Personal Trainer



  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    I love my pt's! I actually just got a new fella that I am getting used to, but he seems pretty good so far. . . Clicking is important, and the price sounds reasonable. I pay 60 a month, but I split my sessions up into two 30-min sessions, one every other week. I arrive 20 mins early to warm up with some cardio, so when I get to the training part, it's all muscle building. He then tells me what to do for the in between, and guides me with the cardio (cardio is pretty basic, whatever keeps your heart rate up). So by the next time I see him, the exercises he gave me are a breeze and we move on to something tougher!!!

    Hope this helps!!! Good luck!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I am kicking myself for not looking into this sooner. Turns out, this week was "spirit week" on campus, which means nothing to me really except that I missed out on tons of opportunities to take FREE classes and have a FREE consultation with a PT at the school's fitness center. DAMN IT!!!! Oh well.

    But I did go to the fitness center today, paid for membership for the rest of the semester, and I'll go check out their weights tomorrow.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    So I did look up the membership fee for the fitness center on campus- $70/semester or $200/year for staff. And they do offer Personal Trainers- $60/session or $210 for 4 sessions. I'll go take a gander at it :P See if I like the facility. I doubt I'll find a better membership fee. The personal trainer seems a bit high... but then I don't have a clue what personal trainers normally cost.

    I'm gonna look into some yoga classes near campus or at home too. The university offers yoga classes too, but not therapeutic classes and I like the idea of something a bit more personal and more tailored to my needs and less nameless-face-in-crowd.
    That's a standard price for a PT. Some smaller gyms may charge less. But make sure you get an experienced trainer and not a trainer in training.
  • Kermit1976
    I say go for it.. i started with a personal trainer for same reason i did exercise but loose motivation i need that someone to keep encouraging i been going for 4 months now best thing i have ever done i am so much fitter and TONED...
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    I would say go for it! I love my trainer, she pushes me to do things that I wouldn't have done on my own. She is through my local university's training programme and is really helpful about adjusting my programme to fit my goals and needs. Before the trainer my workouts would be a light swim or a walk, now I'm boxing, doing two spin classes a week, lifting heavy weights: awesome!
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    As I sit here, unable to move because my legs and butt hurt so bad from the training session, I just signed a 1 year contract. I'm excited! 8 sessions a month for $192 for 2 people. I thought I was working myself hard and doing great but it took just one session to show me how much I really don't know. My legs have never hurt so bad, and I would have never done those exercises on my own so I say a PT is a good thing. Ask me again in a week after I've had 2 more sessions, I might be crying by Good luck!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I say do it.. I'm on my second personal trainer(my first one got fired.. EEP) and I really like my new one a lot.

    My first PT wasn't bad... We got a long well, but he was more interested in how much money he could make, then our sessions. Granted we clicked and he could tell when something was up... but that was about it.

    The trainer I have now, is one that has been training my mom for a little over 9 months, and he's fantastic. Him and I get along really well and I'm way more comfortable with him then I ever was with my old PT. He already has a plan before I show up, instead of winging it like my old PT... which is really nice.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    So I'm back to thinking about this again, but I'm feeling a bit frustrated.

    The "personal trainers" offered at my university fitness center are college students that are working on some kind of fitness degree. I checked. None of them have any kind of certification and at best they've got a year or two of experience.

    So I started looking for someone else. I just googled personal trainers near my city.. and all I'm getting are people who seem a bit scary bro-science to me.

    How do I tell if they're good vs. if they're some dude that paid $69.95 for an online-certificate? Is there a way I can check up on people? This one guy had all these before and after pictures of supposed clients, but he was also advertising 'burn fat the easy way'! and when people start throwing that line around I get a bit nervous.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    So I'm back to thinking about this again, but I'm feeling a bit frustrated.

    The "personal trainers" offered at my university fitness center are college students that are working on some kind of fitness degree. I checked. None of them have any kind of certification and at best they've got a year or two of experience.

    So I started looking for someone else. I just googled personal trainers near my city.. and all I'm getting are people who seem a bit scary bro-science to me.

    How do I tell if they're good vs. if they're some dude that paid $69.95 for an online-certificate? Is there a way I can check up on people? This one guy had all these before and after pictures of supposed clients, but he was also advertising 'burn fat the easy way'! and when people start throwing that line around I get a bit nervous.
    I've been offering a free 30 minute session with "off the cuff" training at my new gym. A person tells me goals and their current routine. From there I confirm what they want (endurance, strength, physique, etc.) then I do a 30 minute workout with them with exercises or a short routine which I think suits what they are trying to achieve. Every single one is different, meaning I don't do cookie cutter programs (same exercises for everyone).
    I also really challenge them on weight resistance since I KNOW that heavy lifts is what really boosts metabolism. Of course if they are endurance athletes (long distance runners for example) then I have them use much more moderate weights with an emphasis on higher reps.
    Ask if you can get a sample training session. A good trainer should do it for you. If not, then all they care about is money.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Ask if you can get a sample training session. A good trainer should do it for you. If not, then all they care about is money.

    That's a great idea. Thanks.

    Yeah, I definitely don't want some cookie cutter program. The idea behind this is to find someone that can help me get results with my limited range-of-motion... that's why I don't want to use the "kids" at the college. I want someone who knows how to adapt, not just someone that can teach me what the text books say.
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    So I'm back to thinking about this again, but I'm feeling a bit frustrated.

    The "personal trainers" offered at my university fitness center are college students that are working on some kind of fitness degree. I checked. None of them have any kind of certification and at best they've got a year or two of experience.

    So I started looking for someone else. I just googled personal trainers near my city.. and all I'm getting are people who seem a bit scary bro-science to me.

    How do I tell if they're good vs. if they're some dude that paid $69.95 for an online-certificate? Is there a way I can check up on people? This one guy had all these before and after pictures of supposed clients, but he was also advertising 'burn fat the easy way'! and when people start throwing that line around I get a bit nervous.

    You can do interviews.. Ask to talk to previous clients.. If t's a good trainer, they' should let you do it.
    Like Niner said, Ask for a sample session.. most will do one for free, so that you can see how you feel or if you like them.

    I'm now going on my third trainer since my second one just got promoted to manager at my gym and is no longer training.. and I know I will be doing interviews, because my second trainer was a gem and the rest of them at my gym seem nice but I don't know if they are what I want.
  • ciorsdahmac
    I got my trainer throguh my gym, I signed up and as part of the "new joiner" pack at the gym you get a programme designed to kick start your membership. The guy who did my programme took all my measurements, then asked me what I wanted to achieve from being a member at the gym. He was very honest and told me that some of my aims were slightly unrealistic, some would take a while and that others we can start work on right away.

    He built a programme for me during the meeting, and didnt mention that he was a personal trainer. It was at the end of the session that I asked him if I wanted to train with someone who would I book through and he told me that he was a certified PT and can train me etc.

    That was 3 years ago, and he has since gone freelance and we have a great relationship. I'm in the UK, but I pay around £14 per session ( 30mins per week every week) and I pay in 20 week blocks. I used to get 1hr every 2 weeks but I needed the motivation of a weekly appointment.

    I'd certainly encourage you to get one, even for a few sessions. If you ask at a local gym about trainers, do they recoomend anyone? Do they have any trainers that work for them? And ask to meet them.

    Good luck x