Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #14



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thanks Jen for running this! I hope things with your gallbladder lighten up. I had mine removed last year after letting it go on for to long (gallbladder attacks really suck!) finally took me being in pain for like 4 hours before I made and appointment. But it really helped me out.

    I've been doing good with my water, though I've also been drinking a lot of tea. I see a major caffeine withdraw headache in my future.

    I also want to get some advice, that is not weight related. I'm not sure what to do about this situation.

    Our neighbor across the street had puppies, and well I noticed the mother dog was super skinny the last time I passed by the house. That got me all worked up, but I decided the right thing to do would be to talk to them before being one of those crazy neighbors who calls animal control without knowing whats going on. (and when I say super skinny, I mean you can count ribs, and see her hip bones and the bones in her tail!). So the girl explains to me that its her boyfriends dogs (whos in jail) and she's just watching them until he gets out, and that after the mom had the puppies she got really skinny and she doesn't know why, but that she she's her eat, and that she eats a lot, but that she's going to take her to the vet....well I don't know if she did or didn't, but the mom dog still looks sickly and its been 2 weeks since then. Then to top it off, all the puppies are starting to look sick too! And today one of the puppies died. My mom came to visit and I was telling her about how cute they were (because they are cute). And we noticed the dad dog picking up and putting down one the puppies and it wasn't moving..we waited like 30 minutes, hoping it was some kind of fluke. So I ended up having to go over and tell them that one of their puppies died....

    Just to add, our front door/porch faces their yard that only has chain link around it, so I don't have to try very hard to be a creepy neighbor.

    So anyways, when I tell the girl this, she responds with "I think the dad is killing them, he plays to hard with them, and breaks their necks, he's already killed one before" of course I ask why they don't separate him from the puppies, and she says because they have other dogs that he fights with so they can't move him...

    I dunno, between the now 2 dead puppies, and the sickly looking mom... I feel like something should be done. Which of course if I call, they will know it was me because I'm probably the only neighbor who's gone over to talk to them twice about their dogs. AND we don't have a humane society here, we have a pound. Which means they will probably keep the puppies and try to re-home them, but I'm almost sure the would put down the mom and possibly the dad (depending on his personality).

    What do you guys think I should do?
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    A tricky one. Maybe go over again and ask if you can help. Are you in a position to have one of the puppies so that at least one gets saved? Maybe offer to take the mum to the vet? How old are the puppies? Sorry, I'm not much help I know, how distressing to watch.:sad:

  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Great week guys! Sorry I am still having 12 hours days, and end up falling asleep before I can post anything here. I haven't really had time to work out, but last Sunday was my 10K run, which went really well. I'm also biking/walking to and from the train station, so I am getting a bit of exercise in :)

    New Weight: 164.5

    I'll post my measurements shortly :D Keep it up!!!

    bust 40
    waist 36
    hips 40.25
    arms L 10.75 R 10.75
    legs L 19.75 R 19.5
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    CW 149.5 ~ I'm out of the 150s, only by 8 oz but its wonderful to see 140s!!

    Bust 39
    Arms 11
    Waist 30
    Hips 40
    Thighs 19

    My co-workers are starting to refer to me as "skinny". And I'm not sure if its a good or bad thing. I am truly not skinny, but I am thinner then I was. Here's the thing, we had a Halloween party at work. I only took a couple of crackers and some raw veggies then ate what I brought for lunch because the lunch they ordered in was either fried chicken or subs (with loads of mayo, cheese and processed meats) and a tray of cupcakes for dessert. I watch what I eat and count everything. So if I don't know what is in it I don't eat it. Later I overheard two of my co-workers saying that the food they ordered for lunch "wasn't good enough for me". This really hurt my feelings! I'm not a snob, I just don't want to be fat anymore. When I tried to approach one of them, they laughed saying they were just kidding. But the truth of the matter is, I reallly don't think they were.

    I know I don't share alot in this group, mostly because of time constraints, but I could really use some feedback on this. Thanks in advance!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Thanks Jen for running this! I hope things with your gallbladder lighten up. I had mine removed last year after letting it go on for to long (gallbladder attacks really suck!) finally took me being in pain for like 4 hours before I made and appointment. But it really helped me out.

    I've been doing good with my water, though I've also been drinking a lot of tea. I see a major caffeine withdraw headache in my future.

