Any one like me out there??

I just wanted to know if there was anyone else on this site who has R.A. or O.A. or any other kind of Auto-Immune disease, and how exersize and/or diet effects them...


  • mamashrub
    mamashrub Posts: 128
    I just wanted to know if there was anyone else on this site who has R.A. or O.A. or any other kind of Auto-Immune disease, and how exersize and/or diet effects them...
  • 9726172000
    Hi there,
    I have O.A and loosing the weight and the excercise has helped bunches. I can move alot better, especially my hips, knees, ankles and shoulders.:happy:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Not exactly like you, but was diagnosed with beginning stages of arthritis a few years ago. I've found it's sometimes harder to get started and I need to start off slower somtimes. Usually when I get over that hump, I'm good to go. Then again that's not as bad as having RA. I've heard that cutting out as many carbs as possible can help with arthritis, if it's actually true or not I dunno. Good Luck. I'm sure there's more people like you on here, if not, you'll still get all the support you can possibly stand:wink:
  • IUChelle423
    I just wanted to know if there was anyone else on this site who has R.A. or O.A. or any other kind of Auto-Immune disease, and how exersize and/or diet effects them...
    I have RA and Fibromyalgia. The toughest things for me are:

    1. Staying motivated when I'm having a flare up and can't exercise for awhile
    2. Not being gung ho when I can exercise again - I tend to try to jump back into it too quick and cause another flare up

    It's tough because you can't always stick to your planned workout but I've found that I am able to still lose successfully as long as I stay within my calories.
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    I was recently diagnosed with Palindromic Rheumatism which has some similarities to RA. After 7 months of dealing with this I am finally learning what causes my flare-ups and how to avoid triggering them. Flare-ups for me can happen anywhere on my body, not just my joints and they can occur without any trigger at all (which is very frustrating). I spent the summer and most of the fall with painful swelling in my feet, legs, arms and hands and it was a struggle to walk, nevermind the pain I would feel later with the corresponding flare-up.

    Now that I am getting used to this and the medication, I am now able to start adding work-outs back into my routine. I have been starting slow with Yoga and stretching and am gradually adding more cardio. All I can say is take it slow and listen to your body.
  • beetlebug2001
    I am almost like you. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2001 after multiple tick bites. I also have moderate osteoarthrits. All those years of running up and down hospital halls, I am an RN. The last two years I have steadily declined in strength and endurance, The pain so bad it is hard to get up and going. I have been doing water aerobics 3 days a week which really has helped. My daughter wants me to try to acupuncture but I am leary, don't know why, nothing else has helped much. I am determined to get this weight off because I know it will vastly improve my overall health and well-being.It is very hard when I have a flare-up to do much of anything but I try, sometimes to hard. I just keep doing because I am afraid of the consequences if I don't. Thank God for a supportive husband and family.
  • timetoembrace
    yes. My mom...who is also using myfitnesspal has R.A.

    She excercises on a gazelle and can only tolerate it a few minutes a day. But she has lost almost 20lbs. I am so proud of her.

    She will work out about 10 minutes then break, excersize 10 more then break. She is 70 yrs old and has had 2 hips, 2 shoulders and a knee replaced. But she keeps going. Problem is, her feet are in real bad shape now. and thats where most of her pain is right now at the moment.

    {{{HUGS}}} for you. And good for you to try excersizing.
  • rstarks54
    rstarks54 Posts: 163
    I have arthritis in most of my joints, but I find loosing weight has definitely made it easier...keeping moving seems to keep the joints looser. Best to you always, Rick