Why is too much fiber a negative

So MFP has my recommended fiber at 20g...which by everything I've heard/read is TOO low.
I try to get 25-30g a day.
In my totals on MFP that's seen as a negative & it's in red....took me a few days to realize I was over my limit & not under MFP limit of 20g Ya know, the big negative sign in front of it had me thinking it was a deficit :wink:

Is there a way to increase the daily goal of fiber in the food diary?
And since it's a negative does it mess with the magic food diary counter for each day? & some how penalize me?



  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    MFP just does the math and shows that you're "over" on your fiber requirement-- it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just means that you have consumed more than your requirement. I don't pay much attention to the negatives in fiber or protein--because your body just eliminates what it doesn't need. But sodium, sugar, and carbs, I definitely pay attention to!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    You can go to your "goals" and scroll to the bottom to update them. This will let you change your fiber grams.
    I have mine set for 25 per day.
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    I reset mine by going to my home and then goal and reset them from there.
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    I always go over on fiber because I have to so I don't worry too much about it. I had a look on other sites to work out how much I should have a day & adjusted it on here.
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    It's just a starting point, that's all.
    A perfect MFP day for me is when I am over on fiber and protein but under on calories, fats and carbs. If I can go over my protein but stay under my fats I know the protein I had was good lean protien. If I stay under carbs but over fiber I know that the carbs I had were unprocessed, whole grains or fruits and veggies. Being under calories just means I lose weight, so Yay!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Too much is >40-45ish g NOT >20 and you’ll know when it’s too much for your body; runny BM’s and cramping. Too much fiber will cause your body to not properly absorb nutrients b/c food is pushed out through your system too quickly.

    I’m sure everyone above me already told you how to fix your fiber minimum to 25g under your goals.
  • mrsgolfie
    mrsgolfie Posts: 42 Member
    It's just a starting point, that's all.
    A perfect MFP day for me is when I am over on fiber and protein but under on calories, fats and carbs. If I can go over my protein but stay under my fats I know the protein I had was good lean protien. If I stay under carbs but over fiber I know that the carbs I had were unprocessed, whole grains or fruits and veggies. Being under calories just means I lose weight, so Yay!

    Makes sense to me! :)
  • subela
    subela Posts: 76
    Too much is >40-45ish g NOT >20 and you’ll know when it’s too much for your body; runny BM’s and cramping. Too much fiber will cause your body to not properly absorb nutrients b/c food is pushed out through your system too quickly.

    I’m sure everyone above me already told you how to fix your fiber minimum to 25g under your goals.

    I don't believe getting too much fiber will cause your body to not properly absorb nutrients. In fact the opposite, eating whole foods break down slower allowing your body to absorb them naturally. It's designed perfectly by nature. I eat over 40g of fiber as a vegetarian, because I eat for the most part whole foods. If I ate processed my grams would be much less. I have never had a problem with diarrhea or cramping. In fact, no problems with constipation when I was vegan and had excellent labs last time I met with my MD. The best cholesterol profile she had ever seen. At 55, I have never been on any prescription medications. IMO the fiber grams are very low as others have said. I eat around 40 on 1500cal diet. I was eating alot more when I wasn't watching my calories.