    I also want to get some advice, that is not weight related. I'm not sure what to do about this situation.

    Our neighbor across the street had puppies, and well I noticed the mother dog was super skinny the last time I passed by the house. That got me all worked up, but I decided the right thing to do would be to talk to them before being one of those crazy neighbors who calls animal control without knowing whats going on. (and when I say super skinny, I mean you can count ribs, and see her hip bones and the bones in her tail!). So the girl explains to me that its her boyfriends dogs (whos in jail) and she's just watching them until he gets out, and that after the mom had the puppies she got really skinny and she doesn't know why, but that she she's her eat, and that she eats a lot, but that she's going to take her to the vet....well I don't know if she did or didn't, but the mom dog still looks sickly and its been 2 weeks since then. Then to top it off, all the puppies are starting to look sick too! And today one of the puppies died. My mom came to visit and I was telling her about how cute they were (because they are cute). And we noticed the dad dog picking up and putting down one the puppies and it wasn't moving..we waited like 30 minutes, hoping it was some kind of fluke. So I ended up having to go over and tell them that one of their puppies died....

    Just to add, our front door/porch faces their yard that only has chain link around it, so I don't have to try very hard to be a creepy neighbor.

    So anyways, when I tell the girl this, she responds with "I think the dad is killing them, he plays to hard with them, and breaks their necks, he's already killed one before" of course I ask why they don't separate him from the puppies, and she says because they have other dogs that he fights with so they can't move him...

    I dunno, between the now 2 dead puppies, and the sickly looking mom... I feel like something should be done. Which of course if I call, they will know it was me because I'm probably the only neighbor who's gone over to talk to them twice about their dogs. AND we don't have a humane society here, we have a pound. Which means they will probably keep the puppies and try to re-home them, but I'm almost sure the would put down the mom and possibly the dad (depending on his personality).

    What do you guys think I should do?
    Wow! What an uncomfortable position to be in

    I am thinking if this were children no one would be hesitating. Somebody has to save these puppies. I know around here there are foster homes and such. I know this is a difficult situation to be in, but you have tried to talk to her a few times and she didn't change anything... something has to be done for those puppies and maybe somehow they will manage to save the mother.

    Deep down your neighbour probably wants the help. Although, she will never admit to it. Deep down she knows that things are not working right now for the puppies. Sounds like she might be overwhelmed by having so many dogs around and she doesn't know how to look after them properly. Maybe they will teach her the skills she needs to do so.

    Good luck!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi Everyone - I hope you have some fun plans for the weekend! I had a small victory last night. I was hungry in the late aftenoon so I heated a bowl of Weight Watcher chili I had made the night before. Then I went to the football game...which the score was too close so my son didn't get his shot to play :frown: At the game I started to get hungry, so I had alittle snack and then all I could think of is just jumping off the wagon and having wine and just eating when I got home!!!!!! I thought of MFP and I had that feeling like NO ONE is going to talk me out of this!!!!!!! I had lost control:noway: I had to go put my Dad to bed and I had a few veggies sticks. Once I got home my dissappointed son was turning on the TV to play a game.....I decided I better go straight to bed...I did have two bites of a Reeses pie my daughter made and some Fresca (diet soda). I feel it was a huge Victory and I am ready for a day of exercise and chores...ok maybe some wine at sunset...but I will have plenty of calories for that!!!!!

    NeroticVirgo ~ Yikes!!!:noway: WOW I am so impressed that you went and talked to them more than once!!! You did the right thing. But since nothing has changed you might have to make that call. Can you offer to take a puppy? My guess is the girl doesn't have the money to get them all to the vet. You are in a hard place since you don't want the boyfriend to get home and freak out either...but I guess the dogs will be gone no matter what. They will be taken if you make the call or dead if you don't..... Please keep us up to date.

    Gardenimp ~ Gosh - I know how you must feel. I would feel the same, but the truth is those girls could be jealous of your fabulous control and the fact that you are looking good. I think all you can do is explain to get it off your chest and move on. It sounds like they aren't worth you time to worry about. You are doing a GREAT job!!! Keep it up:happy:

    Have a great weekend - See Ya :glasses:
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    CW 149.5 ~ I'm out of the 150s, only by 8 oz but its wonderful to see 140s!!

