Can't stop eating! Please HELP!

Hello all!
I am really looking for motivation. Over the last week, my family had a few celebrations and what was planned to be 1 cheat day had turned out into a week long feast. Dinner out 1 day, Baby's first birthday the next day, friends over next few days and baby shower potluck at work, PLUS tons of leftovers that are calling my name. I cannot stop eating. I am trying to up my water intake, ignore the food, but it seems almost impossible. I feels so gross and big. I have tons more weight to loose, and started out slowly but steadily and was doing great, exercising every day, eating right and I really do not want this to ruin what I have accomplished so far. So, I am looking for tips on how to stop this, since its getting harder and harder every day. Its like my head says I thing and I do a complete opposite.:). Thanks in advance.


  • WordToYourMamma
    Sheer willpower, and it sucks. But its a trade, eat all you want and be big or be hungry and skinny. Up to you.
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    You still need to give your body what it needs, just make sure its the good stuff. Has anything worked for you in the past? Every considered the meal replacements?
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    First turn your head to the right and then turn it to the left. Repeat this exercise everytime you are offered something to eat.

    Its hard but its the only way XD discipline for the win!
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    I would suggest going very cow-carb, high protein for 3 or 4 days. That's the only thing that broke my binging cycles. It shuts down the insulin roller coaster and gets you back in control.
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    Only you are in charge of what you put into your body. Stop making excuses...and PUT DOWN THE FORK.
  • cookingwithtrace
    great tip!
    First turn your head to the right and then turn it to the left. Repeat this exercise everytime you are offered something to eat.

    Its hard but its the only way XD discipline for the win!
  • Ashbee1224
    You CAN stop eating all that crap. You have to WANT IT, like on a whole other level. You can do this! Think about how you will feel and how much healthier you will be for yourself & your family. I had to stop eating out, and if you're going out to eat to be social eat before you go and just get something small when you get there.
  • csue1970
    csue1970 Posts: 17 Member
    I find that I do better when the "goodies" are out of my reach. I have the luxury of having get-together's at my dad's house (I live across the street) and I can leave them all at his house or send them home with other family members.

    Try to give away what's leftover that you know you will indulge in. Don't beat yourself up. We all have times where we can't seem to stop eating. You're doing the right thing by looking for support here :)

    Good luck. You can do it!! Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!!!!!
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    i go through this a lot too. its like, eating whatever we want re-addicts our bodies to food.
    Keep drinking the water, make yourslef exercise. Give away or get rid of any unhealthy food. do some yoga, meditate, re-center yourself and re-focus on what is important to you and why you are wanting to get healthy. and KNOW, that just like when you break your routine of exercising, that it easily becomes part of the routine again when you start and keep at it for a day or two..the same too will happen with food. you only need a couple good days to reinforce that routine in your brain again, and basically detox your body. thats my $0.02.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Sheer willpower, and it sucks. But its a trade, eat all you want and be big or be hungry and skinny. Up to you.

    I agree with the willpower part, but you don't have to be hungry to be thin! The key is to eat sensibly so your stomach shrinks, after that, fill up on healthy food, whole grains and fiber, they'll help you stay full longer. And eat slowly so your mouth has time to catch up to your brain and let you know you're full.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    if the leftovers are at your house toss them out now and just keep around what you know you can control for now. all is not lost, but learning how to see some foods as toxic and others as healthy may work for you. it's like understanding food on a different level, almost like medicine rather than anything else.

    just a thought :)
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Before you eat anything else, eat something high in fiber - like a cup of raw veggies - drink 32 ounces of water, and wait 30 minutes. THEN you have permission to eat one other thing. In that 30 minutes, your body "registers" what you have eaten already, fiber is a good filler, and you have consumed a lot of the nutrients you need to satisfy you. It also gives you time to think about what you want most - all that junk food or a couple of bites to savor and a beautiful, healthy body.

