friend comes it's a bonus. We all feel more/less motivated at different times for various reasons, and, as nice as it is to have support, really we need to take responsibility for our own choices.

    Hope it pans out better for you next time. Good luck! :)
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    Why couldn't you still walk? If you want to walk in future it may be better to assume you are doing it alone and if your friend comes it's a bonus.

    Oh, I still can, and plan to. I'd just rather have done it at 10am rather than 8pm, which I would have done had I know this evening was cancelled. I'm definitely a morning person. :)
  • lorna1002
    lorna1002 Posts: 185 Member
    Why couldn't you still walk? If you want to walk in future it may be better to assume you are doing it alone and if your friend comes it's a bonus.

    Oh, I still can, and plan to. I'd just rather have done it at 10am rather than 8pm, which I would have done had I know this evening was cancelled. I'm definitely a morning person. :)

    Oh i see your point. Yes that would be irritating, i have a friend like this. :)
  • Shellitz
    Shellitz Posts: 188
    This is why I exercise alone :) I love my friends to death but my bestie (bless her) is always home late or waiting til after tea...blah blah blah. I finsih work at 4.30 and I would rather get straight into exercise instead of going home and settling in.

    Plus it's my "me" time
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    This is why I exercise alone :) I love my friends to death but my bestie (bless her) is always home late or waiting til after tea...blah blah blah. I finsih work at 4.30 and I would rather get straight into exercise instead of going home and settling in.

    Plus it's my "me" time

    I usually do, but I also know I don't get out and socialise company is good for me for more than just motivation. :)
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    That's exactly why I exercise alone. I'm so weak when it comes to exercise that all it would take is someone to say "lets not go tonight" and I'll be agreeing before the sentence was even finished.

    Also if you go to exercise classes on your own you're more likely to meet new poople than if you go with a friend. I've met some lovely new friends through my aqua class.