need help

I am Kyle Taylor and im using this sight for a research part of my senior project and I could really use some personal tips on weight loss. The topic of my paper is unhealthy weight loss in the youth of today, but mainly about unhealthy eating habits in wrestlers of today high schools and college. If you would please be so kind as to help me it would be greatly appericiated.


  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    You picked a great topic for a research paper. There is so much information and opinions on this you could drown. Maybe that's part of the problem? Just start writing out specific topics to research. You could start with basic nutrition and work your way through to distorted body images. I was one of those unfortunate kids that destroyed my health trying to look thin. At first I had to learn about calories and then I had to learn about net calories. Then it was accepting that I had to eat at least close to my BMR (one of the tools on this site) or my body would think it was starving and I would actually gain. It's funny how much schooling you can do and come out knowing so little about how your own body works. That's why I homeschool.