Meal out!

I am going for a meal out to the holiday inn tomorrow night and am already worrying about the calories!! what do you suggest is the best restaurant food to eat on a night out so i can (hopefully) stay with in range?

thanks guys!


  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    It's difficult to say without knowing what they offer. I think the easiest things to estimate are things where you can see what you get ie grilled meat, boiled rice or boiled/jacket potato, vegetables/salad without dressing. Things that are mixed together e.g. sauces added, mashed potato are much more difficult because they could have put any sneaky amount of butter or cream or something in without you even realising.

    That said, if going out is once in a while for you then I would just enjoy whatever you like and not worry too much about it :)
  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    Grilled chicken and salad with dressing on the side is usually a safe choice.
    Maybe a chef's salad? I love those!

    Have a great night out.
  • julieabery
    have u tried to see if the menu is on MFP or google the menu. good luck x x
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    Start off with a good size garden salad. Make sure it has no cheese/croutons and ask for the dressing on the side (get a simple dressing, nothing creamy) and just dip your lettuce/veggies in it as you eat instead of pouring the whole thing on.

    Look on the menu for any sort of grilled chicken that comes with veggies or roasted potatos. Remember that many restaurant's serving sizes are double so ask for half to go.

    Or you could get a salad that comes with chicken such as a grilled chicken caesar salad (dressing on the side, no bacon bits, croutons, cheese.)

    Enjoy your meal out! :)
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    check to see if the restaurant within the hotel has an online menu so you can see, ahead of time, how the food is prepared... if they have nutrition information, of course that's golden, but if they don't... look for grilled items and stay away from sauces. Sauces can hide hundreds of calories, hundreds!

    Have a baked potato or baked sweet potato and go "naked" not "loaded".

    I stay away from pasta dishes.

    The other trick that most people will tell you is to box up half of your dinner as soon as it gets to the table that way you won't be tempted to eat it all and most places give you way too much food. I believe that if you know how many calories you have to deal with, you know the portion size of the meat you are ordering (6 oz. filet), you can work that into your day (at least I do). If you order an 8 oz. steak, sure, cut it in half and eat 4 oz. and fill up on veggies and salad... and watch those salad dressings...
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Many chains now publish their restaurant's nutritional info online, but sadly Intercontinental (that's who owns Holiday Inn) don't seem to offer that service.

    As LilMissFoodie suggested... if it's a one off, just go and enjoy yourself.

    If you do want to keep to the lighter side... prawns and chicken are a good bet (as long as they are not drenched in garlic butter or some other creamy sauce).

    Or just order what you fancy, but maybe only eat half the portion provided. Then log it as 1000kc and maybe add 15mins extra each day to your workout routine over the next week.

    Just because we're all desperate to lose weight doesn't mean we have to give up enjoying life and its little pleasures. Look on it as a treat and not worry about counting calories for a few hours. You might actually find that it won't hinder your progress one little bit. :happy: