Why I love planning ahead

I love planning ahead because I knew what to expect today. I was able to avoid temptation in the form of my bosses buying me dinner and my favourite restaurant and I had pizza tonight with the family AND I'm able to have dessert tonight too.

Thank you to the Universe for planning ahead! :)


  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    cause that way you dont have to do anything now
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Yup, I'm a planner too!
    I grocery shop with a list, so I know I have items for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. I shop the farmer's market to get the local fruits and vegetables etc.
    I often fill out my entire day in the morning to make sure it will be within my limits, or know just how many calories I'm need to burn on that elliptical.
    I generally know what I'm going to order before I step into a restaurant. I have a plan for unexpected meals out too.
  • Rohnic
    Rohnic Posts: 82
    so true! Its friday, so Im gonna have a beer or two tonight!
    no problem, i adjusted the rest of the day, cheers.