Trying This Again!

I've decided I need to make a change in my life! I was doing really good with MFP and exercising for a while but then stopped because of school/work/life/laziness. I've been eating pretty badly lately and have had absolutely no energy, so I'm jumping right back into it :) I always feel so much better when I'm taking good care of myself! I was so scared to weigh myself, but did it anyways and surprisingly I hadn't gained any weight so thats one thing to be happy about haha. Anyways I'm just looking for support because I can't do this alone.


  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    im in the same boad, add me as a friend, i just started back up yesterday!
  • Cherise1
    Me too! This is actually my first reply to a post! Staying on top of my weight is something I decided to make a priority again. Everything seems better in life when you feel good and feel better about yourself. I have enough headaches to deal with I shouldn't be creating more for myself by dragging myself down with poor food choices and laziness. So I'm focusing on the small victories I make, like the extra 5 minutes I put in on the elliptical..because I know they all add up to my goal!!