Am I getting to skinny



  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    If the photo and the weight you posted are accurate, you are not too skinny! When I lost a bunch of weight before (235-127!), you would not believe the things people would say to me! They're used to seeing you FAT, and if they liked you FAT, they have to learn to deal with you on a different level. Here are some of the worst:

    "Are you sick? You're getting too thin."

    "You better stop losing weight now."

    "I liked you better when you were fat!" <-- I swear! That's the worst one!

    "What happened to your (boobs, butt, face...)?"

    What's horrible about this, too, is that you realize that everyone is looking at your body - that used to make me totally paranoid! I also had to learn how to handle positive attention to my new shape. There's so much more to adjust to besides your new clothes and how you feel about yourself - others will feel differently about you, too. You'd think your friends would be happy for you, and it's a rude awakening when many are not!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    You look GREAT~!!So much younger and healthier looking!
    You`re the one that knows how you feel.
    Good job:drinker:
  • lindz625
    lindz625 Posts: 30 Member
    You look great! I've gotten these comments too and I still have 15-20 pounds that I want to lose. I don't think people realize how camouflaging clothes can be, especially when someone is close to their goal. I'm pretty sure the person that told me not to lose anymore would change their mind if they saw me in a bikini (eek). I say keep pushing for your goal, but also listen to your body because it will tell you where it is comfortable. If you reach your goal and decide it's too thin or difficult to maintain, then you can adjust from there. Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Based on your face, I think that you're still at about 26% body fat. That's just my assessment. You're doing fine.
  • ChocoMary
    ChocoMary Posts: 68 Member
    You look really, really good ! Wow ;) not sickly ! Really nice !
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    I remember reading your amazing story! I think as long as your happy and healthy it's nobody else's business, we are adults and know if we are healthy...I have a MFP who says opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has oneI personally think you look's not usually concern, it's jealousy or boredom that make people say these things...Rock on girl! 

    My mom says "Opinions are like armpits - everybody has 2 of them and they both stink!" :laugh:
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I think you look beautiful and sexy!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I think you look beautiful congrats!
  • debilyn574
    debilyn574 Posts: 92 Member
    You look good, not too skinny! I am dealing with the same thing though, I do not think I am too skinny AT ALL yet others tell me not to lose any more weight. I am trying for the last 5 pounds then will focus on building more muscle.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I think that people are just used to seeing you bigger and this a big change. You look great! As my Mum once said to me, people will tell you if they think you look to skinny but not too big, if you like your weight, or even want to go down to 130-125 do what feels good to you.

    What she said! I think you look great!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Nope!! you look amazing!!

    People that are use to seeing us bigger think we are wasting away if we get to a healthy's pretty bizarre but whatever.

    also jealousy comes into play as well, i literally had my cousin tell me not to get skinnier than her because she didn't want to look bad at her wedding, too bad! 'cause i'm gonna get as fit as I can!!
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I hope the photo works...I took the new one today. some people say I am looking sick. For my BMI and large frame I just got into the upper healthy BMI. I really would like to be in the middle and that is like 130-125. The lowest is 108 and I know I don't want to be that small.I do want to look healthy ....I feel great...please tell me the truth

    Honestly, I think you look perfect how you are. I wouldn't lose anymore. You really do look awesome! Congrats on your loss!
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    If it is your profie picture, then no, you don't look sick/too skinny, you look FANTASTIC! Congrats!

    It is your body not theirs, so do whatever makes you happy and healthy!
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    please do not take this wrong, I too am 47, my thought is that when we are more "mature" we should stay at the higher end of the BMI, we look better there, you look fantastic now, but if you went down to the lower end of your BMI I think you would look to skinny, great job on your weight loss!!

    This!!! I mean well
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    You look fine---Not too skinny---The people around you are 1 of 2 things---1. They are used to seeing you bigger and can't grasp you at the weight you are now, or 2. Jealous of your success and would like to see you bigger to make themselves feel better.

    Good Luck :)

    I totally agree with these two options, well, it's understandable that they worry at first, when my first friend when from overweight to skinny I didn't see her during the process, but I knew it was due to a relationship misfunction, and the first thing I thought was "I hope she's not eating because that stupid guy". I mean, I just wanted to make sure she was healthy and balanced, not to lose weight at the cost of a mental breakdown...but once I got used to my firend's new look I was sooo happy for her that she managed to lose all that weight, and look simply great!!

    If you're like in your profile pic I think you're looking great, and yeah, there is still some more meat left, I don't think your goal is ridicously skinny, however you look great right now, so don't stress to reach your goal, and I guess along the way you'll find what you feel comfortable with, as long as you know when to stop it all should be fine :D. And jealousy from your friends, especially the female ones can be expected!:D
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