diet coke, sugar free desserts etc.



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't know if aspertame is poison. Maybe, maybe not.

    But it tastes like crap, so that's a pretty huge catch for me. :-)

    I'd much rather indulge in a little of the real thing than a lot of the fake. But some people like it, so if it's what you enjoy, then feel free to indulge. It's not really my business what you eat.

    There have been a couple studies that say that the sugar free stuff messes with your body so you end up eating more than you would have if you had just had the "real thing," but that doesn't happen to everyone.
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    We had someone come into the school I work at to talk to the kids there (the staff were just as fascinated! :D) about the "dangers" of drinks like diet coke and pepsi max. Basically the quantities you'd need to drink it in to feel the effects of aspartame is just ridiculous! Gallons per day! His message was drink it, but like all other things, in moderation.

    My main issue with fizzy drinks/sodas is the bloating that accompanies them! I cut them out completely and my stomach flattened noticeably within a few days. I try hard to only have one glass every few days or so, if that often. :D

    It's nice to go out and have a cold condensation covered class of coke with a meal sometimes though :D
  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    I think you should drink eight glasses of water a day and see if you still want it. I wouldn't go sugar free. There is nothing wrong with sugar in moderation. Yes regular soda is too much.... but as someone stated earlier wouldn't it be better not to want it at all? I started drinking just water and I was a Pepsi and coffee junkie. When I started to do this I didn't have any room for any other liquid in my system. I still drink it about 2wice a week but dont crave it. When I want something else I usually drink a half cup of cranberry juice.

    Besidess that's a lot of sodium from just your drinks. It's 2% times how ever many you drink. Do you have any trouble with bloating?
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I dont have a problem with diet drinks However soda is bad for you its more the carbination than anything else actually. I mean it can take rust off a car battery. That being said I love my soda and will still have one occasionally. They do have a new study out saying that artifical sugars deaden your sweet taste receptors and when you do eat something with sugar people usually ended up eating twice what they normally would to get the same sweet taste.
    But if you like it drink it. Everthing is going to kill us eventually. Just dont drink only that.
  • ShellyRae7
    ShellyRae7 Posts: 8 Member
    Meeperoon - Drinking water is a big problem for a lot of people. Might want to try squeezing a lime or lemon juice in it. something to add flavor. Stay away from sugar sub mixes for your water. we had a trainer/nutritionist come to one of your weight loss meetings and he mentioned how much water is in different parts of the body. I'm was surprised how much the brain needs to function. I did find this paragraph on the web - We were also suggested to drink 1/2 our weight in oz of water. For some of us, thats a lot of water. I'm not an expert and also struggle with this. Just sharing whats been shared with me.

    Think of what you need to survive, really just survive. Food? Water? Air? Facebook? Naturally, I'm going to concentrate on water here. Water is of major importance to all living things; in some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. Up to 60% of the human body is water, the brain is composed of 70% water, and the lungs are nearly 90% water. Lean muscle tissue contains about 75% water by weight, as is the brain; body fat contains 10% water and bone has 22% water. About 83% of our blood is water, which helps digest our food, transport waste, and control body temperature. Each day humans must replace 2.4 litres of water, some through drinking and the rest taken by the body from the foods eaten.
  • sycarroll
    sycarroll Posts: 14 Member
    The diet coke itself has no calories, but they are still linked heart disease and diabetes, as the artificial sweetens used are still absorbed into the bloodstream and cause the release of insulin, they also block the absorption of calcium.

    I love Soda and have previously have a can coke/diet coke with lunch or as a mixture when out, but I have really limited my intake of it by having sparkling water, I found it really help me.

    Those favor water are just a bad a soda...
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    thor1god1of1awesome Posts: 481 Member
    *awaits the inevitable "Aspartame is poison!1!!" hysterics crowd to show up...*

    As with anything, as long as you aren't taking them to excess, it's all good :)

    Hey don't you know aspartame causes cancer?!?! Oh wait, so does breathing.
    as does sleeping *takes a sip of my coke zero
  • piratepiet
    piratepiet Posts: 45 Member
    I'm on Coke Zero - and since I quit smoking, started walking at least one hour per day and log every bite of air into mfp - that's the only thing I got left :-) You can die of so many stupid things, don't let people scare you away from sugarfree drinks.

