so tell me something....



  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    1. I hate being cold but my bedroom has to be cold before I go to bed.
    2. I always wear dark coloured nail polish.
    3. I enjoy watching reality TV.
    4. My cat is named after a deck of hockey cards (my friend named it before she gave the cat to me, LOL)
    5. I can be a messy person at home but at work I am a neat freak, my desk has to be organized and clean.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    *I'm missing a button on my shirt
    *breakfast started at 1am for me today
    *i love my new mascara
    *i wore my leather jacket to work because it's cold out---and my flip flops
    *i'm waaay behind on my water intake today.
  • 1. I hate horror films.
    2. I despise shopping
    3. I cannot be barefoot except when in bed
    4. I am spider really...I've been bitten twice by brown recluse spiders. once on the back of my leg and once on my forehead.
    5. I'm wired more like a dude when it comes to talking, shopping, and t.v.

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  • 1. I know how to belly dance
    2. I wrote a romance novel but I'm too lazy to edit it
    3. I spend more time volunteering at the kids' school than cleaning
    4. I don't like fish or seafood but I will eat tuna.
    5. I'll take hot sauce and salty food over chocolate and sweets any day.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    5 Random things about me

    5- I secretly want a Zombie Apocalypse so I can kick some Zombie *kitten*
    4- When I am stress I put my thumb in the roof of my mouth (I dont suck my thumb just rest it in that nook) LOL
    3- My dream career would be to be a Poet
    2-I would like to publish a book
    1- I enjoy Superman....a little too much
  • 1. i can cook and clean and that suprises a lot of women..why i dont know
    2. i love working on cars
    3. i didnt go to the gym last night cause i had something WAY better to do :smokin:
    4. i have gotten a lot of compliments lately about how much weight i have lost
    5. i am frezzing at my desk right now
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Hmmm, what to say:

    1. My music on my Ipod is ecclectic-Beethoven Moonlight Sonato to Van Halen Can't Stop Lovin' You to Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling to Seether Broken!
    2. I LOVE to cook but wish I had someone to clean up the mess
    3. I absolutely LOVE ROMANCE and B Movies!
    4. I'm girly but I absolutely LOVE muscle cars-it is my goal in life to win the lottery so I can buy property to build a huge garage to house all the muscle cars I want to buy!
    5. The only thing I miss about southern California is the tremendous opportunities to people watch at the beach!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    1. When my ex-boyfriend broke up with me for another girl, I flew 1000 miles to sleep with his best friend.
    2. I currently spend at least an hour of my workday looking for a new job (shh!)
    3. Ever seen Ancient Aliens? Yea, I believe all that *kitten*.
    4. If I didn't work in corporate america, I'd probably have at least 10 more tattoos.
    5. I will not step on sidewalk cracks. To the point where people have started to notice...
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    1. I'm fluent in Sign Language after having a Deaf son.
    2. Our wedding anniversary is November 10, 2007. We met November 11, 2005. Our son was born November 12, 2009.
    3. I bake the most delicious things you will ever eat. From scratch and make up my own recipes.
    4. Our dog is going to be trained to be a service dog for our son.
    5. I hate anything that flies. Birds, butterflies, bees, wasps.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    i almost killed my cat this morning.......on purpose.

    my name was suppose to be Robert even though i am definately a was on major drugs apparently.

    ok the cat not cool....but the name LMFAO! love it
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    #5: I love that when my 7yr old hugs me his arms actually wrap around me now.
    #4: I put on size 8 skinny jeans today - comfortably!
    #3: I am 20 lbs away from my goal weight and REALLY want a hamburger! (yeah, I gave into the craving and had one last week, I want another...)
    #2:I think pita bread should replace tortillas in wraps-same calories, more filling.
    #1:Plain green tea is bitter but for a flatter stomach, I will continue to drink the vile stuff.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I can't count to 5.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    2. Our wedding anniversary is November 10, 2007. We met November 11, 2005. Our son was born November 12, 2009.

    OMG. I wonder what's going to happen on November 13, 2011!?
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    1. I can't resist randomness
    2. I like to eat the crust off my pizza first
    3. I HATE wearing socks in bed
    4. I love ABC Family movies
    5. I love apples, apple pie, apple cider donuts, etc, and I loathe apple juice/cider.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I dance with my refridgerator door when I'm wearing my mp3 player around the house. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it.
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    1. My birthday will be on 11/11/11 this year.
    2. My guilty pleasure is stupid reality TV shows...shhh don't tell! :tongue:
    3. I am a recovering perfectionist.
    4. I used to sleepwalk up until I was around 21 years old and would often cook or shower without waking up at all.
    5. I hate driving in snow, but I live in Utah. Go figure!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.

    2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.

    3rd RULE: If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the fight is over.

    4th RULE: Only two guys to a fight.

    5th RULE: One fight at a time.

    6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.

    7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to.

    8th RULE: If this is your first night at FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    1. I could never get sick of that lovely sticky drink “SLURPEE” (If it is a plastic cups in my house... its a Slurpee cup)
    2. I am easily annoyed and honestly that’s why I don’t have many friends
    3. The town I’m from has no traffic lights one restaurant and a gas station…
    4. I hate conflicts, and try to avoid arguments…but at the same time I want what I want now
    5. I love Hot baths like.. you know.. the kind that are so hot it turns your body red…yes with bubbles how could you even think w/out

    and because I'm random...Some things you just have to have always stocked up in your house and for me that is popcorn, hot sauce, and TP
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    1. i got my first tattoo today!
    2. i love listening to my 4yr old twin nephews talk in their own made up language!
    3. i am deathly afraid of magpies!!!
    4. i might be 32 but i still love watching cartoon movies!!
    5. i have a really bad habit of using too many exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!! lol!!
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    1. I have a dull feeling headache
    2. I like Wednesdays they're kinda relaxing to me I never get rest on Fridays or weekends.
    3. This morning is going slow
    4. This room I'm in is very stuffy and I have no control over the thermostat...that pisses me off
    5. I have shatter nail polish on my fingers :)
    6. I'm 2 friends away from having 100 friends on Facebook. Add me if you want :)