    A boiled egg (but not deviled with mayo LOL) is a very good source of protein and other great nutrients and is very low calorie. Tuna or lean chicken on top of a garden salad with lemon pepper or lemon juice to moisten it will give you fiber and protein. Just eat what you need before you eat what you want. Make sure you have your nutrients and fiber in, and that will greatly reduce your hunger for non-nutritious, high caloric foods.
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    YOU are going to have to force the issue for yourself. My recommendation is log EVERY SINGLE BITE you put in your mouth and look at it at the end of the day. That worked for me and I STOPPED eating crazy. Stop eating for FLAVOR, that is what I did and how come I am here losing now.. Now I have no problem turning away from things that I know will take away from my calorie allowance. If I want something, sure I may have a little...enough to get the taste and craving..for example a brownie, no more than a half of 1 square..and I am good. You have to make yourself stick to it. That is the only advice I can give you and I wish there was something else, but that is it girl, it is up to you. DO or DO NOT, there is not try. If I can do it, I know you can DO this.
  • nomnomzombie
    nomnomzombie Posts: 7 Member
    I just had a couple days like this, went out on vacation and ate everything in sight. I'm also drinking water :D Don't despair though! You just need some momentum back! If I were in your shoes in the leftovers department I would throw them all away (wasteful, I know) or if you have a significant other who's not watching their weight, make them eat them. Just because they're there doesn't mean you have to put them in your body. Good luck!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I agree...unfortunately, it's down to sheer willpower. Only you can decide if it's worth it to you. Others can badger you, cajole you, humiliate you, yell at you, whatever...but it still comes down to a choice only YOU can make. We can all cheer you on and offer words of encouragement, but in the end, it comes down to you and you alone. We can't make you stop eating, and neither can the people around you. It's like a drug addict...those around them can remove the drugs, but if they don't want to stop, they'll find a way to get more drugs.

    When you feel like all you want to do is eat, go for a walk instead. Put on some good music and take a good brisk walk. You'll feel better, and if you hurt while you walk, it will be a reminder of how much more of that you have to do if you continue to eat all the bad stuff. Eat something healthy. Are you allowing yourself some treats? If not, try that. Depriving yourself of everything you like will backfire. I use Skinny Cow ice cream bars as my treat. I've already planned for one for tonight when I get home from choir practice at church, but if I eat something not in the plan I've laid out for the day, I'll have to give up my Skinny Cow! Not wanting to miss out on that, so I will eat right the rest of the day so I can have it. You need to set up something like for yourself. Not all of us can eat 100% "clean", vegan, whatever. Find what works for you as a motivator.

    Feel free to friend me on here if you want. I'm not one who thinks you have to be so strict that you can't ever have a treat. I'm also glad to listen to "venting"...I've had to do my share of it the last year!
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Put a sock in it.
  • LLaDonna
    LLaDonna Posts: 126
    I suggest that you start saying out loud, " that's enough", or "i'll pass on that" or "i won't eat any of that now, maybe later". The voice in your head is saying this, but you've gotten good at ignoring it. Let the sound of your voice be the back up for your willpower when just thinking it isn't enough.
  • vdonovan2
    i just joined for the exact same reason you post. its a mental thing. i like the idea someone posted about giving your body what it needs, just keep it positive and healthy! good luck!!
  • bmkell
    bmkell Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I havedone the same thing.. I think I can have a cheat day than a week later I get real with myself when I feel bloated, gross and tierd. With practice and I mean lots of practice I have learned to ask myself before I cheat "Do I really want this? Do I want to feel like crap for a moment of pleasure?" I find more than not I won't cheat. It's a life style change.... Try to find something to keep your mind off those left overs. It's not easy, but bottom line is... How bad to you want to be skinny?
    Good luck hun! :smile:
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    Sheer willpower, and it sucks. But its a trade, eat all you want and be big or be hungry and skinny. Up to you.

    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.

    I am getting skinny, and I am never hungry unless I simply get too busy to eat. I do not crave carbs anymore. I can look at a caramel-covered cake and say "nice piping work on the icing" and wander off.

    Our bodies are designed for moderate carbs. When we live in a constant insulin spike, things go really haywire, appetite especially.