Runners, physios, someone- please help.

I completed C25K some weeks ago and have gone onto Bridge to 10k.
I can't run for more than half an hour without my piriformis seizing suddenly and viciously on both sides: what do I do? For the first time I had to abandon a run tonight and it's given me the blues like you wouldn't believe.

Is it that my form is wrong or my shoes (properly fitted NBs, by the way) or am I just over-reaching myself or something? I know it's piri because if I do the sit down, foot on opposite knee, bend into it stretch it helps quite a bit. But getting started again is out of the question, so I've had to call it a night. A good twenty minutes of the previously mentioned stretch and a sit down with my wifes old thighmaster (remember them?) should see me right until I next run.

I hate running but it's a good exercise and I can afford it, unlike other forms: the only advice I'm looking for here is how to keep running without crippling myself.