Anyone else exhausted???

Between work, kids, planning activities and working out I just feel totally exhausted by 7pm lately, lol. I feel old just typing that.

So I work anywhere from 9-12 hour shifts M-F from home with my boys running around. I workout M-F doing Ripped in 30 while the boys nap, M,W,Sa I also do the C25K pushing a double jogging stroller after I finish work, and Tues night I play volleyball in a league. On Thurs my 4 year old has basketball and on Sat I usually try to get the kids out of the house and take them on a fun little outing since we're all stuck in the house most of the time. My husband's b-day is Friday so I'm planning a surprise special night, then of course Halloween planning costumes and all that, and my oldest son's b-day is also coming up so I'm getting everything ready for his party. Oh and don't even get me going on keeping up with the house chores. I just feel like I have way too much going on right now.

Anyone else feel my pain?? Please tell me I'm not the only one

P.S. My husband is great when he gets home from work helping out with the kids, picking up toys, etc. However, he works 6 days a week and also tries to fit time in 3-4 days a week to workout so I think he's feeling the same way. We have no family around so we do it all on our own and basically never get a break from the kids unless we go out to dinner without them and our neighbors watch them for us.


  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164 a single person, just reading all you do makes me tired!!! I congratulate you for keeping it all together for so long!!!
  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member
    I have been extremely busy lately too. I was feeling so tired, I decided to workout only 4 days that week and take the weekend off. It made the biggest difference in how I felt and I also started losing weight again. When I workout on Mondays I feel so energized and ready to go. Rest is important too.
  • i hear you. i have two little ones and work full time and the best i've been able to muster with working out is 30 minutes of cardio 5 days per week. i'd love to step it up, but... well, everything you said! it sounds to me like you've been doing a great job with finding time for fitness, so that is a plus!
  • deabora
    deabora Posts: 20 Member
    I was doing something similar but with out the kids. I was working long hours and working out 5-6 times a week. I just couldnt keep up with it and it was wearing me out. I backed it off to working out 3-4 times a week. Wow, what a difference. I am sleeping better and have more energy so I can work harder during my workouts.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Sounds familiar--been there, done that. My kids are grown now, but I look back and wonder how I kept up with it. Hang in there, girl, and your kids will grow up, too. Pray a lot, do your best, force yourself to take a break now and then, and you'll come through this with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Be sure to train and prepare your children to be self-sufficient so you don't become a full-time parent to your grandchildren. I hear that from people my age all the time these days. Being older, those people are really exhausted. God bless you!
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    I knew I could find people that understood on this site. Thanks everyone, that makes me feel better.

    If I didn't work from home I'm almost positive I wouldn't be doing Jillian dvds along with the C25K, but right now they seem to give me a little boost to get through my day so I really like doing them. The C25K I'm doing because I actually have a 5k this Saturday morning that I'm running in with my boys and I have another next month and in April I'm running on my friends marathon relay team (each of us will do 6.55 miles) I don't want to go into it unprepared. As the weather gets colder I won't be running outside with the boys and I may cut a day out completely. I'll have to use our treadmill and I really don't like running on treadmills. I do take Sunday completely off though and I have no problem sleeping at night unless my 2 year old is having a horrible night due to teething/molars.

    I can't help but think OMG what's it going to be like when my 2 year old starts playing organized sports in year or two and another night gets filled up and also thinking about when they're older how busy I will be with the kids. Running them around everywhere to practices, school events, etc.