Thanksgiving and Christmas

So what should I do with these holiday foods?
I really, really do not want to eat over the amount of food. Any tips?


  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    Check out the cookbook The Best of Clean Eating. It has a section with lighter versions of holiday foods, even some nice baked treats, and it's pretty much all healthy!
  • jmcholden
    jmcholden Posts: 20 Member
    I could use some advice in this area as well. It is hard to get through the holidays without adding a few pounds back on.

    Thanksgiving, I just go for it, enjoy my meal but not the left overs. And that hasn't caused me too much trouble. It's just the one day really.

    It is the Christmas food that lasts for a whole month that gets me!
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    Portion control is key for me.
    I want to eat everything - so a bite or two let's me try all the yummy food!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    So what should I do with these holiday foods?
    I really, really do not want to eat over the amount of food. Any tips?

    Its pretty simple really - you just need to preplan ahead... check out the books the previous poster recommended... Pre-planning your meals is no different than what you do now...

    My husband goes nuts when he realizes I have so many meals planned ahead.. he doesnt know how I can do it! LOL I told him if I let him do the planning, that means we would either starve or eat junk food! lol!!!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Good Morning, These two holidays are the hardest for me as I do most of the cooking. My family loves all the traditional foods so that is what I cook. I eat a little bit of everything but I limit myself. It works for may not work for you or for others and some will say avoid it all together but it is up to you. I love the food so I go and walk before and afterwards to help and drink lots and lots of water!!! Use hardly any salt let them salt their own food and I try to avoid the sauces etc.

    Good Luck
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    Portion control is key for me.
    I want to eat everything - so a bite or two let's me try all the yummy food!

    I agree. Allow yourself to have what you want, but only in small amounts... This helps me feel like I can enjoy the holidays like everyone else!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Good Morning, These two holidays are the hardest for me as I do most of the cooking. My family loves all the traditional foods so that is what I cook. I eat a little bit of everything but I limit myself. It works for may not work for you or for others and some will say avoid it all together but it is up to you. I love the food so I go and walk before and afterwards to help and drink lots and lots of water!!! Use hardly any salt let them salt their own food and I try to avoid the sauces etc.

    Good Luck

  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    Eat a very light breakfast and make one plate and just try to keep everything smaller than an actual portion because theres so much food and that way you can get a little of everything. I don't really eat food on Christmas i usually just get the cookies and eggnog lol but I guess its the same idea. Also, I wouldn't eat too much of the turkey because turkey has natural sedatives and that will make going for a run or walk less likely afterward.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Check out this link to Hungry Girl's versions of these holiday favorites!!

    Make one of these healthy dishes to take and share. Also, I know that the low calorie version of holiday foods won't be available at my family's holiday dinners so I am using portion control and making healthy choices when they are available. One other tip...never go there ravenous or you'll overeat for sure. Keep some Fiber One bars, carrot sticks, etc... handy and maybe even take a salad to eat before you dig into those holiday foods.

    Maybe even wear those smaller sized jeans that make you look great, so when everyone is complimenting on how great you look, you will be thinking about how those foods will not make you look good. That's what I'm planning on doing! :wink:

    Just remember ,"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!!" - Richard Simmons
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    here is what i'm planning. i will not count calories on thanksgiving or christmas because it will drive me crazy. i will not be having carb based stuff. not having potatoes, stuffing. however, i will enjoy turkey, cranberry relish, vegetables, salads. i think that is pretty reasonable and i can get filled up on that. if i do decide to take some of the carb stuff i will limit my portions. it is only one day so try to enjoy. then just make sure to exercise adn get back on track. you coudl even exercise right before eating in order to keep yourself from overeating. and drink a lot of water right before the meal.
  • andy_gilfrin
    Personally I'm just going to eat and drink what I want. I'm in the UK so we don't have thanksgiving so it will only be one day. I have been really good for the last 6 months so I figure one day off won't be a problem.

    That's not to say I'm going to stuff myself, but nothing will be particularly off limits.
  • loraflock
    I recommend drinking a very large glass of water about 15 minutes before you eat....this gives you a feeling of being full and helps you not to over eat. Also, stick to just the foods that you truly love and eat the correct portion size. Then try to work in 60minutes of extra exercise during the holiday it only if you plan to burn it!!!
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    Ooh and organise a big family walk afterwards!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    This is why I love zig-zagging my calories. Special events aren't a problem because I eat below my calorie target several days a week to bank them for splurging. I never go over my weekly calorie target doing this, can eat the foods I enjoy, and am still losing weight just fine. I love not feeling deprived. And a few days of eating low won't put you in starvation mode. It takes a long time for that to happen. In fact, this way of eating is supposed to boost your metabolism and, really, I think it's working as I'm losing better than ever before using this approach.

    Also, a tip from "French Women Don't Get Fat". If you're going to indulge in something, make it be something that counts. I love chocolate but only eat it sparingly as it's a trigger food for me but, when I do eat it, I don't have just any chocolate. I have something good like a Godiva chocolate or a Florentine from a local bakery or an amazing chocolate truffle.
    To apply this to Thanksgiving...I'm going to indulge in the things that I really love that aren't always available to eat like my delicious turkey stuffing. But mashed potatoes aren't a big deal to me so I won't have those. I will indulge in my brother-in-laws's crazy good salmon spread but won't eat my mother-in-law's pies as I'm not that big of a pie fan. Make sense?

    Portion control is also a good thing. Enjoy a small serving, take small bites, really let it roll around in your mouth so you enjoy the flavor, chew and chew, and then swallow. I find that small servings of yummy calorie-dense foods can really satisfy me this way. If I eat them faster, I need more to be satisfying.
  • slenderagain
    I plan to pre-track my food on these holidays to account for eating my favorites and skipping the dishes that I don't care as much about. I'm also going to go work out on the morning of Thanksgiving to give myself extra exercise calories to eat that day. (This won't work on Christmas as we are busy with the kids from the moment we wake up...but maybe an afternoon walk?)

    In any case, I am comitting myself to this weight loss journey and that is not going to change on a birthday or a holiday or for anything. There are just too many "special" occasions in life to halt my goals on account of them!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I just dont get caught up in the whole holiday thing. If I wanna try something, I do. I don't use the holidays as an excuse to over eat. I treat the holidays just like any old Tuesday. I guess I'm sorta of a Scoorge when it comes to X-Mas.