    Bust 39
    Arms 11
    Waist 30
    Hips 40
    Thighs 19

    My co-workers are starting to refer to me as "skinny". And I'm not sure if its a good or bad thing. I am truly not skinny, but I am thinner then I was. Here's the thing, we had a Halloween party at work. I only took a couple of crackers and some raw veggies then ate what I brought for lunch because the lunch they ordered in was either fried chicken or subs (with loads of mayo, cheese and processed meats) and a tray of cupcakes for dessert. I watch what I eat and count everything. So if I don't know what is in it I don't eat it. Later I overheard two of my co-workers saying that the food they ordered for lunch "wasn't good enough for me". This really hurt my feelings! I'm not a snob, I just don't want to be fat anymore. When I tried to approach one of them, they laughed saying they were just kidding. But the truth of the matter is, I reallly don't think they were.

    I know I don't share alot in this group, mostly because of time constraints, but I could really use some feedback on this. Thanks in advance!
    I know how hard this is for you. People do tend to make comments when they are jealous of people. Let me give you an example of when I was in High school. My best subject was math. I was really good at it. It just came naturally. Then one day, we got a test back and my friends were cmparing grades. Then, myfriend said about me "we don't want to ask her what she got, we all know she got an 'A'. Being a teen at the time, all I wanted more then anything was to be accepted. I stopped trying in math after that. Still got good grades but not the 'A's that I could've gotten. Long story short, you shouldn't ever stop looking out for what is best for you, no matter what people think or say. The truth of the matter is my friends wanted to do as great as I di, they always asked me for help. Sometimes the biggest problem with anything is the lack of understanding and communication.

    When I see food being brought in at my work, I will always discuss my anxiety about the calories ro how to ballence the exercise if I eat it. You are the only one who knows what is best for you. Keep on being true to you and be confident that you are doing what is right for you and not for them.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    NeroticVirgo - Wow that is a hard position to be in. I admire that you have gone to your neighbor twice with a caring attitude. And it is true that if anyone (you or someone else) calls the pound you may get the blame for it, but it sounds like your heart is in the right place. I do agree with Judy in that whether you call or not the puppies may be gone when the bf gets home anyway. Doing the right thing is definitely not always the easy thing. I think you have to do what will help you sleep better at night. I admire whatever choice you make. Please let us know how it all turns out.

    Gardenimp - It is truely sad that those around us sometimes sabotage our efforts. It sounds like you planned ahead to make smart choices for yourself. I think the more we let ourselves dwell on hurt feelings like this the more we hurt ourselves. Maybe you might be able to help plan the next holiday party & throw in some healthier choices on the menu. Or bring in some fabulous recipe that you just had to share that works with your meal plan. I try to say I am working on making healthier choices to get to a healthier weight. People seem more accepting of healthy talk. Stay true to yourself and keep being the inspiration you are. It is very possible that someone is lurking around to see if you really will be successful because they desperately want to be successful too. I know that was me many times in the past.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I LOVE THIS GROUP:heart: JUST SAYIN :bigsmile:

    Went to the gym treadmill and yoga...yummy salad and guiltless I am going to organize my shoes in the closet at my husband's request...and do some yard work....then I'm chillin :glasses:

    Do you think I hang out with teenagers too much LMAO :tongue:

    Make Good Choices
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    sorry I'm late with my weigh in CW 148 haven't loss any this week but I haven't gained any either! :wink:
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    CW 149.5 ~ I'm out of the 150s, only by 8 oz but its wonderful to see 140s!!

    Bust 39
    Arms 11
    Waist 30
    Hips 40
    Thighs 19

    My co-workers are starting to refer to me as "skinny". And I'm not sure if its a good or bad thing. I am truly not skinny, but I am thinner then I was. Here's the thing, we had a Halloween party at work. I only took a couple of crackers and some raw veggies then ate what I brought for lunch because the lunch they ordered in was either fried chicken or subs (with loads of mayo, cheese and processed meats) and a tray of cupcakes for dessert. I watch what I eat and count everything. So if I don't know what is in it I don't eat it. Later I overheard two of my co-workers saying that the food they ordered for lunch "wasn't good enough for me". This really hurt my feelings! I'm not a snob, I just don't want to be fat anymore. When I tried to approach one of them, they laughed saying they were just kidding. But the truth of the matter is, I reallly don't think they were.

    I know I don't share alot in this group, mostly because of time constraints, but I could really use some feedback on this. Thanks in advance!

