calorie deficit



  • vanessa194
    vanessa194 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I eat my 1200 everyday, I do cardio everyday 60 minutes on the elliptical, thats 600+ calories burned. Weight training 3x a week . I eat fairly well, but I need to eat more veggies and my fat, carbs, and protein are well within range. I've only been doing this for 2 months, lost 15 lbs. However 3 weeks ago I showed no weight loss, then the next week 5 lbs lost and this week nothing again. I know that it could be water weight or muscle transformation. I have 65 lbs to lose, so there is fat to burn. Trying to do what I need to make it work!! Since my stomach has shrunk I eat less and fill up quickly. And I drink almost nothing by water!
    thank goodness im not the only .. and i drink water all day as well but i think im going to take everyone's advice and put in my workout early so i know how much i need to eat before i even work out .
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    my daily deficit is 660 (dont understand) my daily burn is 1860(sedentary) and calories should be 1200 ( daily) .

    Your daily deficit is 660 because you told MFP that you wanted to lose 2 pounds a week, but the site will not give you a calorie goal below 1200. Your maintenance level is 1860; a 2 pound loss per week would require you to cut 1000 calories a day and net only 860 - which is too low to be healthy.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    thanks everyone for the insight im going to have to kick my breakfast and lunch up a notch ..

    If you don't want to change portions use olive oil, peanuts butter/, nuts, or beans. All are good for you and can add extra calories without making you feel gross =]