giving out Halloween candy...



  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I bought the kind that I'm allergic to.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I'm gonna hand out apples & mini-pretzel packs, someday, when I have a place where kids actually visit. Haha. My neighborhood is pretty geriatric...

    I'm fully prepared for any eggs and/or TP that may come my way. :bigsmile:
    Address. I have some eggs that have been sitting in the fridge for a while.

    I said I was prepared, I didn't say I was stupid. :tongue:
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    I'm going to cover onions with caramel and shove a stick in them and hope the kids think they are caramel apples...that'll teach them to get in my van when I yell free candy.

  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Since we have young kids that we take out we aren't home for trick or treaters.. what we do is make up a bag for our friends and family kids... then as we see eachother we give them out... we pretty much all walk the same neighborhood or go toogether so it is awesome!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i'll be out celebrating Samhain. but we live in a townhouse community and unless we do it on a different night from the town, we don't hand out candy. i can't afford $300 in CANDY b/c the town parents drive their kids by the busload to my neighborhood.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I have 3 kids of my own so we r going to go out to get FREE candy... I'm not buying it lol ... silly people :P
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    We only get like 3 trick or treaters here. I only buy one bag of candy and I buy a kind I don't like. This year I bought suckers.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    We don't even get trick-or-treaters but yet for some reason every stinking year we buy candy. Purely not my decision.

    I at least talked my guy into waiting until the last possible moment to buy candy, and to only buy the itty bitty baby bags.

    Last year I kept telling him I was eating it for a work snack, but in reality, I was just feeding my coworkers. Planning on doing the same this year again!

    Once we move and finally DO get kids coming for candy, my plan is to hand out fun toys instead of candy. I don't want to be held semi-responsible for helping to make today's kids fat.
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    I have some little toys and mini candy bars I'm handing out... and have already pre-packaged them in little baggies I bought at walmart.. so if I break into the little baggies (with twist ties to shut) to get the candy I'm essentially be stealing candy from the kiddies! okay maybe not stealing from kids, but the logic has stopped me so far ;)

    I'll bring any extras to work after halloween or just unload on the last kid before I go to bed

    That's a good idea, to pre package a variety of things. I can see myself buying into that logic too. Thanks!
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    Buy candy that you don't like?

    Is there such a thing? :huh:

    Seriously!? There are definitely things I don't like as much but they are most likely the things kids don't like as much also.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    We have tons and tons of trick or treaters. The first year in our house we went through roughly 8lbs of candy passing it out. We're taking our little boy out and then coming home. We only go down a few streets so he really only gets his bucket full and then we come home. We sort out what he can and can't have but last year we ended up throwing away almost a full bucket of candy. That's after we gave him some and ate a little bit ourselves. Lol
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    I think we'll give out all the candy my kids caught in the Halloween parade a few weeks ago. We don't get many trick-or-treaters and well, they'll be out getting candy and there is no need to add to the pile we already have without getting rid of some of it.
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    We don't even get trick-or-treaters but yet for some reason every stinking year we buy candy. Purely not my decision.

    I at least talked my guy into waiting until the last possible moment to buy candy, and to only buy the itty bitty baby bags.

    Last year I kept telling him I was eating it for a work snack, but in reality, I was just feeding my coworkers. Planning on doing the same this year again!

    Once we move and finally DO get kids coming for candy, my plan is to hand out fun toys instead of candy. I don't want to be held semi-responsible for helping to make today's kids fat.

    It's too bad that your mate won't be more supportive but I like the way you get rid of it! As far as helping make kids fat, I understand, but that's not up to you. Parents need to be more responsible and not allow their kids to go overboard and to so many houses, or at least ration out the candy. It's a shame because Halloween can be really fun & memorable and there is nothing wrong with a small TREAT in moderation.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    We don't get a lot of trick or treaters, but my kids get a ton of candy from trick or treating themselves. They are allowed to keep a certain amount and donate the rest -- our elementary school collects "Candy for Troops".
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    We don't get a lot of trick or treaters, but my kids get a ton of candy from trick or treating themselves. They are allowed to keep a certain amount and donate the rest -- our elementary school collects "Candy for Troops".

    That's awesome! I love how you are teaching your kids moderation and the donation thing is great. I should check to see if our local schools do anything like that. We don't have kids but I'm sure that doesn't mean we couldn't participate. Thanks!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    My husband is the one who usually says, "we better get enough" then eats the left over 100 pieces or so during the year! For some odd reason, I seem to do very well with Halloween. IF I DON'T START! As long as the candy is individually wrapped I get an A+, but if it is m&ms in a bowl, hold me back!!!

    This year my husband will be gone for Halloween, so I have the small back stashed in the cabinet already. I noticed for the first time this year when I got the TWIX, 3 Musketeers, Milkyway, etc. selection that it proclaimed on the front of the bag "Only 25 - 50 calories per piece!" Funny how that immediately triggered me to start the calculations in my head and wondering which I could eat more of!!! Luckily the entire bag is still sealed! It's a 40 oz bag. Want to know how many pieces because I'd love to give handfuls away and have none left over!

    I tried leaving it for the mailman, but he didn't want any. I kept finding them left behind in the mailbox. Plus it can get warm still and the mailbox is in the sun and it melted.....but that wouldn't have stopped "Old fat Susan!" That would be a plus for later!

    Good luck everyone, stay strong! You can buy one of those rotten old candy bars any day in any gas station any old time.....if you really think you need it that badly!!