Dukan Dieter and New Joiner

Hello everyone. Im new and have joined to hopefully monitor my calorie intake a little better. Ihave stalled massively on Dukan (I am in Cruise phase currently and have been for about three weeks) and just realising that I am eating way too few calories per day (i.e. put in yesterdays consumpton and it came to 650 calories!) Wierd as I do feel full and not especially hungry but keen to to this properly and do not want to go into starvation mode - Not a statement I ever thought I would make about myself lol!!!

Anyway hello and hopefully all your pearls of wisdom will help me get going!!

PS is there an iphone app for this site at all?


  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    There's an app for that :). Also, you will run into a LOT of opposition about the Dukan diet on here. A lot of people (myself included) don't think very highly of it for reasons like you stated (taking in 650 calories). The good thing is that you realize that it's not enough, and you want to do this healthily.

    Personally, what's worked for me is slow and steady weight loss. I make sure that I eat at least 1200 net calories a day, which usually involves eating back some of my exercise calories. I try to net between 1300 and 1600 calories per day. I also work out 5-6 days a week for about an hour with a combo of running, yoga, and weight training. This is what has worked for me to maintain a sustainable weight loss.
  • FrayedKnot
    Hi again.
    I use the app all the time and find it very useful, especially the bar-scanner that locates the food immediately.
    As you know, I'm having trouble with Dukan's too.
    It goes against my principles to eat only protein, especially as I have in the past eaten raw for 18 months.
    However, I am prepared to give this a proper go, as it has worked well for so many people.
    Maybe it's time for me to go Cruise.
    Dukan does say i his book that you may well stick on your weight for a while in the Cruise phase, just try to stay with it.
    Good luck, m'lady.
    Let me know how you get on.