Why do so many people only run?



  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I highly doubt that people run just to burn calories. Now when you see me bored out of my mind on one of those cardio machines at the gym while staring down at the "calories burned" number and praying for my obligatory half hour to be over, that's just to burn calories. People who get out and run for miles and miles, through inclement weather/injuries/soreness/etc. are clearly athletes and enjoy the "sport" of it and not just the caloric benefit. Just my opinion, from someone who'd rather skip a meal or three than get my lazy butt to a park and run! Kudos to those who do it.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    EDIT: Ofc i know running is a sport! It was meant more of a "play" sports kinda thing. Something that involves more than just your legs :)

    Take THAT, soccer players! LOL
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Wait, running isn't a sport?
  • charlibets
    charlibets Posts: 83 Member
    I've never been good at sports, so I've never really had fun doing them. But I do enjoy being outside. Running and biking provide that opportunity and good exercise too.
  • Carenath
    Carenath Posts: 9 Member
    My main issue with anything I would honestly say is motivation. Outside of that fact, I'd say that I haven't played any sports other than billiards in a very long time so I really wouldn't be very useful to any team.. hehe. I'd probably get quite a bit of exercise as they ran me off the field though :)
  • TheTeeWhy
    TheTeeWhy Posts: 186
    It seems to me that so many people only seem to run/jog, or maybe cycle.

    Why don't more people play sports? Not only are you getting your burn, often far better than just running, but the activity itself takes your mind of the "i must burn more calories". Play the sport for fun, and burning calories becomes a by-product, not a goal!

    Makes it so much easier!

    Kinda simple, some people dont know many people who play sports. And the ones who do, are already in awesome shape and wouldnt want someone who ISNT in awesome shape, on their team >_> come on now.
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I would love to play soccer again. But the leagues are almost an hour drive away, I have young kids at home and can't spend that much time away from them.
  • lmtompkins
    Running is a sport too... You have to "practice for the game" if you are running races. it's awesome!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Play the sport for fun, and burning calories becomes a by-product, not a goal!

    Makes it so much easier!

    I LOVE running, it is a sport all on it's own. I don't need to be distracted from my running by chasing a ball.
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    maybe I prefer not to be a weight on a team. When I run, I am only competing against myself. I'm not worried about looking foolish and letting a team down.

    I suck at sports, I have no skill with speed, but I can run six miles in my own time and that is way more thrilling to me than missing that ball yet again.

    Do you understand now?
    me too
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I hate running. I will just have to sacrifice myself to the zombies so my friends can get away...
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Playing sports or maybe a martial art is something I am considering. I tend to get bored easy and I hate long distance running, even when I was in good shape. Problem is that I am on blood thinners, so boxing like I used to is out of the question. But on the flip side, running and most cardio is cheap, sports involve money and equipment, at least the ones I like.
  • Michaela722
    I highly doubt that people run just to burn calories. Now when you see me bored out of my mind on one of those cardio machines at the gym while staring down at the "calories burned" number and praying for my obligatory half hour to be over, that's just to burn calories. People who get out and run for miles and miles, through inclement weather/injuries/soreness/etc. are clearly athletes and enjoy the "sport" of it and not just the caloric benefit. Just my opinion, from someone who'd rather skip a meal or three than get my lazy butt to a park and run! Kudos to those who do it.

    That's a good way to put it. I certainly don't enjoy my 60 minutes on the AMT machine at the gym - but it produces an 800 calorie burn. :D
  • SoulNeedsBeauty
    SoulNeedsBeauty Posts: 154 Member
    maybe it seems that way for you because you are surrounded by that kind of people?
    most of my friends play some kind of sport. even my family, everyone does something ( i play tennis, my dad does kickboxing, my uncle plays soccer with his friends, boyfriend is into basketball, cousin playes tennis)
    and i agree with t\what people said before, it takes people to start a team, and you need a specific kind of place (alot of times you have to pay for the tennis courts or to rent the soccer field)

    plus, if you think about it, if a person is overweight, who will want to play with him/her?
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    If you have that much spare time maybe you should try training for an Ironman or even a 1/2 Ironman.
    No more spare time then.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Running makes me happy. Running is my ME time.
    I wouldn't get as much out of playing softball as I do running.. softball means I have to pay attention. I love that with running my mind can roam in a million directions.
    Running works with my schedule... the kids, hubby, work.

    And like others have said, I do it because it's what I enjoy more than the fact that it burns calories...that's just a plus!

    this exactly!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Um, because I love running, and um, it is a sport... uhhhh yeah
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I run because I am afraid.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Do they? I don't see that at all. Most people seem to do a variety of exercise.
  • KavemanKarg
    I like to run

    I can do it on my own schedule

    I can do with with my girlfriend

    I can combine it with other adventures, I do not have to stay on a soccer field for 3 hours, I can explore a path with a nice leisurely jog

    You do not need any equipment

    You do not need a membership

    You can relax and just be, running is often called "moving meditation"

    Running is awesome cardio exercise

    You can set goals and work towards them

    It is highly functional and transfers well to any sport pretty much

    ... and I just love it