    I don't think there are more bad chemicals in diet coke than on the skin of an apple in the supermarket.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    ok anything made in a lab as a sweetner isn't good for you.. If you want a soda like product make some rootbeer and use some natural low calorie to zero calorie sweetner from the healthfood store.. The name of the actual plant is escaping me currently but make sure you get the kinda that says no after taste.. Truvia is made from this plant.. Stevia it may be called...
    Diet products have been known to actually hinder weight loss...
    Stick with as much water as possible.. Get a smoothie or fruit juice.. Drink real sodas only occassionally...
    The point is to to be living healthy... Fake sweetner isn't healthy...
    Best of luck though
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I'm in the uk and here there is calorie info for diet cola and it does say that is has 1 calorie in a 330 ml can. I've seen lots of people say that in the US the labeling info isn't as strict as over here so bare that in mind if your having multiple cans/ bottles a day.
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    i bake sugar free cakes, make sugar free desserts, drink sugar free pop, sweeten fat free yoghurt with sweetener, etc etc and when i do have something with real sugar i dont overindulge because of the effect of the sweetener, i have less bc i know how sugar affects me. i think its ok in moderation- i drink about 2 litres of water a day, and have a can of pepsi max or diet coke when i want one. i think its ok. it cant be any worse than the gm food we eat but are unaware of, or the pesticides and chemicals used to mass produce fruit and veg we eat!!!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I dont have a problem with diet drinks However soda is bad for you its more the carbination than anything else actually. They do have a new study out saying that artifical sugars deaden your sweet taste receptors and when you do eat something with sugar people usually ended up eating twice what they normally would to get the same sweet taste.

    Our stomach acid is far more acidic than the stuff in soda, so the soda is nothing compared to what is naturally in our stomachs anyway.

    As for ended up eating twice as much...just don't eat that much then. Show willpower.

    Soda or diet soda by themselves are not detrimental to health or weight loss, especially when consumed in moderation.
    Diet products have been known to actually hinder weight loss...

    Have you got any proof of this? Any real proof other than just correlation, and that shows the actual diet product itself hinders the loss, rather than just silly people thinking they can eat more calories because they have had a diet product?
  • piratepiet
    piratepiet Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in the uk and here there is calorie info for diet cola and it does say that is has 1 calorie in a 330 ml can. I've seen lots of people say that in the US the labeling info isn't as strict as over here so bare that in mind if your having multiple cans/ bottles a day.

    I think you will explode before you go over your calorie-limit with 1 cal per can ;-)
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I dont have a problem with diet drinks However soda is bad for you its more the carbination than anything else actually. They do have a new study out saying that artifical sugars deaden your sweet taste receptors and when you do eat something with sugar people usually ended up eating twice what they normally would to get the same sweet taste.

    Our stomach acid is far more acidic than the stuff in soda, so the soda is nothing compared to what is naturally in our stomachs anyway.

    As for ended up eating twice as much...just don't eat that much then. Show willpower.

    Soda or diet soda by themselves are not detrimental to health or weight loss, especially when consumed in moderation.
    Diet products have been known to actually hinder weight loss...

    Have you got any proof of this? Any real proof other than just correlation, and that shows the actual diet product itself hinders the loss, rather than just silly people thinking they can eat more calories because they have had a diet product?

    There has been multiple studies on the effects of asparatame sucralose and other fake sugars...
    They have been known to make you crave more carbs and possibly effect your thyriod and stomach
    This isn't a tell all.. i don't particularly care what people eat and drink.. I stay as natural as possible myself and even before dropping much weight felt simply healthier when I got off fake sugar.
    Do as you will- it is your life... I simply think staying natural as possible is logical to me :)
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 922 Member
    I'm a Dr. Pepper 10 girl myself...
    I looked at those the other day, checked the ingredients and saw that it's basically Diet (aspartame) with a splash of HFCS. I put it back. I am thinking about trying the Pepsi throwbacks (or whatever they're called) that are made with real sugar. I couldn't only find the 12oz cans though, not the cute little 7.5's that I've been getting in regular Coke (and only managing to drink 1/2 of).
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I mean it can take rust off a car battery.

