Reflux-- Please read.

auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
The other night, around 6 pm, I started feeling a tightness in my throat. The soft spot, below where my Adams Apple would be if I had a penis.

It felt tight. Like a gas bubble was pushing on it or I was trying really hard to hold back tears.

It got progressively worse to where it was Sharp pains in the same area, though it was not hard to breathe. It felt like spasms in/around my larynx? If I laid down the pain spread to my chest, shoulders and ears. I thought it was gas/trapped air but burping --which I was doing a lot of-- helped only momentarily. At first I feared I was having heart problems but my breathing and heartrate were my normal... All I know is the pain was intense.

I wound up awake until 4 am until I managed sleep. I did a lot of googling in the wee hours of the morning and discovered what I was experiencing sounded a lot like reflux-- specifically silent reflux?

I have since started taking OTC Prevacid. Mylanta helps when the pressure returns, which hasn't really happened since the Prevacid.

I can find folks who have reflux but would really love to find someone who has had the same pain I was experiencing. It'd be nice to know I'm not going crazy.


  • leslielt
    leslielt Posts: 113 Member
    did you call your doctor or maybe a nurse line?
  • vintx
    vintx Posts: 34
    i've experienced something similar. that's typically what my heart burn feels like. i take zantac (the generic and maximum strength) and it helps. mine flares up more when i have a carbonation (ie, sodas) or high fat/greasy food.
  • boydsterk
    boydsterk Posts: 86 Member
    I I've had the EXACT thing happen to me-- and first the I thought I was having panic attacks. Then they moved to my chest where it felt like my back was hurting and no matter what I'd do the pains where still there until they just magicly went away. You'd burp and feel better for just a moment.

    I ended up going back and forth with a few different hospitals -- and I actually had gallstones (which the attacks you sound like you're having sound like gallbladder attacks).

    I ended up having my gallbladder removed last month and I haven't had one since. I would def look into it if I were you!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If it wasn't in your throat I would definitely have said gallstones... that is a great description of the attacks I had. But in the throat? I don't know.
  • boydsterk
    boydsterk Posts: 86 Member
    Yeah, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't had a similar feeling. It's worth a shot to at least ask a doctor, though. Even if it is something like Esophagitis. Hope everything works out!
  • Salamanda425
    I have reflux but I've never felt that sensation. Usually it just feels like a lump in my throat that makes it hard to swallow. I take prescription acid blockers every day though, so I haven't experienced it in a while.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    The other night, around 6 pm, I started feeling a tightness in my throat. The soft spot, below where my Adams Apple would be if I had a penis.

    So if you had a penis, it would be around your Adam's apple? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Sounds like GERD. Go see your doctor, there are lots of very effective treatments for this.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    YUP !!!!!!!!! you have reflux which causes spasms...go have your throat scoped or stretched!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO USE A NEDI-POT!