    I have the same problem on my job with certain co-workers but I know they are haters and they wish they could stick to anything to do what I'm doing. LOSING WEIGH and GETTING HEALTHY!!! LET YOUR HATERS BECOME YOUR MOTIVATORS!!!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    WOW! Such a bad day in terms of food. :ohwell: :grumble: :frown: :frown: :frown:

    So disappointed. It was all stress-eating! I was even logging it as I was eating it, but it did not deter me! I was just like "Oh, this won't hurt too much". And now that I sit back and see the RED -450 staring at me, it's starting to sink in.

    If only my rational mind was in control as I was actually eating candy and cake today. :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    man. it feels like no matter how good my intentions are, i keep breaking down and eating crap i shouldn't eat! and my exercise motivation is definitely lacking. ugh. so frustrating!
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    CW: 188.8
    Really suffered for my stupid weekend of salt and overeating last week as I went from 185 up to 192. Then didn't make good choices this while I lost some of the water weight....obviously kept some of the pounds. But went shopping all day with my skinny sister-in-law and neice and that was motivating!!! Going to start cooking again and stay away from our cafeteria.

    Gardenimp...I get some interesting response if people realize I'm tracking calories on computer or phone..."that is so laborious...why do you do that....I would hate doing that". Problem is that so many people don't see overeating as a problem or addiction in some people. They would never laugh at an alcoholic for getting support from AA. I don't have a problem with alcohol...but I sure as heck do with food and am trying not only to lose weight, but to eat healthily so I don't have severe health problems. If they can't accept that then what the heck....have to do what is best for me in the end...which has taken me a while to see. Hang in there and keep up the good work.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    WOW! Such a bad day in terms of food. :ohwell: :grumble: :frown: :frown: :frown:

    So disappointed. It was all stress-eating! I was even logging it as I was eating it, but it did not deter me! I was just like "Oh, this won't hurt too much". And now that I sit back and see the RED -450 staring at me, it's starting to sink in.

    If only my rational mind was in control as I was actually eating candy and cake today. :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
    Hang in there Mel!

    I've had many days like that, my damage in red was -1050 one day! I was really disappointed in myself the, but chose to just pick myself back up the next day. In fact it was a great way to motivate me to do better. I know you can do better, you have before, but more importantly, you know you can do better. Keep believing in yourself and striving to be the best you possible!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    man. it feels like no matter how good my intentions are, i keep breaking down and eating crap i shouldn't eat! and my exercise motivation is definitely lacking. ugh. so frustrating!

    Yes it is! I find its easier for me to slow down and take baby steps to get back on track. Start with food, and once I start feeling like food is under control then I add in exercise. (I fall off the wagon a lot.).

    Also weighed in yesterday, same weigh as last Friday.... But given my behavior last week I was expecting worse.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'll update on the puppy situation when I know more, I noticed the puppies weren't outside anymore with the mom and the dad this not sure if they moved them for good, or just one day or what. At least they did something though.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    WOW! Such a bad day in terms of food. :ohwell: :grumble: :frown: :frown: :frown:

    So disappointed. It was all stress-eating! I was even logging it as I was eating it, but it did not deter me! I was just like "Oh, this won't hurt too much". And now that I sit back and see the RED -450 staring at me, it's starting to sink in.

    If only my rational mind was in control as I was actually eating candy and cake today. :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:
    Hang in there Mel!

    I've had many days like that, my damage in red was -1050 one day! I was really disappointed in myself the, but chose to just pick myself back up the next day. In fact it was a great way to motivate me to do better. I know you can do better, you have before, but more importantly, you know you can do better. Keep believing in yourself and striving to be the best you possible!

    Thanks for the encouragement. I hopped on the scale this morning and was amazed I didn't see like a +5 staring at me. Time to pull myself back together and make today a better day.
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    CW 152.6 That's up .4.
    I seem to be a bit stuck.
    Bust 37.5
    Hips 40.75
    arms 14
    thighs 21.5
    waist 37
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    cw: 185

    That is my Christmas goal - done by Halloween!! :bigsmile:
    I wish we had a happy dance smiley to choose from because that is what I have been feelin' this morning. I seem to be on a cycle of big loss - no/small loss - no loss - small/no loss - then back to big loss. This week is my big loss & I am going to enjoy it.