Feeling Light Headed



  • Clare_429
    What would you reccomend in the morning? I've never been all that imaginitive with breakfast.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Eggs and ham, oatmeal, Greek yogurt with granola...

    I've just had a look at your diary and it is true what the other posters said. You need more proteins but also more veggies and fruit. Try to eat less processed foods as well.

    Oh and you don't need that much water so don't overdo it. 8-10 glasses is more than enough!
  • Clare_429
    Eggs and ham, oatmeal, Greek yogurt with granola...

    I've just had a look at your diary and it is true what the other posters said. You need more proteins but also more veggies and fruit. Try to eat less processed foods as well.

    Oh and you don't need that much water so don't overdo it. 8-10 glasses is more than enough!

    Finding it really difficult to eat more protein for breakfast bus less carbs...eggs and ham shout sandwich at me lol.
    I know I've been eating crap this week to be honest but I knew if I didn't start tracking now I never would. Starting eating "properly" again tomorrow, as in cooking dinners.

    I know this sounds really stupid, but once I start drinking water I just want more and more...need to calm that down I guess!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Maybe you could look to include more fresh unprocessed foods - fresh fruit and veges are great and do wonders for your energy levels! I would also look to include a lean protein and a healthy fat at each meal. You could also look to track your sodium as well as I have no doubt that will be quite high.

    For breakfast I usually have oatmeal with banana and almond butter, or a protein shake with spinach and almond butter - i love me some almond butter lol

    Good luck!
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I have low blood pressure, and sometimes when the barometic pressure drops outside I can feel it. I get dizzy and sorta feel barfy. I know there's probably no scientific validity to this, but my brother gets the same reaction when it's about to rain.
    I find it gets worse when I'm cutting back on calories.