I'm new :)

I'm 33 years old and a mom of 5 beautiful children, wife to one man of my dreams:). However, the weight has crept on over the years and now it's time to do battle!! I'm 5'8" and currently weigh 206.8 lbs...I've done a few diets over the years, not alot, but I'm currently following the Curves meal plan b/c it's more of a lifestyle/habit change than a 'diet' - and the end goal is to train my body to take in around 2000 +/- calories/day. I'm currently doing karate twice a week, which is very intense, and the rest of my time is taken with the kids still at home and keeping my house in order:) I'd like to get down to 160ish, which would be healthy for me......any ideas/thoughts/suggestions??? Thanks !!
