There comes a point....

There comes a point in your life where you feel like not being healthy and not liking how you want to look takes a toll on things. I feel like I am at that point. It isn't just about not looking good but about the way I feel and right now I feel like I have no energy or motive to lose weight. I have gone through a lot of tough things this year and it doesn't help that I work 35 hours a week and am going to school full time for Occupational Therapy plus run my own small buisness, plus dog sit for people, clean houses, babysit, all to make ends meet. I am 23 years old and don't have anyone to depend on except myself and my boyfriend at times so it is SO hard to put working out and eating healthy above everything else when my life is so hectic. I really need motivation and if anyone is going through a similar situation. PLEASE tell me your story and what you do. I know that working out will give me energy and make me a healthier person and then having the body of my dreams will make me more confident. Should I take babysteps, or just jump in? What did YOU do? My weight loss goal isn't much, just about 20 pounds but boy is that hard to get rid of. Thanks for listening to my vent!



  • trilikeagirl
    I spent money I didn't have on a race I didn't think I could do, three months away. Then I told people. (giggle) That pretty much got me off the couch. The rest takes care of itself. Good luck, and kudos to you for wanting to be here.

    PS Is that you now in your photo? You are a total hottie already.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Don't even think about exercising yet. You sound like you are getting a lot of activity and cleaning houses is a lot of exercise. Start slow. You can add the exercise in later. I don't know a student that doesn't walk all day carrying books, anyway and that all counts. . Do you have a smart phone ? You can get the app so that you can log your calories where ever you are. You don't have to have it, but it makes it easier. Just figure out your calories according to the program here and start with that. Log everything you eat for a couple of days and see where your problem times are. With all that activity, it might just be a matter of making more healthy food choices or realizing that your portions are too large. You could be stress eating. Figure out where you are going wrong before you try to fix everything at once. Stress can make everything seem monumental. If you take it in small steps you'll find that its not as hard as it feels and you'll be more confident. Good luck.
  • ineednapkin
    I agree with trilikeagirl- Making a commitment to a race, especially a monetary commitment AND telling people that you are going to do it are huge motivators. Just having that date loom in the distance and having a training plan (there are several all over the internet) really make me feel like I have to work out :)

    Hope this helps
  • journey2happiness
    Hey Danielle,
    I totally hear you. I am a full time college student and work as well, and I have given up. While it may feel like a relief that you no longer think about calories or your weight, in the long run it will only make you more frustrated with yourself and less confident overall. What has helped me get back on to MFP after gaining weight in college was that I want to live a long, healthy, fulfilling life because there's so much that I want to accomplish. To give in now will not only hurt us in the short run, by giving us less energy to get everything we need to get done now, and it couldalso lead to future medical conditions where we will say "man, I wish I had maintained a healthier lifestyle when I was younger." This is for our health as well as our self-esteem--how incredible will it be once we feel good, look good, and are completely confident with ourselves?! Maintaining that lifestyle will come naturally and we will excel at everything we have on our full plates. DON'T GIVE UP!! This is all going to be worth it, now and in the future.
    Hang in there girl! You got this!
  • ineednapkin
    p.s. i know what you mean about being in college and all the commitments and stuff-- trust me, last year I was a senior in college, taking 18 credit hours, working two jobs, (one an hour away) and all this other stuff, but I managed to train for a 10k and a half marathon. You can do it, it's just how much priority it has. If you are considering running a 5k or 10k, the runs can take up to an hour/hour and a half for training... it really helps to find a running/workout buddy to help keep you accountable....

    You will get through this stressful time!!! Trust me, I know! lol
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    Yuppers I know how you feel, I'm 22 years old, work Monday-Sunday, am getting ready to go back to school, feel like there's never enough time....

    you can do it. Start with logging your food. That's how I started, and have lost 10 pounds in the month of October. I barely started adding "exercise" (I walk my dog for TEN minutes before getting ready for the day)
    I know it's not a lot, but next week maybe it will be 15 minutes, but for now, that's what I can handle. : )
  • val205
    val205 Posts: 50 Member
    Sounds like you're so time poor! By best advice would be to try and squeeze in a teeny bit of time to plan ahead - if you're organised with which meals you are going to eat and when, and have your shopping done in advance, and when you can squeeze in some exercise time, it's much easier to stick to a healthy eating and fitness plan - and in the long run being organised saves more time too! Good luck :)
  • healthychic
    Wow I just realized I haven't been on here in nearly a year to read this! I only log in my calories and exercise from time to time while on my Iphone. I appreciate all the kind words and advice, I am back on MFP and ready to get serious about this eating healthy and exercise thing! Wish me luck :)
