More diet than exercise?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    For me, exercise was the missing link. I'm eating about the same amount of food as I did before, but I'm moving a lot more. And I feel loads better as a result. :smile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Walking 30 min a day is good exercise. It will help with weight loss and improve your cardiovascular health. That and a healthy diet should get you healthy and fit.
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    While you guys are here - I have a quick question or two.

    Is there such thing as too much water? I've drank about 2litres so far today (I have no idea what that is in "cups") and I'm playing badminton tonight so I'll no doubt drink more.

    Also, if I exercise and the calories come off my "total" - should I make that back up to the 1250 or should I just eat 1250 and exercise?

    i know lots of people who drink LOADS of water, i dont think its a bad thing, they have great skin and are alert etc b they are well hydrated. i drink 2 litres a day and i want to increase it, my skin looks better wheni drink more water.

    in terms of eating exercise calories, there are lots of differing opinions on here as to whether u should eat hem back or not. i would say if u are hungry eat, or maybe just eat half back. if you search the forums for eating exercise calories, there are lots of threads with peoples differing opinions. i would only eat exercise cals back if i was hungry- i wouldnt force myself to eat just to hit a target number of calories, but thas just me. other people see it as an opportunity to eat more or have a treat,

    good luck
  • Bosbes
    Bosbes Posts: 55 Member
    walking is exercise, you don´t need to go to a gym.