1,500 calories a day



  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Are you adding in your exercise calories?

    MFP has set me at a little over 1300 calories. But, I am at the gym 6x per week of which 3 -4 workouts include a decent level of cardio.

    After adding in my exercise calories I am hitting 1800 - 2000 calories consumed per day gross. Doing my best to keep the net at the recommended 1300.

    Seem to be working as I am pretty consistent with the 1-2 lbs lost per week.
  • ashleycat23
    Are you adding in your exercise calories?

    MFP has set me at a little over 1300 calories. But, I am at the gym 6x per week of which 3 -4 workouts include a decent level of cardio.

    After adding in my exercise calories I am hitting 1800 - 2000 calories consumed per day gross. Doing my best to keep the net at the recommended 1300.

    Seem to be working as I am pretty consistent with the 1-2 lbs lost per week.
    When i can work out, yes i add them back in. It's pretty minimal though most the time ( starting slow with 20 minutes a day, since i was pretty much NOT active at all up to this point due to fibromyalgia. )
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    I too have a hard time with 1,200 calories. I usually get around 1400-1500 and like it there much better. I'm really maintaining. If I lost 5 more pounds I would love it, but I'm not killing myself to get there. When I see threads about people having problems getting to 1,200 calories per day I'm shocked.
  • sqtolliver
    MFP gave me 1200 because I'm 5'2 and wanted to lose 1.5 lbs a week. I'm sure it would give me more if I were taller or male. My understanding is there is some customization based on age, height, starting weight, etc.

    I'm only 5"3 and I thought about it long and hard and concluded that trying to stick to anything lower than 1,500 would mean miserable days ahead for me as food plays a huge part in my enjoyment in life.

    So I opted for the slow, steady 1lb a week weight loss plan incorporating more exercise than originally intended meaning more food!

    I very often go over my 1500 but the exercise makes me appear under. Which all in all works for me.

    1200 is before exercise and I do eat back some of my exercise calories. I guess it doesn't bother me because I don't eat a lot of calorie dense foods on a regular basis. I love salads, fruits and vegetables. I eat lean meats like chicken, fish, shrimps, lean pork and lean beef. I do eggs, low fat cheeses, almond milk and skim milk. I don't deny myself anything so if I want cake, I eat cake but just a serving and not the whole thing. Sometimes, usually when TOM visits I want pasta, bread and cookies. I may be close to maintenance then but I usually drop 2-3 lbs the week following a kinda high day. If I really want something extra I will hop on the treadmill to "earn" it. Your body has to get used to a reduction in calories just like it previously got used to a surplus.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I never went below 1750 net.
  • beaner1st
    beaner1st Posts: 229 Member
    Low calorie works however I question if any of us can sustain it for long term. Use it as a tool but eventually you'll need to find a better way to eat.

    1200 cals... is a DIET. not a lifestyle change. You can make a lifestyle change, but eating 1200 a day shouldn't be it. The quality of your food should be. Cals NEED to go up to maint every couple of months to give your body a break.

    Ah to be tall or male or young. I am none of those so I need less calories. My maintenance calories since I work a desk job will be 1500. To lose weight 1200 calories is a reasonable amount per day. Yes I exercise almost daily so can eat those calories and darn I am hungry when I exercise so need to. However on days I do not exercise I need to keep my calories low. This for me is a lifestyle change not a diet. I recently upped my calories to 1300 per day plus exercise calories to see if I can break through a plataue.

    Don't pick on us short, female, old people because we can only have a limited amount of calories so we don't get fat! :)
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    MFP puts me at 1320 a day to lose 1 lb a week. If I didnt exercise and eat those calories I would feel very very hungry. The days I dont exercise and get No extra calories I feel bad all day because I stay hungry. Probably not good to exercise just to be able to eat a little more.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    1500 calories isnt that much. I eat 2600 calories and i still lose. Its really based on your basal metabolic rate and the amount of energy you expend throughout the day including exercise.

    Yes your BMR. How we all burn calories is dependent on individual factors. It is difficult to compare one's calorie needs to another's.

    Age, gender, height, body size, and daily activity levels must all be accounted for in the math to determine your calorie needs. Then your deficit based upon your weight loss goals is factored into determining what your daily NET calorie target is.

    You may start out wanting to lose 2 pounds per week. Over time you may find yourself wanting to lose 1/2 pound per week and continue to count calories indefinitely. This is where I'm at now. Hopefully I can meet my body fat % goals at some point and change my goal to 0 pounds per week.
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    Low calorie works however I question if any of us can sustain it for long term. Use it as a tool but eventually you'll need to find a better way to eat.

    I've been on 1223 calories for 4 months now, losing steadily. I train heavy 5 days a week, plus cardio. My trainer has my macros currently set at 60/30/10, which is working a lot better for me. I don't "starve". And no, she does not have me eat my "exercise" calories. Yes, I am building muscle.
    It is a matter of discipline. If you only have 1200 calories to spare, you don't spend them on Godiva chocolate squares, rice cakes, 2% milk, jams or any of the other foods people don't think they can live without. You select fresh greens like spinach, protein-dense sources such as egg whites, chicken and fish and an appropriate amount of fats.It's all about choices and making good decisions. You can do it if you want it.
    Oh, and I'm 5'11.