Rewards Make It All Worth It

I'm back on a weight loss plan and this time for good. I finally got it through my head that some changes in life have to be permanent. That includes my health. But I need a vision. I've been trying to come up with a good motivator. Something that I could really look forward to and look back on the whole journey and say "wow, I did it!". A "reward" of some kind to give to myself once I have reached my goal. And I don't mean finally being able to fit into a size 8 dress. I mean something like throwing a party or going on a vacation. Can someone share a great reward they gave themselves or plan to after losing a significant amount of weight?


  • pkiesch
    pkiesch Posts: 259 Member
    I usually buy myself a new outfit when I reach a mini-goal! The other day I got a facial after reaching a bigger goal! Get manis/pedis to treat yourself!