I eat really healthy but get awful cold sores anyone have th

I know when your immune system is down cold sores break the surface of you lip. I am a very healthy eater and take vitamins daily. I also do some sort of workout everyday! does anyone have this problem or have any ideas of how to prevent breakouts??


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • oneofHiskids
    oneofHiskids Posts: 12 Member
    I wish I knew the answer. My daughter suffers with outbreaks of cold sores. It usually happens during stressful times. Try destressing, if that is possible. Also yogurt helps with sores in my mouth. Maybe eat some and put some directly on the cold sore. She uses Abreva, but it is expensive.
  • KellyRunyon

    ^^^^ this is what I use and I think it helps alot
  • larr91
    larr91 Posts: 11
    I get exactly the same! seems to help more if I get enough sleep and eat well, I've found putting ice on it as soon as they come up helps it go quicker, but nothing to prevent them :(
  • lijparsons
    I just recently discovered L-Lysine. I tend to break out with a cold sore whenever I have a cold. With the "season" starting, and my kids bringing everything home from school, I went out and bought Zinc, and L-Lysine. Now when one of my kids gets a new cold, I dose up on both supplements, and have so far avoided getting both a cold, and a cold sore.
  • frugalmomsrock
    Lysine and Vitamin C. But lately, when I feel a cold sore coming on (I get about five or six a year), I pull out the listerine and a Q-tip. I soak the swab in the listerine and rub the area down really well three times a day. Since I started doing this (while also bumping up my lysine and C), they never get big or crusted over anymore. I used to get huge, red, crusty cold sores. Now they are minor inconveniences.
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I get them at least once a year and always when the weather changes from hot to cold. I just got rid of one I had.

    Occassionally I'll get them when I'm super stressed, but generally only during season changes.

    Only thing I can recommend is Abreva as mentioned above. It is expensive for a little bitty tube, but that little tube will last you a while. As soon as you start to feel your lip tingle, before the bump is even there, start keeping some Abreva on the area. That usually helps eliminate a lot of swelling for me. If i don't catch it like this last time, it will swell up and it'll have to run the full week (for me).

    My doctor told me that there's really nothing I can do to stop getting them completely, just to keep a steady supply of the Abreva.

    Good luck!
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    Rest is a very very important part of immunity. Exercising, eating well are great but rest needs to be just as important if possible.
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    L-Lysine worked for me and putting on abreva or campho-phenique when I first feel one developing.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    L-lysine is a daily over-the-counter supplement that helps prevent them. A zinc supplement is also sometimes helpful. Talk to your doctor. A prescription antiviral, like Zoviraz or Valtrex (yes, used to treat genital herpes), if taken as soon as you feel the itch/burn can dramatically shorten the lifespan of a fever blister and can sometimes prevent the blister from actually emerging if taken early enough.
  • Southernsister
    Southernsister Posts: 198 Member
    They are a virus that once you are a carrier of stays in the body. (Hsv) most of the time it can lay dormant and you don't even have to be sick for them to come up.. I had them off and on mot of my life.
    Astragalus herb is used by traditional Chinese doctors to stimulate the immune system, also Lysine, Echinacea help immune system
    Good luck.
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    L-lysine is a daily over-the-counter supplement that helps prevent them. A zinc supplement is also sometimes helpful. Talk to your doctor. A prescription antiviral, like Zoviraz or Valtrex (yes, used to treat genital herpes), if taken as soon as you feel the itch/burn can dramatically shorten the lifespan of a fever blister and can sometimes prevent the blister from actually emerging if taken early enough.

    i use valtrex for my cold sores, my sister is an ob and she does too. works amazingly well!
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I have this problem and have my entire life!!!! In the past year I started taking L-Lysine everyday and have only broke out once and that is because I washed my face with a hotel bar soap and my face got too dry and I didn't have chap stick.

    So try taking 1000mg of L-Lysine a day, and WHENEVER your lips are dry put on some chap stick, I really like Burt's Bees Wax chap stick.

    And when no matter how much you try to prevent it and you still break out...Abreva and/or Orajel Medicated Cold Sore Brush are awesome as a ointment, and Valtrex is awesome for an oral....these will help it heal faster and help prevent it from getting worse. There have been times when I could feel the cold sore coming and took valtrex right away and it never came!!!

    ps: the Orajel is found in the chapstick area of the store.

    Hope this helps
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member

    this...it works great. I also have an L-Lysine cream...put it on first sign of a problem...BAM it goes away nicely. you can get it at Trader Joe's and stores like that.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member

    this...it works great. I also have an L-Lysine cream...put it on first sign of a problem...BAM it goes away nicely. you can get it at Trader Joe's and stores like that.

    PS stay away from nuts like almonds, PB etc...they can definitely bring out problems with cold sores. anything with high does of Arginine (spelling)