    So does baking soda, and it's in a lot of toothpastes. :wink:
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    "No-Cal Drinks Yield Bigger Weight Loss"

    The first rule in Toxicology is that everything is a poison if the dose is high enough.
    A few diet cokes with (one with each meal for example) will not be a problem for most people.
    If you were born in the U.S. you were screened for PKU , so you would know if you should avoid Phenylalamine,
    one of the two amino acids in "Aspartame".

    Last time I checked both of the amino acids in aspartame have codons in our genetic code, so your body can use it to make proteins, but only if needed. Phenylalamine is also converted to Tyrosine which is the starting point for the synthesis of Norepinephrine. Like salt, a little is okay but too much of any one thing, is always bad.

    The FDA allows products with 5 calories or less per serving to be marketed as 0 per serving
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    How much aspartame may people consume?

    The FDA uses the concept of an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for many food additives, including aspartame. The ADI represents an intake level that if maintained each day throughout a person's lifetime would be considered very safe. The ADI for aspartame has been set at 50 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight.

    How much aspartame are people actually consuming today?

    The FDA monitors the amount of aspartame that Americans consume through ongoing dietary surveys. The average daily intake of Americans is less than 2 percent of the FDA guideline for acceptable consumption. The most frequent consumers of aspartame are consuming only 4 percent to 7 percent of the ADI.

    Ty for that link. I'd call that pretty safe tbh :)
    Many people report that if they regular consume products containing aspartame, such as Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi, over time the symptoms, especially headaches, become progressively worse, often beginning within an hour of consuming the aspartame. At the office here, several people have commented that they have noted these same symptoms. Since aspartame is combine with caffeine, it is difficult to know which (or both, or neither) are related to the symptoms.

    As i said, some people will experience a reaction to it. But most of us wont. And for the most of us, it's perfectly safe :)
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    I dont have a problem with diet drinks However soda is bad for you its more the carbination than anything else actually. They do have a new study out saying that artifical sugars deaden your sweet taste receptors and when you do eat something with sugar people usually ended up eating twice what they normally would to get the same sweet taste.

    Our stomach acid is far more acidic than the stuff in soda, so the soda is nothing compared to what is naturally in our stomachs anyway.

    As for ended up eating twice as much...just don't eat that much then. Show willpower.

    Soda or diet soda by themselves are not detrimental to health or weight loss, especially when consumed in moderation.
    Diet products have been known to actually hinder weight loss...

    Have you got any proof of this? Any real proof other than just correlation, and that shows the actual diet product itself hinders the loss, rather than just silly people thinking they can eat more calories because they have had a diet product?

    There has been multiple studies on the effects of asparatame sucralose and other fake sugars...
    They have been known to make you crave more carbs and possibly effect your thyriod and stomach[
    This isn't a tell all.. i don't particularly care what people eat and drink.. I stay as natural as possible myself and even before dropping much weight felt simply healthier when I got off fake sugar.
    Do as you will- it is your life... I simply think staying natural as possible is logical to me :)

    If you are unfortunate enough to be a rat who has had massive amounts of aspartame injected directly into your brain, then you may have a problem.

    If you're a human, you don't have to worry.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I'm in the uk and here there is calorie info for diet cola and it does say that is has 1 calorie in a 330 ml can. I've seen lots of people say that in the US the labeling info isn't as strict as over here so bare that in mind if your having multiple cans/ bottles a day.

    I think you will explode before you go over your calorie-limit with 1 cal per can ;-)

    I wasn't suggesting that people would drink 2000 cals worth of diet cola but it can push you over the edge if your assuming it's no calories and your drinking it like people drink water then it could be a problem. I do know someone who drink over 2 ltrs of the stuff a day, if not more.