"The Tire"

I need help on a good lower body workout to get rid on the dreaded "tire" my 2 beautiful boys and 2 c-sections left me with!!! I LOVED what I saw on BL last night, Anna's workout with the girls but don't know where I can get a good one... Thanks in advance!! Kathy


  • Jillian's 6 week six pack will help. I have the same issue after having a very large daughter myself. I may not get a six pack but I can feel them tightening while doing the work out. I also found that doing crunches on a stability ball works the core a lot more as well.
  • You cannot spot lose. Weight loss comes from diet, not exercise. The old saying is "great abs are built in the kitchen". It certainly doesn't hurt to add an intense workout to your schedule at all, but don't be disappointed when spot reduction doesn't occur.
    I need help on a good lower body workout to get rid on the dreaded "tire" my 2 beautiful boys and 2 c-sections left me with!!! I LOVED what I saw on BL last night, Anna's workout with the girls but don't know where I can get a good one... Thanks in advance!! Kathy
  • KatBuz7
    KatBuz7 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you - I've never been a health nut or exercise fanatic.. But since having my boys I want to get as healthy as I can for them and be able to run all over the place and play sports, etc with them as they grow.. this is the first time in my life I've been this dedicated to weight loss (and I'm 34).. since having my youngest this past June, I've dropped 3 sizes and have 2 more to my goal size - I've never had the tire so I didn't know you can't just focus on 1 place...