New here

:wink: I am new to this site but after 1 full week I feel better already. Started the "diet" because my sugar levels were way up and I got scared but after reading a bit I found most doctors agree I can reverse the numbers with diet and exercise so this was my wake up call. I was once at goal weight--- 40 years and two kids ago. As I grew OUT I didn't care so much about how I looked and the pounds piled on. I am never happy with my reflection or photos but managed to get by all that and stopped looking. Now :wink: :wink: with the help of this site and friends I hope to see a new me emerge.


  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Good for you!!! A change for the better is always a good thing! Welcome aboard! Feel free to add me for some added support in your journey if you like!