emotional eating

I started my fitness pal and then we had a death in the family and I got sick. I have been exercising moderately and tracking food even though I have been leaning toward comfort food. I have been shocked at how many calories certain foods have. Now I know I need to change the foods I have been eating. Where can I find meal plans for 1,200 calories that fill me up and give energy?.


  • Dee1006
    Dee1006 Posts: 37
    I found out about the website skinnytaste.com Good luck! :)
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    Sorry to hear about all that you have gone through lately.

    First thing I would do if I were you is buy a food scale. You can really eat anything you want as long as you know how much of it you are eating. I weigh everything and pay attention to portion sizes on packages.

    Look at the recipe section on here and use it to make things you like or look at some different sites. You can't get a meal plan from someone because it will probably have stuff you don't like. Just try to match things up and plan ahead what you will eat every day. I try to do oatmeal, greek yogurt, fiber one bars, carrot and celery sticks, apples as snacks to keep me fuller longer. Go for high fiber and high protein to get more bang for your buck.

    Good luck! It can take some getting used to but you can do it!
  • Thanks, i will check that out. you look great. Congratulations on the great progress. very inspiring.
  • Hi,

    Thanks for your informative reply. Your suggestions were very helpful! Congratulations on the great weight loss. :)